>The DOA girls suck! They all look the same just with different hair! Give us some diverse body types already!

Marie Rose

>Wtf is that?! She has no place in DOA, she's not a titty monster! I can't fap to this without feeling vaguely uncomfortable! *downloads 7th HS Marie Rose model*, Cancer that killed DOA!

Why are DOA fans such trash?

Other urls found in this thread:

I don't care about doa, but I do wanna fuck Marie

Could you not post pictures of my wife?

literal pedo bait

I want to fuck your wife

>diverse body types
>its just the same as the other girls, but earlier in development


Never played a DoA game in my life but the SFM animations are nice.

What a delicious little 18 year old girl. I'd love to play tag with her and maybe even get into tickle fights.

Fuck off pedophile, literally cancer that killed doa.

I play because it's the most balanced fighting game and has the highest skill-ceiling.

upset that she became popular and the shitty character they like nobody likes

Marie will never be Helena's favourite.

The things I've done withto your wife, user...

Marie is a nice addition, the problem is that she pretty much became the face of the franchice out of nowhere due her morbid fans ensuring wins on all official DOA polls, which decided who Team Ninja will promote more and create more content for.

I played dress up with your wife yesterday.
She's pretty good.
I took the liberty to make her more meaty also.

Kill Marie Rose, I can't fap to children.

well OP, you seem to be posting about faggot virgins, not DoA fans.

DoA fans are over here playing the fucking game.

She was only added to appeal to lolicon degenerates

You think you do but you don't is literally true for videogame players as a whole.

Reminder that Marie Rose is the reason why DOAX3 wasn't localized.

Kokoro is an important bargaining chip that Helena needs to keep Miyako in line and feeding her info regarding Donovan's operations.

Marie is just a servant.

Regardless, Helena makes money off both of them by hiring them out to hordes of immigrant men every night.

No, the SJW and publications from commifornia are the reasons we never got (and never will get) DOAX3 localized.

>*over there

Ftfy, since you're here with the rest of the faggot virgins

Marie is just a victim of bad timing, she debuted when Team Ninja turned Dead or Alive into an eternal popularity contest, the times where fans could sleep peacefully thinking all cast will always be there by default is over, now Yosuke Hayashi is always trying to gauge interest on which girls really stand out so he trim the rest when a game is going to have a small roster. Marie rapes all popularity polls, thus ensuring her presence, while unlucky older characters who aren't popular currently are left to rot on limbo.

You can keep telling yourself that, but the truth will always be that most of the world finds your pedo characters gross. I'm not judging you for your sexuality, but please understand that your belief that that sort of thing ought to be mainstream displays a total lack of self-awareness.

>but the truth will always be that most of the world finds your pedo characters gross
And most of the world faps to her behind closed doors, or even worse stuff, so who cares.

What the fuck are you even on about, DOAX3 simply isn't coming over because that kind of game became too problematic for western audiences.

The DOAX series had no problem being imported until the devs decided to add children.

>the truth will always be that most of the world finds your pedo characters gross

Go to Europistan, Africa, the Middle East, S/SE Asia, etc and see if you can still say that.

> 32x32 nintendo 64 navel textures

Who cares, if you think Marie Rose is popular you are lying to yourself. The bad thing that she did is that she turned the game into a big meme with characters like gender bender Tengu and Marie Rose with tits.

You're right. DOAX3 should have come to America because of how Africans view fucking kids.

I forgot

>Grown men kicking the shit out of tiny 'kids' = no problem
>'Kids' in bikinis = Whoa there, motherfucker


>The bad thing that she did is that she turned the game into a big meme with characters like gender bender Tengu
Nyotengu is not Tengu though.

IrrelevantTrash meme erp is your future. You can't pretend you are a fighter anymore.

>You can't pretend you are a fighter anymore.
I never did to begin with, DoA is a poor man's Virtua Fighter anyway, I'm in for the sluts and Brad, Brad's hella cool.

>meme characters like gender bender Tengu

That's an improvement, though. Why wouldn't you prefer a tengu with the same moves and a more pleasing appearance? Unless you prefer a huge dark-skinned winged gorilla with a BBC for a nose.

VF is dead. Poor man wins, I guess

>Poor man wins, I guess
Pretty much.
Oh well, at least Pai survived.


