What am I going to play for the next few days?
Icewind Dale, Baldurs Gate 1/2 (again and again) or Pillars of Eternity?
What is the best CRPG for comfy evenings and nights.
What am I going to play for the next few days?
Icewind Dale, Baldurs Gate 1/2 (again and again) or Pillars of Eternity?
What is the best CRPG for comfy evenings and nights.
Play any of them as long as it's not PoE.
Why? If I remember correctly, it was very slowly and cozy.
>What is the best CRPG for comfy evenings and nights.
Mask of the Betrayer for me. I love the characters and interactions, and I'm so familiar with the system.
Icewind Dale is good because of the snowy setting, BG2 is nice because of familiarity and the characters. PoE is nice and comfy, too.
They're all pretty good OP. I don't think you can go much wrong.
>They're all pretty good OP. I don't think you can go much wrong.
But what should I choose. I can not decide.
What do you want to play a game for, user? Setting? Full party control? Adventuring through a game with a cast of characters you know and love?
That is my problem, i love all aspects at the same level. But right now, i just want the best CRPG for comfy fall evenings.
What's a short but still great CRPG that can be beaten before DOS2 releases?
A week is enough to comfortably beat F1 and 2 with minimal time investment. Icewind Dale.
Everything else is rather long.
Lands of Lore if you like first person crpgs
>comfy fall evenings
Ah, that helps. I'd say Pillars of Eternity. Fits thematically and aesthetically, and I remember it being slow and enjoyable.
Most of them, if you have enough time.
More realistically, Mask of the Betrayer - it's relatively short as it's an expansion campaign to a preexisting game, but you don't need to play NWN2 to enjoy it. If you want a different setting, have you played either of the Fallouts before?
Was gonna mention that, there's also 2 and 3 if OP doesn't fancy a straight forward dungeon crawler
You could try our PoE with the expansion set, or just go with the king of all snow settings, Icewind dale.
BG2 is the best game ever created, so play this
Updated your journal
Why are snowbound settings so good?
Is Dragon age origins any good? Been meaning to play it for years.
It just has some pacing and story issues. They cared more about quantity than quality when it came to the writing.
I just like cold mornings/night, and icewind dale has the best backgrounds in crpg, imo.
How i start the xpac? it is seperated from the main game like throne of bhaal?
It's good if you want a relatively straightforward, comfy setting with some good characters. It has nowhere near the complexity of older titles, though.
I like it. Morrigan a cute.
One of these days I'll get around to playing as a Psi character.
can i loot a lot of stuff / scavenge a lot in this game ? it's my fetish
PoE had so retarded plot, who cares about that stupid souls and boring as fuck ghosts monologues.
That looks incredibly comfy.
Yes, there's even a XP setting where you only get XP from finiding oddities and quests.
>ywn sleep in the ribcage of a long-dead, frozen dragon
why exist?
You should get a note about it in your keep if you are far enough into to the base game. I think it´s act 2 or 3.
yes you can
also pic related it objectively true, just to settle the dozen variations of this chart,shadowrun games are overrated af.
well, i know what to do for the next days
Yes it's good. You won't regret it, at least one playthrough.
Mages become completely OP in the second half of the game, take that as an argument for or against.
why Tides of Numenera is shit?
>shadowrun games are overrated af.
I remember the difficulty curve being a little... well fucked last time I tried Pillars of Eternity. Like it opens up as you play but during the early game it feels like there's times when you get slapped in the face if you take so much as one step in the wrong direction.
The original's fairly good for the most part. It feels like a more polished version of Neverwinter Nights. There is one particular section that's just fucking awful to play though and I guarantee you that anyone who's played it knows exactly which part I'm talking about.Never bothered with DA2 or 3 but I didn't hear very good things about them.
Their "What can change the nature of a man?" scene had no buildup or tie in to the actual plot.
> Pillars of Eternity over Tyranny
Both games are full of it, with next to no story it´s all pre-rendered backgrounds and combat 99% of the time.
Shit combat and lifetimes worth of text. Why is this allowed?
>can i loot a lot of stuff / scavenge a lot in this game ?
Yes. Not only is the best experience setting centred on collecting Oddities (as drops, from the environment, nicking them from people) you can scavenge gear from the corpses of your enemies, and even tear out the innards of dead creatures to make into drugs!
Tranny is pure trash.
You literally just described Planescape: Torment so I guess the developers achieved what they were going for
they are nowhere as good as underrail or divinity, only dragonfall is a genuinely good game
> Pillars of Eternity over Tyranny
tyranny does choice and consequence better but has more shallow combat than pillars, less enemy variety, worse exploration and generally is a step down from pillars
also same price but only 2/5th as long
>why Tides of Numenera is shit?
to much purple prose that doesn't add anything to the game and very mediocre combat
I really hope inexile can get their shit together for wasteland 3
Icewind Dale is brutal. The constant barrage of enemies and hidden trigger left me exhausted after each large encounter
I want to play IWD again. But I'm still on act1 of NWN, I'm struggling to keep playing it since I only control 1 character so it feels less fun.
What are other old cRPGs with a squad control and fun
>to much purple prose that doesn't add anything to the game and very mediocre combat
Grandiloquence is part of PS:T's identity. They succeeded in making the spiritual successor they set out to make, in an even more alien setting. The combat shouldn't have been shit, but then again, it's a game best played avoiding it altogether.
