Okay so, we may never figure out DEX vs STR.
But what about INT vs WIS?
Okay so, we may never figure out DEX vs STR.
But what about INT vs WIS?
because with wisdom, comes understanding
and with understanding, comes intelligence
They're both fundamentally different things. INT is understanding that a tomato is a fruit. WIS is knowing not to put tomatoes in a fruit salad.
WIS represents more practical knowledge than int, but at a certain point having more INT is more advantageous.
Realistically though CHA beats both.
At a very high number INT beats everything. Imagine being so intelligent you can literally understand how to create anything out of anything by understanding perfectly the atomic structures of objects.
>Not ignoring everything but VIT
Have fun with your short lives scrubs while I become functionally immortal
STR/WIS masterrace.
>functionally immortal
*decapitates you*
>Studying for tests
School is supposed to TEACH you content. If you learn it then you'll do fine on tests since you know it. If you have to study it means you never actually learned the content and are attempting to memorize it at the last second just to put it down on a piece of paper, probably forgetting it all the next day.
If a student needs to study, it means the teacher is a failure. Or the student is retarded. At best you should only have to review the content.
T. Someone who never studied a day in his life in highschool and got high 80s/low 90s.
What are some games that do stuff like this, that's not merely numerical. Like, very high WIS gives you precog
>implying you'll be able to even penetrate 1cm into my neck
Pfft, High VIT confers high DEF as well, the VIT will translate into high regen as well.
Rise with me VITfags
Not necessarily. Some people have less aptitude for memorizing things the first time when a teacher gives a course or telling the difference between multiple similar things. Half the reason normal students need to study is because of regardless of the teachers quality they don't pay attention since teenagers are fucking idiots.
INT is knowing a bunch of stuff
WIS is knowing how and where to use all that stuff
INT is knowing what an Oxbow Lake
WIS is realising that the only reason you know what an Oxbow Lake is because it's an example of something you'll never need to know ever.
There's a limit to how much a single person can achieve, even with incredibly high INT.
Unless you live in a world where you can literally reshape reality with your mind by being smart enough, you need outside help and resources to accomplish anything truly major.
INT understands how people work.
WIS understands why people work.
CHA understands how to get people to work.
Wisdom is a defensive stat and turtles always lose, fucking moron
>not dumping everything into luck
>Warlocks work off CHA even if they are supposed to resist going mad after making a pact with dark powers
>Clerics work off WIS - which usually represents mental fortitude - even if they are supposed to be, among other stuff, preachers of their faith
D&D was a mistake.
>being a vINTrgin
>not a CHAd
That's actually funny
INT is solving complex problems
WIS is making sure the situation with complex problems don't happen
full charisma is the only correct choice
>turtles always lose
LCK all the way.
Is there any game where this is actually feasible without the game being some sort of tedious grind?
>turtles always lose
Pump only charisma and luck
This short is the ultimate reminder that Cheating is the best stat.
I put all my points into STR. Hitting things good always work for me.
But what if you meet someone who can hit harder than you? You're going to need a bit of charisma so that it becomes a shounen-esque friendly rivalry instead of him punching a hole through your head.
someone give me an example of high WIS low INT
I hit other things until I can hit harder than him.
A local shaman or any old wisened man from rural area.
INT is academic knowledge, WIS is life experience.
There's truth to this, but I never studied and merely passed most of my material, though in some classes hitting the high 80s was really easy.
I only really sat down to go over material for cumulative final exams or something like that.
>not liking salsa
Well I see that you are an INTlet.
high INT low WIS man learns to understand all the secrets of the universe.
high WIS low INT man knows the former man was consumed by his quest for forbidden knowledge and accepts ignorance is bliss.
low both detected.
Understanding of everything leads to madness born of human limitations.
Just because you understand everything doesn't mean you can do anything. Wisdom is understanding why, and making peace with, the fact that humans have human limitation.
Forrest Gump
I just want to point out that most exemples of dex vs str have incredibly undexterious people attempting ninja kicks against people who don't do that as the exemple.
Why did they change his voice later in the series?
INT is not knowledge, it's raw brainpower.
WIS is knowing you can't solve a problem and even if you could, you wouldn't benefit from it.
INT is being able to solve the problem, even you don't benefit from it.
INT is being able to program your dream vidya.
WIS is realizing that you can achieve happiness without even creating anything, without ever becoming relevant to a being other than you.
underage detected
>which usually represents mental fortitude - even if they are supposed to be, among other stuff, preachers of their faith
But maintaining faith in something does require mental fortitude, or you'd just change your mind all the time whenever you encounter doubt or temptation. And someone who can handle doubt will be much more capable of preaching his faith, since he doesn't shy away from grappling with the hard questions.
INT is more along the lines of having the capacity to memorize things, it's not just a measure of your knowledge.
Computers are literally high int, zero wis machines.
high int low wis is high functioning autist
INT advisors WIS leaders
I think it was fairly feasible in new vegas.
academic knowledge is knowledge
int is IQ
WIS is experience and good judgement
Charisma and Luck are the most blatantly overpowered stats at high levels
Computers aren't high INT just like giant hammers aren't high STR.