>BP: You can get 100 different types of nipples and some look really great
>The navels somehow look even worse
>HS navels all look the same

Being a navel fetishist is suffering

>Starting DOA thread with Cancer-fu
>It's dead

As it should be.

Also is there really no "laughing whores" pic with DOA girls? It would really help my shitpost game.


Do not use Momiki for your shitposting.

Here ya go


Is this game worth playing on PC?

Many thanks user!


>worst girls

I shan't be using it.

PC version is pretty much dead except for Beach Paradise modding

There's still a tiny active community on PS4 at certain times of day.

You asked for whores, I delivered.

Apparently it's a major downgrade from the console-version

Helena a best, fight me.

The game still has a reasonable amount of people playing on PS3. Pretty much guaranteed to find people in the lobby at all times, Ranked can be deserted at times and have matches every 30 seconds at others. Not bad considering how old it is and semi niche.

Okay, well, here's something you can try
Number one
>Fuck off
And number two
>Fuck off a bit more
And finally number three
>When you get there, fuck off again


Thanks for quick response. Don't have a ps4 anyway.;_;


>The DOA girls suck! They all look the same just with different hair! Give us some diverse body types already!
Literally no one said that. That's why Marie wasn't needed in DOA5.

Is there not anything new? I have all these already.

Also, Nazi Rose is objectively inferior to Nazitomi.

Man you know its a lot harder to fill up pic limit using only one girl instead of whole cast of doa, also because of that a lot less people are participating, but we still managed to do that even by ourselves numerous times before.
People need time to make new stuff or it will be same pics over and over, and it already happening at some degree.

No reason to be such a faggot about it.

Speak of the devil and she shall appear

Threads are dead and most fans of girls not featured in the volleyball game are long gone.

That's not new, though.

I just can't stop cumming inside Marie. Please help

marie rose looks legitimately like a child

I don't actually have HS, I just save everything I find in these threads
I would download it but I can't because of the Mega limit and I don't trust any torrent clients

Anytime someone posts stuff like this, though, everyone gets upset


post more doa pits

Superior blondefu

I wanna fuck that cow.

Isn't it great?

Needs more kunoichis

marie is literally pandering to pedos though and helped kill the game.
it used to just be normalfags playing online and suddenly there were pedophiles in lobbies

plus honkers has the same face oddly

Not at all

I want to beat up Momiji!


They've been doing that for years. Each pair of girls with some connection to each other (Kasumi/Ayane, Helena/Christie, Tina/Lisa) share a face model. It's cheap and lazy.

How did that musou thing turn out?

Will I get v& if I open this?

I'm sorry, did you say something?

No. She's legal.

I said that Momiji is the most beautiful, graceful girl in the series, and that she has a lovely, charming personality. And I want to hit her for it. A lot.

Post Marie's sweet ass

I keep seeing threads about it pop up. They never seem to last very long. One or two people talking about how they Izuna Drop everything with Ryu and then they die.



Is Kasumi any fun (at least as far as a musou can be)? Does she punch people or use the butterknife?


Kasumi's wakizashi is only a butter knife in DOA, it's the proper size in other games. You should play NG if you want the full Kasumi experience.

I really don't like musous and i wish i did

I haven't played dead or alive since 2. Is this even still a fighting game?

I played Razor's Edge solely for Kasumi. It was nice to see her finally use a sword. But that's still a goofy bonus cameo. Unless it's like me and grows three sizes when it sees her brutally murdering people, it's canonically the Mugen Tenshin's sacred cutlery Kasumi mistook for a weapon.

Why does this question pop up in every thread?

Will they give her better launchers and stuns in DoA6?

It's a valid question. People probably think of the Xtreme series first these days. DOA5 is old.

Forgot pic

I don't think thats true, there are small women out there. My gf is tiny and kawaii like Marie, but is in her twenties

I really don't see Helena/Christie and Tina/Lisa.

Balls deep mating press Marie, flood her cunt with a week worth of saved up semen.

Because no one posts anything related to fighting and only post the girls being whores and sluts? I'll masturbate to the girls sure, but I want to know what my boy Jann Lee is up to.

She's not in the story but her RE self is canon like the rest of NG. In the brief sections where she appears in the NG story, Shrouded Moon has the correct size and not the hilarious DOA5/Dimensions steak knife model, and this was before RE.

Up to his eyebrows in dicks, just like always. Faggot needs to die for stringing Leifang along all these years.