Doc is a PUBG hero changing lives. What are you doing this friday night, user...

Doc is a PUBG hero changing lives. What are you doing this friday night, user? Shit posting about gaymes you don't play or enjoy?

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Celebrity culture is so retarded, I'm so disappointed that it has invaded video games. I have nothing against watching streams, I watch Hearthstone and Dota matches occasionally. But the worship of e-celebs is beyond retarded. For normal celebrities I can see how people can want to live vicariously through them since they live extravagant lifestyles and travel the globe. E-celebs spend there days playing video games though, you obviously have a PC to watch their stream, just install the game and play it and stop worshipping them.

This guy is among the better streamers I've seen.

desu senpai I never in my life thought I'd enjoy twitch. I'm at the point where I never watch cable tv even though my roomies force me to split it. I watch youtube and on occasion this goof ball called doc. I also enjoy pubg, mostly bc of arma 2 feels.

I really appreciate how he immediately got serious with that fans message. I'm sure many people who have fans would be significantly uncomfortable if some one laid something so serious and personal on their lap like that. He handled it perfectly as he was heartfelt and genuine.

It's funny you posted this OP, as I litterally just started watching his vids today. I've never watched a live stream nor donated to gamers, etc, but I love this guys character and showmanship. But your video made me respect.

Suicide is scary. After a pyschward stay a few years ago I appreciate the Docs message.

That's one ugly """woman"""


but then again, this is american time, Jesus the hurricane can't come soon enough

probably because doc is older than most of the other popular streamers

also his character is perfect

Is that his mom?

Shit when did Freddie Mercury come back to live?

His wife looks gross.

t. Sup Forumsirgin NEETs who aren't used to seeing 3D women
Get out more, suckers. She's not a perfect ten but for a woman her age she looks pretty damn good.

>twitch faggotry
Nice rule violation


No she doesnt she looks like a dirty hippie

Bra, my girlfriend is way hotter. She looks old as hell and used to shit.

god that lady is ugly he could do so much better


Post proof.
Because she has one tattoo and long hair? Nice dude.

>t. Sup Forumsirgin NEETs who aren't used to seeing 3D women
>Get out more, suckers. She's not a perfect ten but for a woman her age she looks pretty damn good.
Back to r3ddit you go


Why are you defending her, faggot? She's ugly, get over it.

It's all about their personality. That's why people watch streamers rather than play the game themselves. If you have a great personality, people will want to watch you. It's retarded, but it's how streaming goes. It's why so many people have barley 5 viewers on their streams. Because 9/10 people are boring cunts that have no personality.

Thats why you should have a scat folder

its a newfag repelent.

wow what a gay

Why do lirik and summit get so many viewers? They have 0 personality to speak of. They're the most generic dudebros ever.


Remember the dude playing smite who told his viewer fuck you and that he's selfish? Jesus.

As someone who actually does have a gf and normal female interactions she is ugly as fuck

shit I want that song that's playing, i know it's a sped up version of a synthwave track

Good question. I don't really know. Luck?

i don't like streamers -- people should be allowed to target them -- and the only stream/let's play i've ever watched was a single KIZUNA AI video, but you are just being a massive little bitch right now. you have to consider the times rather than your personal little opinions. "dudebro" means "personality" now to people who actually watch shit streams. the viewing crowd is full of fucking idiots and actual people with no personality, but you are even worse. you even KNOW about streamers and their "PERSONALITIES"

Yeah it has nothing to do with personality.
As has been mentioned thousands of times before, people who watch streams are lonely fellows who are looking for surrogate friends, or complete idiots who think that streaming actually has some inherent value regarding entertainment.

I watched ~5 minutes of Shrouds PUBG stream today to try and understand why people play PUBG it didnt help btw. There was this guy who 'accidentally' donated $75, then donated $7.50 a few minutes later saying 'its X's mom, he meant to type 7.5 on my credit card.' Then about 10 minutes later, he donated another $50 to continue the joke. He donated $125+ in order to make a stupid joke. He could've bought two AAA games with that.
Its really depressing the lengths people go to, to try and make these streamers their friends. And back to the personality thing, the reason these no-personality people have so many viewers is because they act like the Boyfriend who pretends hes not interested in the girl, in order to make her like them. Whether or not its intentional idk.
You notice that none of them EVER react beyond 'thanks man' when someone subscribes, even if the subscription is like 2 fucking years long.

kek you actually know what goes on in these streams

not really that different than driving 20 miles and spending $200 at some concert just to hear your favorite flavor-of-the-month band


So now that faggot Youtube has been spamming on suggested videos is being spammed here? Kill yourself FAGGOT.

docs persona is great. I eat it up for some reason.


What's it like to be good looking and actually be able to get girls and stuff?

I don't disagree with that smite guy. I agree with him, but it's definitely one of the worst things to tell someone who is suicidal. OP's vid does nothing though. They hear the same shit over and over along those lines.

Had a very very good talk about his experience as a Sheriff that would prevent suicide jumps off the golden gate bridge. tl;dw he basically says listen. Just listen.


still havent bought into this streaming garbo. I'm not gonna watch some dumb asshole with shit jokes be bad at games.. I can do that myself and i like my jokes way better

That's a great mustache

I wish mine could curl down past my mouth like his does

doc is the 2 time blockbuster champion and actually good at pubg. get outa here user, before I cum find you.

it's called a fu manchu

>Sup Forums - Video Games
>Video Games


Not quite. It looks like Ray Velcoro's stache but bushier, the downturned corners really elevate the look

they are just surrogate friends, its not workship.

Imagine being me, a half blood mut of Native American descent. My facial hair betrays me. I can grow it, but it's patchy and awful. My mustache when grown actually looks a lot like Doc's, but like a baby version without as much heft. Imagine being so close, but not quite there.

Who's this memey guy? I don't pay attention to early access garbage

You sound defensive.

Taking a break from writing cover letters for jobs that I understand how to do but have no official experience in.

Anyone know where to find Network+ cert voucher discounts? I think standing price is $235.


Oh but I will.

PUBG is okay. I usually only play it with friends, but desu I'm a little burnt out on games, so I'm just on here to lurk.

I am impressed with how well it has done, a million concurrent players? How many people on the dev team saw that one coming?

as soon as it broke the hundred thou mark, probably all of them. It's been on a pretty fucking massive gain.

She looks like a whore

lmao that bitch looks haggard as fuck

never marry kids

What the fuck, I thought he just pretended to be a daddy for the streams but he's a legit DILF

For sure. I don't know of another game that has reached such popularity within 6 months of its release, and damn, this is still a beta.

This is the most cancerous thread I have ever seen. Kill yourselves

Well the big reason for it's initial surge was that they basically shit all over h1z1's king of the kill mode, and people loved that. So they took a huge amount of the people who'd been playing that and stopped, or even were still playing it, and moved to pubg. That was around 20-30,000. That brought it up to a decent amount. People were interested and watched streamers like lirik and summit who played it because it was new and had potential as a game fitting into a really popular streamgame genre.
It was successful, they continued streaming it, increasing the exposure it got. The game continued to get updates so there was lots of small things to discover or lots of fixes that never allowed streamers to get disheartened or bored with the game.

The dev team knew how to handle development of this type of game (I'd hope so, this is their 4th or 5th game in this type. dayZ failed, battle royale arma failed, h1z1 failed, this is the first real success that playerunknown has been involved in) so it's to be expected that once they finally hit the right chord with streamers and players, they'd be able to maintain momentum. They've done well so far. But as soon as the updates slow down, you'll see the game's community shrink in a big way. But that could be months off, or years off.