When will people stop trying to push their political views on others in video games? It feels like since forever since I haven't seen a game influenced by gay SJW shit
When will people stop trying to push their political views on others in video games...
Ifbyounlike jontron ur a faggot
Not for political reasons, but because he's a fat lolsorandum neckbeard
What was the last game that was affected by SJW whatever so much that it made the game worse because of it?
I don't notice it much because I don't actively go looking for it.
Stop paying attention to "video game journalism" and you'll miss it all. The only times I see it are when people like you (retards) bring it up
Mass Effect (series)
In political crisis times, art gets political
>inb4 sjw-infested games aren't art
My point still stands.
What was the last game that was affected by SJW that was good?
>dislike jontron not due his political stuff
>people will think that now
why couldn't he shut up for once?
Games don't have to be political. Just like music doesn't have to be. Sure the creator of a song or game can make it "political" but you can totally ignore that.
How did me1-3 suffer from this
You're not answering the question, just deflecting
Who made this
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily fromNarodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick and Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existencial catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Rick and Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.
well since sjw means anyone you disagree with then probably all good video games
That's just from sorry writing and planning; a room full of Jethros couldn't save mass effect
there are plenty of devs who dont give a shit about SJWs
Jesus Christ marvel really has stooped a new fucking low.
It doesn't HAVE to be political, but it CAN be political. Ever seen the Dr. Seuss World War II cartoons? It just depends on the time of crisis. Though I doubt entering a war to end all wars is equal to having transgendered characters in a videogame or movie...
Isn't that SpOck? Wasn't his run years ago?
Those are some horrible drawings. Are they even teaching human anatomy/human figure drawing in the arts academia? Or academic art for that matter? Jesus christ....
It all depends on if you actually pay attention to the agenda being pushed or if you just see it as entertainment. For example, the looney toons cartoons during wwii, they're obviously political but they can also just be entertaining.
>political crisis
The crisis caused by leftists in the first place? All this KKK shit recently is a pushback.
That's one HOT midget.
Superior Spider-Man was one of the better things to come out of Spider-Man in the last decade. Granted, that bar is exceptionally low, and the highs don't outweigh the lows, but it gave us the "You stuck my dick in a midget?" edit, so everything evens out.
yo i wanna fuck that 30y/o midget
>leftist caused the KKK to be racist
do you see the retardedness in this statement?
Good point. seeing some of those as a kid totally went over my head. Then again, those aired during the 40's-50's. I wonder if a cartoon like that, pushing for a war against Russia or North Korea would have a different effect.
Putting other sort of... example I guess, ever saw Get Out? And all the people tweeting about how evil white people are? The message of the movie was sorta lost, but in political times, people took something different from it.
Because they drew her like a gnome instead of an actual midget.
>ww2 cartoons are less political than modern day nonpolitical videoe games
wow how hard did your mom drop you?
What exactly is this expression supposed to convey? He's not smiling. His eyes are wide open in a really bizarre way. There's stray black specks on the left side of his face that just look like mistakes.
Does anyone on this site know how to read?
The real difference I see with a lot of the "SJW shit" games and one with political tones is where the emphasis is placed.
Those cartoons are a good example because, as you stated, they are still entertaining. They were created to be entertaining while also pushing a message instead of the other way around.
On the other hand you have stuff like the recent Lawbreakers where CliffyB went out of his way to point out that the bathrooms in that game were gender neutral. Something that is absolutely insignificant to the overall enjoyment of the game but a political hot button topic. So in that case it feels as though he's pushing the political concepts ahead of the actual gameplay itself. And considering the outcome of the game's release, it seems the gameplay didn't hold up.
>well since sjw means anyone you disagree with
No, its anyone with neon hair who has an aneurysm when prof. oak asks their gender
>being this obtuse
>It feels like since forever since I haven't seen a game influenced by gay SJW shit
Play Japanese games
I didn't say or even imply that.
But brown people love JonTron
Stormfront is back up guys, you can go back
It's even worse if you flip it. The head is wobbly and curved to one side, like a banana. Eyes fully opened, like a shock expression, and a super stretched mouth. The expression overall just looks unnatural
Black specks could be dried blood. Maybe he just killed someone and then stood there staring at his victim's gruesome corpse in a state of satisfied self-reflection?
>These people called us racist?
>Shit boys, we better grab a swastika and join the Klan
>That'll show em
Are Americans retarded?
I have some question
Why should I give a shit about politics?
Why should I give a shit about politics in games if the gameplay is good?
Why should I give a shit about race in video games if it doesn't effect gameplay?
no its actually smart to be racist. if you dont fight back against the sjws youll never get a hot racist GF
What did you call me?
10 years in MSPaint.
It's supposed to portray Sp0ck's optimistic surprise to Macaroni implying she wanted a relationship with him (our future), but the panel layout and flow of dialogue doesn't allow the response to make sense. In other words, the writer and artist are shit at their job but saying that about Slott and Ramos is akin to saying grass is green and water is wet.
I think it'll be around for a while yet. The world is becoming increasingly politicised, and Trump becoming elected has stoked the fires for leftists to get upset over and want to spread their messages through the media they are involved with.
I would like it all to just die down and have games just be about, you know, being games but it looks like this whole wave still hasn't peaked yet.
I have answers
- Because other people will and will make decisions for you that you may not like.
- Because the devs will probably think those politics had a desired effect and will continue to keep pushing them.
- Because racing games R2Kool4U
>this whole discussion
Like fucking clockwork, this place needed its daily dose of a sub-par Sup Forums thread.
>reddit meme
Then I have more questions
Why should I give a shit about people who make decisions for me? I do job, I get paid, I live. It is as simple as that.
Second question, why would I care still if the game has good gameplay?
I do not get the last answer, but oh well.
That's not what he's saying.
He's saying that the left cried wolf so often, that a wolf finally appeared to answer.
The people who put those politics in those games would rather you just not buy nor enjoy the game if you disagree with said politics, SJW shit isn't being forced on developers and it isn't being forced on you, some things just aren't made for you, those games being one such example.
It's not THAT hard to make a more natural-looking expression. But Marvels only employs "muh style" type of rejected artists too lazy to learn basic anatomy and human figure.