Programmers are high INT.
try that in college dickhead
CHA represents power of personality, so having high CHA is important for Warlocks because it allows their personality to override a demon's.
His voice is the same, just more energetic and fast. Probably because they tried to cram too much dialogue and wordplay into the episodes.
Except that's wrong, you fucking retard.
Intelligence and wisdom produce understanding.
The wisest man in the world knows better than to touch a hot iron, but at 1 INT he couldn't possibly tell you why come hot thing make hurty.
>Code monkeys
>High INT
>Programmers are high INT.
You sure about that?
>this is what INTlets actually believe
>b-but I saw a woman write a hello world, that means programming is easy
Thats understandable but it felt out of place and ruined the comedy of his character a bit for me. Makes him sound like a dork, and although he always been one, he used to sound more pretentious and sophisticated before.
>Programmers are high INT
>tfw I just learned I'm high INT low WIS
I really, really like that big rodent.
>Programmers are high INT.
Nah dude, programming is actually really fucking easy to teach to retards.
1. Figure out what you want to do.
2. List the steps needed to accomplish this.
3. Work out those steps as psuedocode, adding additional steps to appease the computer's autism as needed.
4. Rewrite that psuedocode in the language of your choice, adding additional steps to appease the language's autistic conventions as needed.
This is how my little sister programs in her 6th grade CIS class and it really does make it retard proof. I know nothing about anything but I can make basic bitch python programs do anything I want.
Agreed. Most people prefer the 1st season for this reason.
>I'm high INT
> Programmers are high INT
As a programmer that often get tasked with correcting/maintaining my predecessor's or colleague stuff, I can guarantee you INT is not even a stat requirement for that class.
WIS isn't either.
>implying I didn't
American universities are expensive daycare centers. If you had to study ever, I'm sorry for your mental handicap.
While i completely agree with you, highschool is piss easy. University is a stupid meme but you do need to study. Which is why it's dumb.
>her 6th grade CIS class
Oh Jesus, the memes were right. Programming is the new literacy and I'm on the wrong side of it.
It's like saying that lifting weight requires no strength because anyone can lift a weight or that all math is easy because you can just transform variables and solution will be there (if one exists).
If you ever tried to write a neat, simple, maintainable code for a non-trivial problem, you'd know for a fact that INT is as vital for a programmer as STR is for a weightlifter.
Just because they let in INTlets attempt to do that doesn't mean that it doesn't matter.
They let in 0 STR dyels in a gym too.
I still code like this in grad school.. am I.. stupid?
Jack of All Trades, even point distribution across the board, master race!
>. If you have to study it means you never actually learned the content and are attempting to memorize it at the last second
"attempting to memorize it at the last second" is almost the fucking opposite of studying you fucking brainlet
>6 year olds can play with legos, so architecture is easy shit for retards
I can do all of these, am I a god?
no it means you have atleast 1 in all stats congrats
>programming is actually really fucking easy to teach to retards.
It isn't you lying fuck, programming education has seen a paradigm shift pretty much every year because everyone is at a loss at how to teach retards to program.
As intuitive as you make it out to be, in practice it's one of the hardest things to teach, and no one really knows why.
INT is calculating PI to the fifty-thousandth digit
WIS is knowing that you can calculate the circumference of the observable universe to with the margin of error being less than the width of a hydrogen atom using only 40 digits of PI.
WIS always wins.
architecture is nothing but saying you want the walls in some color and deciding where the kitchen is
engineers have to actually design the building
>commentary on the future by professionals in the industry
Pick one.
>programmers are high INT
>w-well actually only some are, just this subset
I accept your forfeit.
Nah man, they're just teaching the kids good fundamentals.
>cast spells with charisma
>don't have to study
>get all the girls
Look at all these losers not going full LUK/CHA. Cmon guys, you know that this is the master build.
Unfortunately yes. Unless you dream in assembly, you're basically a pleb
If you were high int you wouldn't be on Sup Forums.
your wisdom example is intelligence and your intelligence example is neither
That's actually a pretty funny comic.
>INT is to achieve things lesser beings can't even fathom
>WIS is being lazy and a hack and get away with it
>Dodge a tomato
that said if we look at it from a purely biological pov: humans are basically INT minmax: the species
and we've done pretty damn well as a result
>virgin wizard vs chad sorcerer
>I accept your forfeit.
INTlet and WISlet detected
Not sure if reading comprehension is more INT or more WIS, but you certainly lack both stats
How food is next if I want to upgrade?
So would you rather just be some dude or an autist? Hard choice
>1. Figure out what you want to do.
>2. List the steps needed to accomplish this.
Both of these require some degree of abstract thinking, depending on how complex the task is, and how close it is to things you already know exactly how to do.
I see people with above average IQ constantly underestimate how difficult even basic abstract thinking is for people with average or lower IQ. You can still learn the basics without being a genius, just like you can learn basic math even if you're not smart enough to take a PhD in math.
It's called top down programming and it's fine as long as you know when to use it and when not to.
I always thought wisdom were more philosophy oriented, like a kung fu master who knows the inner workings of the universe and stuff like that rather than practical knowledge.
>tomato is a fruit
INTlet detected