What are the best goriest games? I mean ones where you can really feel the blood and guts splattering out of your screen onto you.
What are the best goriest games...
Other urls found in this thread:
team fortress 2.
skyrim with mods
Soldier of Fortune 2
Left 4 Dead 2
Fuck off, child.
I delved into this myself and I found that there wasn't anything to satisfy my giant gore boner so I had to stick to movies
Mind you I mean the corny, cringe type of gore with ripping out fingernails and exploding kneecaps and stuff
honorable mentions would be
>FoNV, FO3 by extension since they're the same engine
I personally find great interest in the self-harm type of cringe-inducing gore like ripping out your own eyeball in Planescape Torment and dying from the shock, but this kind of stuff is hard to find
I guess that one game Hatred would be pretty gory but it is black n white
ur mum's puss after im done with her for the night
what game
Soldier of Fortune 2 (and 1 for that matter) still hasn't been topped, but Killing Floor 2 does an alright job.The problem is that the guns feel really weak so that takes away from the fun of it.
Ready or Not is definitely on my watch list though, assuming they can actually pull off shit like trauma spasms and locational damage
The FEAR and Dead Space games.
is this the new soldier of fortune?
I vaguely remember clive barker's jericho being gorey as fuck.
F3AR. I don't recommend it.
Killing Floor 2.
Where did you read that about Ready or Not?
nothing will ever beat this youtube.com
Doom 3 has good gore. Might want to check it out. Has some spooky moments, too.
>Shoot someone with a shotgun
>They explode into a skeleton
>Good gore
Some news site back when the announcement trailer dropped, the devs were talking about wanting to portray the grim realities of a gun fight and having a system that calculates where the blood will pool out and splatter in real time. From what I've seen from gameplay snippets in the past few months in doesn't look like they're bullshitting.
Killing Floor 2, especially with nvidia flex
>disappears after 3 seconds
SoF2 and KF2 are practically unrivaled.
L4D2 has surprisingly messy gore too.
The original Prey had a weird, almost HR Giger feeling all throughout with its flesh corridors and quite a bit of gore sprinkled throughout.
I still remember Sup Forums going nuts about the "VAGOO DOORS!!"
the actual gameplay's gore is quite minor though.
>reactivating the human-harvesting machine after letting his girlfriend through
KF2's gore has good dismemberment but the actual gore looks like shit compared to l4d2
KF2 has way more detailed gibbing and mutilation of individual body parts though. Plus all the jelly that can be extracted from Zeds.
These two are always mentioned in these threads but both are old as fuck and look like shit
speaking of SoF, do you know were I could "acquire" the games? Steam doesn't have it and even if it did I doubt the devs make any money off of it
I remember the original game is up for free on a website let me see if I can dig it up
No son, you are just way too young to be posting on this site.
It always kinda bothered me why this happened, yeah sure it looks cool but he's the only Super Mutant this slow gore explosion happens, too, was his body barely being held together or something? If so then Super Mutants are far from the perfect race
Hotline Miami
nevermind it requires signing up on the site now, just pirate it
Some type of radiation blast melted him i think
Old school fallout 1-2 was really fun and gory. Fear was ok at it but not great.
At that very moment or recently?
Very moment. You know like how laser guns melt people in the recent games
What if you shot him with a conventional weapon?
this is the NPC these nerds are talking about: fallout.wikia.com