>defends journalists being bad at games
what the fuck he really has gone full journo shill huh?
>defends journalists being bad at games
what the fuck he really has gone full journo shill huh?
Other urls found in this thread:
A journalist doesn't have to be a reviewer. Having someone that knows how to write and interesting article is a hell of a lot more valuable than having someone who is good at games.
epic fucking e-celeb thread op haha
>e-celeb cancer
Not vidya.
First post worst post
Would you pay a deaf man to write about music, nigger brains?
That doesn't make sense - if you don't know how to play video games, how can you review them properly?
Another e-celb weeb who sucks at video games and covers other reviewers who do because he knows he is garbage. What a shock.
>watching pleb tier reviewers in the first place
I've only just realised it's a take on the Foxhound logo from MG2
>A journalist doesn't have to be a reviewer.
Do you know how to read?
A deaf person can write about music because music is a lot more than songs. Like video games there is so much more than just the end product to take into consideration. Just take one fucking look at any video game website and you'll see the majority of the articles are NOT reviews.
Most people aren't good at video games, so there should be reviewers that aren't good to give a opinion for the normie audience
He plays shit experiences and scummed through BotW, he's the shit we rag against.
Hi George.
Hey but guys he totally loved Dark Souls, the most CHALLENGING GAME of ALL TIME lololololololoolololololol
>Ever trusting a Huey sympathizer
why would you lie like this? there isn't any new video
It's a game where you use two actions 90% of the time to win
>Having someone that knows how to write and interesting article is a hell of a lot more valuable than having someone who is good at games
But gaming bloggers can't do either of these.
>streamers have overwhelming power over the industry and what gamers buy
>literally ZERO streamer standards
oh but yes some retarded journalist no one has ever heard about is surely this important to discuss his skill level
MG2 was a damn good game.
It just shows if you want to hype your game, you should send copies to joe youtube.
It's just twittershit.
Friendly reminder not to care about stuff people post during 1/20th of the time they are taking one (1) shit.
Why is SBH trying so hard to make me not like him
>music is a lot more than songs
>ever liking/defending an e-celeb
>enough people shit on Dean that Sup Forums in typical fashion is starting to go contrarian on it
Streamers do what they do for entertainment, not to inform. Would you comlplain about a review not being funny enough? You wouldn't because that's not what a journo is supposed to do.
There, no food analogies at all.
not being good isn't the same as being bad
I think he's got a fair point. Unless it's explicitly a person's job to review games, their skill doesn't matter too much.
There's a difference in being bad at video games and not knowing how to play video games. If someone is simply bad at video games, that's alright. But he wasn't *just* bad at video games. The gameplay looked like it was his first time playing a video game, ever. He cannot review a video game if he doesn't have any prior experience.
When he said you can't get excited about E3 because he's such a joyless cunt, I stopped watching this fag.
I don't understand why people can't understand this.
he's been long since, that's how he's got so much relevance on the block despite better, more popular channels doing the same as him. he has connections with the inner circle including jim sterling and yahtzee, of course he's going to defend the higher ups that help keep him from doing fuck all without money troubles.
Is it really just entertainment when they're now a part of the amazon storefront and get a direct slice of sales in addition to any under the table contracts??
They are literally being paid to advertise the game, why is this not regulated more strictly?
when a 5-year-old can handle the mechanics of the game quicker than the reviewer; you have a problem.
On his stream he was talking about separating "Game reviewer's" from "Game Journalists"
>A deaf person can write about music because music is a lot more than songs.
"Well I'm fucking deaf and therefore cannot perceive sound but Katy Perry's kinda pretty so I think this song is okay."
It's an industry. It's albums, release dates, labels, business, money, collaborations, concerts, tours, events, drama, it's people.
Have you any idea what Rolling Stone is?
he would be right if they were journalists...but they just rearrange press releases and make reviews
But the person wasn't reviewing the game.
user the gameplay we saw is reminiscent of something to me. have you ever watched your parent who hasnt played since arcade days try to play a game, there is a level of knowing what a button does but not much beyond that. this is pretty much the cuphead video just with longer before giving up.
I would not trust a fucking review from someone who plays with that level of experience. Especially when they start blaming the game for their own mistakes like running off a cliff.
>scummed through BotW
That's not the worst part about thew review
>Its world poetry day!
>Starts rhyming
why is this faggot not making any videos now that he's getting paid almost 7k a month
So I guess Beethoven wouldn't be able to right about music or have an opinion on it?
The guy in question is a special case (probably literally). He's actually not even a good writer. He just seems efficient at busting out large amounts of generic articles on press releases and such. Even in writing about Cuphead, he was shit (article claimed for over a week that it was by the Super Meat Boy devs). But I get the point about principles: if you're a good writer (even though in this case, the person is not) and you can understand the basics of a game (again, not in this case), you can give a reasonable impression for a website.
Who you described is anybody but a paid videogame reveiwer
What's this Super Bunnyhop logo ripoff shit from?
>he fell for the patreon jew
Well he's dead, so I don't think he should.
Really nigga?
Kill yourself
Who the fuck is this faggot anyways?
Beetoven was an exception, a retarded child who couldn't hear could feel piano key vibrations.
He is literally just knowed for being a contrarian, whatever people are enjoying or disliking he will take the opposite side, that's his whole gimmick, I don't know if he actually believes it or if he does it for the views. but that's his thing. just happens to now he is trying to defend something impossible to defend
>Guy with 3rd grade reading level
>Bad reviewer of books
>Guy who only watches half of a movie
>Bad reviewer of movies
>Guy who can't gauge the difficulty or intended experience of a game because he lacks the skill of the average gamer
>Good reviewer of videogames
Doesn't add up. Am I wrong here? What am I missing?
