>32% of people who have played Bloodborne have beaten the one reborn
32% of people who have played Bloodborne have beaten the one reborn
skelly surfing seems fun
for me is the easiest boss in the game
you are a big guy
It's actually 36.6% of people who have played bloodborne and synced their trophies.
>32% of people who have played Bloodborne have beaten the one reborn
not op
he was a pretty shitty boss
lmao guess I'm a part of the 63.4%, since I don't care about trophies and never sync them
isn't this boss optional btw? you can access the lecture hall through the amygdala at the entrance of yahargul
Bloodborne just has pretty bad player retention. A fucking shitload of players quit at Father Gascoigne. More at Amelia and Blood-starved Beast and there's a final dropoff with Shadows of Yharnam and Rom the Vacuous Spider.
TOR is too late in the game for that stat to be interesting.
Whats the percentage for the first boss? If you look at these on Steam its insane how many people seem to buy a game and only play the first 5 minutes
So Father Gascoigne is truly a casual filter.
for you
Wasn't it possible to beat Orphan or going through a good portion of the Chalices before even beating TOR?
he's literally one of the most pathetically easy bosses in the entire series, all you have to do is stand to his side and mash R1, any chip damage from his legs or fireballs, will be quickly rallied back.
It's funny, because the boss that gave me the most trouble were the first boss and Daughter of the Cosmos. Rom was easy, the shadows were drawn out, but not hard, and Father and Amelia were pretty standard as well. Blood-Starved was crazy, but I had plenty of fire stuff to help.
i dont blame people for dropping it at the worst boss in the game
Yes. He's the literal definition of casual filter.
Best modern example.
>decide to boot up bloodborne after not touching it for a year
>pick up from where I left off on some arcane character
>die to the one reborn and decide not to play after all
can't you just cheese him from the top floor if you spam the Logarius spell?
What site is this?