Is there such thing as "Ow the Edge" character done right?

Is there such thing as "Ow the Edge" character done right?


Shit, I came to post her.

if its done right then shouldn't the character come off as badass or cool instead of edgy

There are only post-9/11 teenagers who can't comprehend abnormal characters.



None of these.
Kain from Legacy of Kain.

Not important guy, pretty sure some of the MGS "villains"

The one whos name is not important.

You misspelled Kaine there, user. There's an e at the end.

Why do people get so butthurt over "edgy" characters?


pic related

Kill or be killed user!

War is a cruel parent, but an effective teacher!

This little nigger is an actual edgelord, not a fucking emo retard like the rest of your posts anons.

because edge is a badass that failed to be badass and just sucks instead.


Came here to post this. Not only is she done right but she's best girl in the game and arguably best girl in the franchise.

She's just le crazy harley quinn girl for plebs.


I dare you to tell me why Velvet doesn't qualify.

You're thinking of Arkham's Harley Quinn

>a character

He's been around for 78 years

Yes, but he comes from a medium that isn't aimed at literal children.

I see what you did there



p-please don't ban me for posting lol stuff on Sup Forums like last time.

I didn't know ants played lol actually that makes a lot of sense

>LWA gets a game before KLK does
Really makes you ponder

LWA is fairly popular and probably a lot easier to make into a game, and fans won't have lofty expectations for the gameplay.

When the edge is a actual flaw in the character and not just something to show how cool a character is.

I guess it helps that its being made by some interns at Bamco with no budget