>Having someone that knows how to write and interesting article is a hell of a lot more valuable than having someone who is good at games.
The fact that game review sites believe this unironically is why they're dying off faster than pedestrians in China.
Nobody has the time or desire to read a 3000 word essay by a failed English major to be begin with, but when the writer has so little understanding and interest in the topic that they decide to ramble feelings and art rather than the actual entertainment value of the game, its better just to watch a lets play video.
Beethoven was dead you fucking idiot. Writing music and reviewing music is not the same thing. Reviewing games and reporting about games is not the same thing.
Kill yourself
Yeah you're right I'm sure Helen Keller had fucking wonderful opinions about Mozart and Jacques Louis David.
I can see her writing about Super Mario Bros. now
>"ognwog hw4g u34y r;jyijsdvhe2fwi08o89opghimjsroyudohyr umd h ht69o ye 89hioy h7 t79s79 ty"
You're a fucking idiot
I only like his Japan videos
Dean Takahashi is not a good writer. I'm sorry.
Dishonest is another word for contrary
>Try watching some of his recent videos
>he does a random unfunny "AAAAH" shout
Why is he doing this? Does he think he's being funny?
literally Sup Forums
I didn't know what game he was talking about until he said Uncharted, and I've played all of them multiple times through.
>Even though you said journalists aren't necessarily reviewers, I'm going to pretend you did
Thank you for sharing with the class. Sit down now, sweetie.
Yes because Helen Keller was known for her knowledge on music
It is possible to be bad at games but a good reviewer/analyzer since just because you may have poor reaction time or bad hand eye coordination (physical things) doesn't mean you can't understand the game and its mechanics (mental).
But there is also a limit to that, if you're so bad to the point you can't even see what the game has to offer then it's an issue.
Then don't give a "journalist" the task of reviewing a game
I agree, you don't need to be good at videogames to write about them.
The problem is most journos are beyond retard playing games.
Only gets the chilbren excited, but I doubt they watch his boring vids
Which was part of his argument on his stream People need to start separating game reviewers from game journalists
3rd grade book report-core.
Journalists don't have to be good at games, but reviewers should. You shouldn't post videos of journalists playing bad because it makes the game look bad.
How can you talk/report about something you don't understand?
That frog kotaku comic would yet again be applicable for another paid journo who can't play a game longer than a week before implying a score that is seen as the most vital of digits in the cosmos. Fuck him.
well he said 2016 was a bad year for him because Trump won lol
This guy was a certified nonobjective dumbass the moment he uploaded his video about The Old Hunters. He claimed Artorias of the Abyss was way better and all the reasons he listed objectively proved that the Old Hunters is better.
You don't need skills to watch a show, game reviewers can't be allowed to expect the same sort of gig.
If a game ""journalist"" is trying to analyze, critique, or make any sort of commentary whatsoever on the games mechanics, controls, systems etc. then his ability to play the game/skill is absolutely something that's necessary to take into consideration.
What are some games that insist upon themselves?
Advertisement does not equal reviews. It does provides information, but it's compromised by money or any other benefit for the streamer and it's made for pushing potential consumers into buying it.
A review, should ideally be unbiased information about the product pros and cons, evaluate every aspect for it with the purpose of informing potential customers whether or not the product in question suits each individual taste.
It's not exactly the same. A streamer telling me how much he enjoy PUBG and by accessing a link he provides I can buy the game and give him a help too, is pure advertisement.
A review telling me a game is not accessible, so if I want to get in, I need to dedicate serious hours to it is informing about the product, ideally unbiased, but that's not the topic at hand.
>What am I missing?
The first two guys aren't part of a multi-conglomerate media circle where they protect each other in order to continue benefiting from free PR items and privileges, as well as continue pushing their own personal narratives without any kind of reprimanding from a higher power whatsoever.
He learned piano before he went deaf, dumbass.
>What are some games that insist upon themselves?
What did he mean by this?
Yeah and? Point still stands mong
Will Dean ever recover?
>just good at reporting on games
But they're not
i am partially disabled and its lead me to prefer games with less timing involved and with controls that are easier for me to use. there are games i still need to watch videos of to be able to experience them because i will never be able to do them. you can have a good opinion on games and its multiple parts just by doing this. i can understand music and how its used, i can see mechanics and how they are combined with everything to make a more interesting or more immersive gameplay. i can talk about the art style and how it ties everything together. if his review was just the gameplay it could be fine, i would have opinions that this isnt the best job or maybe he should get someone else to play for video reviews but so long as the review itself was fine i would defend him. This was not the case
Did he just regurgitate the back of the box and let a child fill in the rest?
Dean is harmful to the industry because he believes his perception of the game's difficulty is accurate in any way and, as a result, spouts bullshit.
The guy who played it wasn't a dedicated games reviewer, he's a tech blogger who occasionally dabbles in vidya industry stories. The website needed him to fill in.
No it doesn't, the post you're replaying to said that a deaf person wouldn't review music, but beethoven learned music before he went deaf.
Dean wasn't a Super Street Fighter II prodigy before becoming a journo.
then i was fooled! when do they drop the confused parent act?
yes and? he understood games still. this wasnt his first review of video games and he even compared it to mario.
my step mom is a manager at a target. i still watched her play new super mario wii for 30 mins, she started off about the same, still ended up more competent and wasnt idiotic enough to think that jumping into a pit wouldnt kill her. The guy is a fucking idiot, no matter what he usually does.
When you have someone win fighting game tournaments using only their face to play, there's no excuse for the level of ineptitude that Dean exhibited.
>a vidya """journalist""" reports on the quality and mechanics of the game
>is complete shit at that
>h-he doesn't have to be good to do that guyz
>anyone can be a vidya journalist
This is the reason vidya journalism is a joke, even before the whole GG saga