What small things do you do to help immerse yourself in video games Sup Forums? Here's some things I do:

What small things do you do to help immerse yourself in video games Sup Forums? Here's some things I do:

>Hold my breath when my character is underwater
>Close my eyes when my character is sleeping
>Slap myself in the face if my character takes damage
>When I need to use the bathroom I move my character to a corner and crouch
>Spin around in my computer chair really fast if my character gets a dizzy debuff

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Spell autism

When my character has sex I masturbate. But when my character has gay sex I just sit there with an erection embarrassed.


I write journal logs for my Crusader Kings campaigns

In almost every single open-world game I pretend to be a god of death incarnated in the body of a mortal whose only goal is to purge his plane of existence from all the soulless, robotic beings living in there (the NPCs), then I go into a killing spree killing everyone

post more gondolas plz

On topic, I usually tend to read out loudly silent MC lines.


play in bitch black, speakers behind my seat

Recommend a game where the character commits suicide

>bitch black

im sorry nigga, but i think you actually have autism

I kill myself whenever my character dies.


I cry every time my dad leaves


i name the special moves of the character that im playing as in sfv as if i was actually them. if im playing ryu, i go "shoryuken!" if im playing chun li i go "kikoken!" if im playing as guile i go "summer salt!" etc etc

Underrated post


>No one remembers Gimme the chocolate.

>walking slowly when I'm out of danger
>have my character take a breath after an exhausting job
>sleep, eat and drink regularly even if it's not required
>take off my armor when I'm in towns