Anyone play this? And would you recommend it?

Anyone play this? And would you recommend it?

I've been told its far less sluggish than Dark Souls.

Bad game with too few bosses.
Also not that hard.

>I've been told its far less sluggish than Dark Souls.
Then you've been lied to.

Its allright, would buy on a discount.
The weapons have pretty cool movesets, but the variety is not that great.
Level design is very good, could compare it to DS1 level of connectivity.
Bosses are kinda meh, but normal mobs are just as lethal anyway.
Overall I liked it.

Its alright dont buy it full price though. If youre looking for a game with great and many bosses this one isnt really good. Not many bosses and those that are there are nothing special.

>I've been told its far less sluggish than Dark Souls.

I've not played it and I know it's going to be a cheap knock off of Souls that tries to implement its own new ideas but fails at doing anything interesting with them.

>I've not played it
>and I know


I'm happy to be proven wrong, but after playing Lords Of The Fallen and seeing The Surge flop even harder than that game I don't think I am.

I thought it was a fun game. Challenging at points, cool story, cool atmosphere, cool crafting system, cool mat gathering process. Cool game. A big step in the right direction, especially after Lords of the Fallen.

Played it for a few hours, didn't have fun at all. The combat system just does not feel good and bosses seem kinda forced in. Thank god I pirated it.

Just pirate it, beat it (its like a 25 hr game) and then form an opinion. Nothing more pathetic than someone who forms an opinion without any basis (previous experience with similarly related things isn't a basis, sorry).

Again, I'm happy to be proven wrong. Also I'm not going to spend 25 hours on something that doesn't interest me.

I'd say it's good although the bosses are like the worst part of it
playing with the heavy weapons is very fun and you can crush basically every enemy without too much trouble since all weapons have some sort of fast attack so hammers get this dashing thrust that does good damage
I also like the locational targeting system especially against robots where you can break parts off of them to weaken them

I liked it, was a little short though.

Fucking loved the staff weapons.

>lol just pirate and waste a days worth of time on a universally hated game
And you're calling anyone pathetic?

I thought playing with the fast dual claws was the best thing.
Especially the Firebug version with the modified fire attacks.

He said that if you want to talk about a game, you can pirate it.
If you are completely uninterested, why even talk about?
Also get that stupid frog out of here.

>d-don't talk unless you beaten the entire game!!!
The absolute state of Sup Forums

I quite liked it, the movement had a feeling of weight to it.

>I w-was only acting like a retard!
>Y-you fell for it haha!

If you'd consider the fastest weapons in the game having a 2-3 second swing time for light attacks, then yeah, way less sluggish.

If you like heavier weapons enjoy starting your swing while the enemy is 100+ meters away.

Still a better Souls game than Dark Souls 2

I enjoyed it more than Bloodborne and Dark Souls 3. I hope for a sequel