Should the mania devs try making a 3D Sonic game? They really like the Adventure titles.
Should the mania devs try making a 3D Sonic game? They really like the Adventure titles
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It'd be like getting a good fast food worker and making them do fine dining.
Hol up is that a mothrfuckin food analogy
no, adventure is fucked. Boostshit fags are gonna trash it in the review should that happen.
leave it to indy amateurs for that gameplay.
you've got those mixed up
There's a difference between liking them and working on fan made games around them. Unlike the list of rom hacks, I don't think stealth and co have a track record with 3D sonic adverture games.
Which sucks because I would like nothing more than a remastered Advenute one game with a better story for Gamma who had hands done the best story.
literally anyone can make a romhack, but a true genius to make something like forces.
Eh sounds okay.
What I'd like is if they made a bunch of new special stage tracks and sold them for like $5-10. I think there's a lot of fun to be had with the special stage gameplay and wish it was more fleshed out.
>final boss
>get teleported
>knight eggrobo thing appears
>zooms away
>I do too
>the camera doesn't follow
>obviously die because I can't see what I'm doing
>game over
>have to do the whole zone again
The dude's somewhat right. Take a bunch more work to make a 3D game than a 2D one.
pls no
They actually don't. Only Stealth does. Taxman has openly expressed his hatred towards all 3D sonic games
You'd need to be pretty well-versed in assembly language to make a good romhack, that shit can look like alphabet soup, it's like one level above machine code
cover me up in sauce baby
let em make their own game without SEGA sabotaging them at every turn
What a fucking piece of shit. I hate that fucking hack even more now, if this is true anyway
Nice source faggot
its the other way around faggot. Almost nobody these days understands low level languages anymore. But you can get any meme programmer that can program high-level languages in Unity.
the Sonic disassemblies look less awful than that
but they're still pretty rough to work with if you're not really familiar with the code
Working with the 68k is at least relatively nice, too -- even as a 16-bit CPU, writing code for it looks and feels like you're working with 32-bit architecture, you've got a nice number of registers (even if they're annoyingly not all general purpose), etc. It really could be worse.
any idiot can make a (bad) romhack, but there have been basically zero good romhacks with a full set of stages
and nearly no fangames that fit that description either
all the really impressive romhacks are like one zone affairs (Sonic Boom, Pana, Sonic: The Next Level) and it'd be too much work to keep that kind of quality up for a whole game's worth of stages
I don't believe it, and I'm pretty sure it'd be the opposite anyway. Stealth is the old 68k hacker beard grognard sort of guy.
liar. Both Stealth and Taxman said they liked the Adventure games. Stealth said he doesn't like the boost stuff and Taxman said he likes "some"
Taxman built the engine himself, basing the physics of of continuously pausing the genesis titles and studying the physics. Stop being disrespectful.
Taxman said he likes Sonic Adventure in an interview and even expressed interest in working with the larger cast of characters if he was given the resources to do so.
He even likes the boost titles due to reminding him of Daytona USA.
Stealth actually wants to see a sequel to the Adventure gameplay moreso Taxman just enjoys the Adventure titles.
Taxman likes Adventure and some of the other modern games.