How can we salvage Shadow?

How can we salvage Shadow?

Is it even possible for him to be a good character?

Should he have died at the end of SA2B?

Could he have his own Sonic Mania and actually be good?

Make him like a slightly more serious sonic

Kill yourself.

>Should he have died at the end of SA2B?

Shadow is already a great character.
Sonic isn't meant to be high art. He's a dumb edgy exaggeration of the rival trope that works perfectly. Nothing needs to be changed, the only problem is that Sonic Team thinks there is.

Have him beating up women.

No, have him fuck Amy

>Could he have his own Sonic Mania and actually be good?
obviously, I'd welcome that.

I'd want everything to be spooky themed too

You can't. He is coldsteel. He is le edgy force of nature ultimate life form in a fucking game about a running cartoon hedgehog. What were they thinking!? Edgy shit was all the rage in the early 00s

just make him like sonic battle/06 shadow only times ive ever liked him

>Should he have died at the end of SA2B?


Shadow being a one-off character that returns for major crossover/anniversary events is fine. But he's long overstayed his welcome. His story ended with SA2, he's left in the background while characters that actually have futures (Rouge, the ENTIRETY of Chaotix, etc.) get left in the background if they're lucky enough to appear at all.

Sonic Heroes buried the franchise. People bitched about MUH SONIC AND HIS FRIENDS and now it's all hedgehogs all the time.

make him extremely over the top

It's fucking hilarious. What are you fifteen years old? Do you have an concept of how fucking funny it is to see Shadow crying about his dead girlfriend or whatever while Sonic is running around with fucked up mouth animations talking about how he's way past cool?

>do you have an concept

Play his seriousness for laughs, like in the comic.

Yes please show this to your English teacher after lunch she'll be very impressed

Just give him a Hawaiian shirt and he'd already be over the top.

Shadow is my favorite Sonic character go to hell

That could work. An ironic/self-aware edgy platformer. Put in a "Blood" toggle. The tagline can be something like "THE SPEED OF DARK".


He had already salvaged by 2006, for fuck's sake.

Retcon Shadow into a female and make him a hate/tsunderer love interest for Sonic

>An evil version of Sonic

Why is this allowed

Shadow should already be a love interest for Amy. I don't get why Sonic Team hasn't pulled it yet.

It's hilarious.

Just do what Penders did - Shoehorn him into everything so everything else looks less awful by comparison.


kys yourself

No. Bury him and forget he ever existed. Shadow is Edgy McCoolness and only underages like him.

He doesn't even make any sense concept-wise. Sonic was created to be the "cool" version of Mario so why is there a "cool" version of an already "cool" character?

user, do yoy realize Sonic himself is edgy? The Sonic brand was specifically designed and formulated to be an edgier alternative to Mario. Shadow is just a natural progression of a design philosophy of Sonic that's always been there. And Infinite is just a further progression.

And now Mario is faster too, after building up speed. Guess SEGA will never be able to shut down that suicide watch for Sonicucks.

Having an attitude =/= Edgy, Sonic was a good kid trying to help people his own way. Like Bart.

>Implying edgy shit cant be badass

ITT: Fat, old, out-of-touch ugly pieces of shit that feel threatened by the very existence of an """""""edgy""""""" video game character
Reading through these posts make me feel an unadulterated quivering rage. Why does grandpa think his say in video games matter?

Kid, you weren't even born when Shadow was created. He's a remenant from the 00s when edgy shit was considered cool. He's outdated. Now get back to class.

Fuck edge memes.

Shadow needs to be nicer and more mellow, while retaining his main characteristics of being a reserved loner. He should be introspective and ethereal, and perform somewhat poorly in social situations, not because of being an edgy hateful prick who looks down on people, but because of inexperience and trauma. It's okay for him to have a bit of a superiority complex, but it needs to be toned down, and having him do shit like calling people weak and pathetic for having friends like he does in Sonic Boom is flat out retarded, especially when he's meant to have his own friends.

Although he prefers to work alone and can end up in trouble because he overestimates himself and doesn't like to rely on others, he still loves his friends deep down and he's a brave and heroic hedgehog that wants to protect them and the world.

That's the good Shadow. The real Shadow, that we haven't seen much of outside of SA2, some of the comics and maybe, possibly Heroes.

What's wrong with Shadow's eyes
Why can we see their fleshy interiors

Gramps, is all you can do is assume I'm underage? Your brain cells really have been fucking fried haven't they?

He's not evil though.

Metal sonic is the evil sonic

>Sonic 1->Mania is the new canon
>Sonic Adventure series is an alternate reality that branched off due to a fucked up chaos emerald type gem thing
>Post-SA2 is a world frozen in time due to said gem, causing no characters to die, age or change in any way no matter what happens to them, this timeline contains Heroes, 06, Colours, Unleashed, Black Knight, Secret Rings, etc
>Boom is that gem's power splitting yet again
>Forces is going to reveal this; it is classic Sonic's (& Tails & Knuckles) job to contain the gem, or if need be, destroy it to prevent any more twisted dimensions popping up.
>After Forces, each universe exists in its own right but they never re-visit Boom at all, and finish Adventure with Adventure 3.
>The game after Mania has Sonic, Tails and Knuckles finding the source of all this gem shenanigans and putting a stop to it once and for all. And it's got Ice Cap Zone

He's fine as he is now. Its not like he'll ever play a vital role again.

Wasn't he fine in his game?

>An ironic/self-aware
Fuck no, that shit gets old fast. It is like how instead of Sonic being cool because of who he was they made being cool his character then leading to the shitty writing in most games.