Also, Wasteland 3 is going to be fine. Numenera and Wasteland 2 had different people working on them.
Did they fix the melee enemies in Wasteland 2? They used to charge all over the fucking map.
Grimoire is actually pretty good now that the manual is out so it's actually possible to understand what the fuck everything does. Also helps that the price dropped to something more reasonable
the picture is bullshit as fuck.
Enemies still get a billion more AP than you and can run circles across the map before stopping next to you and smacking you multiple times.
I actually really liked playing the deluxe edition of wasteland 2
I hope they go with the Classic wasteland cover for 3 again, for the day i find a wasteland 1 copy with a perfect box.
You are right, vikings isnt in good tier, went back to fix it
thanks for reminding me user
Now it is perfect. But i would rate Age of Decadence one tier higher.
i can't believe people who live in a cold and harsh environment like that would build roofs in such a shitty manner that you can literally see through it.
I like AoD a lot but it's flawed in some ways, especially presentation and the CYOA meme is kinda true.
Hahahaha, no. If anything it should be lower.
Drakensang 2 was really cozy.
Multiple beginings, bro tier party members, literally ALL locations look and feel comfy as FUCK. Music makes it even better:
It may not be the best RPG overall but it most definitely is the most cozy RPG of all time so far.
Too bad there'll never be a third one.
old lapland style
>also same price but only 2/5th as long
Still need to try it out (been a little too sucked in to The Division to see what's changed) but they dropped the content patch that they promised that adds more to the main game. Plus the expansion finally came out too
Torment and Dragonfall are the only games with really good writing on that list. Dragonfall is easily GOAT contender for its writing style and prose.
Bullshit. It is with Pillars of Eternity and D:OS the best modern CRPG.
And even saying "it's not the best RPG" is a stretch.
It's a pretty faithful adaption of the pen & paper system it's based on.
It's just not as accurate as Realms of Arkania.
Which was also super cozy.
The Dark Eye is generally a really comfy and chilled out setting.
Surprising considering its german origin.
>It is with Pillars of Eternity and D:OS the best modern CRPG.
Those two games were mediocre as all hell.
Remove Torment and I'd agree with you.
>darklands remake never
Best part about any crpg is the inventory tetris. I love huge stats screens, gridless inventory and all that. Maybe i´m just going fucking crazy.
Playing through shadowrun dragonfall now really loving the story
Serpent in the Staglands is uber awesome!
I have been keeping an eye on this for some time, how is it? What game can you most easily compare it to?
It is like a perfect mishmash between Baldurs Gate 2 and Ultima VII.
But you need pen and paper to note hints, etc.
Did they improve combat by a lot?
I've dropped the launch version because it felt incomplete as fuck with only a few skills and not even stuff like crouching/prone, aiming at body parts etc.
I ´could forgive this IF the game wasn't 80% combat.
Brehs, are you ready for Shotguns in Underrail?
Styg's adding, Spears, Machetes and Shotguns
I love this game already, and I understand so little about it.
I've just made it to the first town and am resisting the urge to take everything that isn't nailed down from peoples' houses to help me in my quest.
The encounter with the first guy on the road was fantastic. I thought I went through the conversation pretty well without giving anything away, but then he said something that made me thing he was suspicious so I murdered him. I'm glad I did, too.
They improved every aspect of the game in the Director's Cut. You can crouch and target body parts, and character progression is significantly better with added perks and quirks. Sub-60% hit chance RNG is still shit, but it affects your enemies as well.
Also, you may have been playing it during early access rather than at launch if it lacked skills and crouching.
Shadowrun: Dragonfall
I hate the map editor look.
Did someone say harem of loli concubines?
It's fun, but it has some things that really piss me off more than they should:
- character models have huge hands
- weapon variety is terrible, no spears or polearms
- weapons are way too oversized
- mages's auto-attack is pathetic to look at
- mages's headgear looks absolutely retarded
- romance is disgusting
>music starts
Play Pools of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor. Comfiest crpg ever
I really need to get into it. Been on my to-do list for too long already.
I do like the hideout music that plays, it even returns in Hongkong with a few notes.
I would not wish it upon my enemy to play this, let alone uninstall it again, back in the day.
Best just to stick with the OG pool of radiance, or read the book.
System Shock 2 should be in great tier.
Pretty sure they're teenagers.
Don't play PoE unless you are willing to play subpar games. The comfiest crpg is without a doubt baldurs gate 2 with the introduction sequence skip mod. Or if you don't care about story, play a roguelike like angmar or DF adventure mode. These are the best options. No problem OP no need to suck my cock.
>Skyrim and Oblivion are in shit tier
Best runner
Best run
Best music
They are, especially Skyrim. Babies first rpg tier
I'll repeat. They are shit.
Now go to bed Todd.
Closest you get is Serpen in the Staglands.
after 2:05
Gobbet is for tenderness and marriage
later in ultima playthoguh having bags in bags in bags to help me sort through all the shit i keep nicking like some sort of old ms access work file
Was a good thing in Ultima online, for when player killers had to waste time sorting out 2000 bags to get to stuff.
>buy icewind dale as a kid
>expect baldurs gate
>get linear hack n slash pseudo dungeoncrawler
I'm still disappointed like 16 years later