Turn him into a Vegeta, bitter that he's genetically superior but can still only barely compare to Sonic, making him vengefully lust after his hedgecock

shut the fuck up this is awful

I agree, but ironic edginess would still be better than the flip-flopping, in-betweeny kiddy shit we have now. Not all characters need to be absolute an paragon of role models.

Make him very serious, while everyone else plays it off for laughs but not to his face because he is actually dangerous.

Honestly, i don't know.

Edgy characters works sometime, and sometime don't
I mean look at Vergil. this guy is the definition of "pssh nothin personnel" with *telport behind you* with a fucking katana.

Yet, he's probably the most loved character.

Keep looping Trent Reznor saying "nothing can stop me now!!" over some over-the-top edgy industrial rhythm as his theme and make him head of the sonic military.


Whoa, this guy is faster than Sonic!

Why is Omega so perfect?

Something I've wondered, is Omega powered by an animal like the rest of the E series? And if he is, has everyone just accepted that Omega is far more useful as a robot than an animal?

I think I read somewhere about that he's powered by a Chaos Emerald or something like it, given how in Heroes the Green Emeral is taken out for Team Dark's teamblast

He's powered by a Chaos Drive in the comics

>How can we salvage Shadow?
You can't. Why bother, anyway? He was supposed to die at the end of SA2 and never come back, that would have made his character redeemed.

>Is it even possible for him to be a good character?
Of course, but more often than not he isn't. There's no point in making him playable in a game anyway because he's just a Sonic reskin.

>Should he have died at the end of SA2B?

>Could he have his own Sonic Mania and actually be good?
Sonic will always be the star of Sonic now. There are already characters like the Battle Kukkus or Fang I'd rather see get brought back instead of Shadow.

why is emerl missing his legs
and also being used as a phone

Ironically, Sonic 06, Sonic Battle and Sonic Chronicles are the games that actually showed this portrayal of him...and no one played them (or in case of 06, remembers that).

I wanna know why.

Open world Shadow the Edgehog sequel for PS4/Steam/XB1 when?

Also you fags need to stop whining about Shadow so much, he's just the Vegeta of Sanic

He's not even the edgiest Sonic character

>just make him a completely different character than he was originally, pretty much Sonic if he was raped and had to deal with that
Tell me more


It IS called the Piko Piko Hammer.

Or the strongest.


already has according to some drawings out there

>Edgy shit was all the rage in the early 00s
don't tell me about it, prince of persia, devil may cry, Jak and Daxter was almost ruined because of this.
Thank god today the edgy fashion has cool down.

How has Shadow ever been problematic after his titular game? That seemed like the only time he was actually edgy.

I fucking hate this "little girl with big hammer" meme. Amy NEVER had a fucking hammer originally. It makes no sense. What is it even from, some moeshit anime? Why can't they give Amy a mechanic that's actually relevant to the game style rather than a shitty joke melee attack?

It gave way to everything being under five layers of irony, which is way worse. At least edgelords believed in something.

This. More Mania is always welcome

She's had that hammer at least since Sonic the Fighters, back when she still had her CD design.

She had her hammer in Sonic the Fighters first.

He was what he was. A brave and heroic hedgehog, that gave his life to save this planet... Shadow the Hedgehog.

That's not Emerl, it's Felix.

Emerl shows up later in other issues in his Gemerl form.

>Amy NEVER had a fucking hammer originally
Look at this guy, thinking he actually knows what he's talking about.

Why was she allowed to bring a weapon to a fist fight?

Why couldn't Sonic save him?

Shadow is annoying when they ramp up the edge like in shadow the hedgehog. In sonic adventure 2 when he was essentially just a sonic recolor he was fine. Just leave him as a sonic clone no slower combat or guns

Give him a character development arc, his tragic backstory was an evil whitey shutting down the local KFC

I dunno. Ask Nack the Weasel that one.

He couldn't sustain his super form any longer.

Do you realize how dangerous atmospheric re-entry is?

>Shadow is annoying when they ramp up the edge like in shadow the hedgehog.
That was the only time they ever did it

She's had her hammer since 95/96 you spastic

It's not like Sonic had any issue during the endings of Sonic 2 and 3.


Sonic dies as he leaves the atmosphere on the way to the Death Egg and the rest of the game is his dying dream. That's why Robotnik is so fucking fast for no reason.

He said "originally"
The hammer thing came cropped up years after her introduction and doesn't really have anything to do with her original character. It was kind of a joke to have a little kid character fight with a toy, it was fine for that game, but someone missed the point and made it a mainline feature/core part of the character which is pretty retarded.

>one retarded faggot keeps pushing this
fuck off and die lol

Not him, I'm just spelling it out for you /jp/ tier retards.

>The hammer thing came cropped up years after her introduction and doesn't really have anything to do with her original character.
What else did she even appear in between Sonic CD and Fighters? Sonic Drift 1 and 2?

Amy only had three game appearances before The Fighters: CD, Drift and Drift 2. It was a three-year gap from her debut as a damsel in Sonic CD and her gaining the Piko Piko Hammer.

He'll be in Mania 2 right?

>not him

I like this design, but it's sure as fuck shouldn't be called Metal Sonic.

Appreciate your post, man.
It just seems in bad taste to me; I can accept a joke but because Sonic characters are so vapid, literally anything added to them is kept from that point on.

Which Shadow? The dead one? Or the one in every game besides SA2?

Correct. They used a very minor character to expand the rosters of their spin-offs that needed multiple characters. Adventure needed multiple characters too apparently, so Amy made the cut. They had nothing to use with her but non-canon spin-off stuff so they made the toy hammer a real hammer, and the rest is history.

Girl's gotta defend herself.

>Anything like Vegeta

Kill yourself