Is it even possible to defend Nintendo at this point? Seems like every choice they made for the last 5 years has been anti-consumer.
Is it even possible to defend Nintendo at this point...
guaranteed prices of carts arent 10 dollars more
More info.
According to marketing analysts, the cost to make a game on a 32 GB Switch card is 60% higher than to make a blu-ray for Xbox One or PS4.
>$70 for a single player game
My dad works at Sega and he says making Sonic was like 100 bucks.
The difference is that marketing analysts can back it up, their reputation depends on accurate information. Check the NPD folks, ZhugeEX on twitter if you want insight on this issue.
Probably $50, I doubt the PS4 version is more than $40 and I wouldn't be surprised if it was $30 either.
Whats the total production cost of printing a physical copy? Like 2 bucks? There isn't even a fucking manual these days.
Production cost is probably cheap for discs (not $2, but still cheap), but Nintendo sells proprietary carts to publishers who want to make games for the Switch. I wouldn't be surprised if that was the reason 2K18 will be digital-only on Switch for a while.
Literally the only production cost is the sd card and some chinese plastic. I highly doubt that warrants a $10 increase.
You can buy big box board games with actual physical parts for less than $70.
It's just a bs scam. Not like rockstar has been shown to be a greedy pos company or anything.
Forgot to add, this whole deal with cartridge price and the Switch's lack of power compared to PS4/Xbone will further lead the console to an indie heaven / AAA hell. It's probably why Street Fighter II and Bomberman were so expensive on the machine.
Nintendo is so fucking pathetic.
It's a proprietary SD card, not a Sandisk card you buy on the grocery store, son.
You're forgetting these games have insane profit margins. They're not barely scraping by. They're making 20+ dollars a game.
Correct me if I'm wrong, isn't the Switch version also going to have less graphical stuff as well?
Aren't blu-ray dirt cheap?
What the fuck this shit is like $50 on Xbone/PS4 anyways?
I'll pass then, that's too much for just a small visual upgrade
Sure, but it'd be crazy to say the game developers and publishers should lower their profits to accomodate Nintendo's plan, wouldn't it? They're not doing Nintendo a favor.
They confirmed it's 40 on PS4/Xbone and 50 on Switch.
Sure, but why should consumers accomodate developers and publishers where they're willing to nickle and dime us?
It's not getting the graphics and resolution bumps of the other consoles or the PC, no. But they're adding things like over-the-shoulder, portability, and gyro controls.
In my opinion, that's not something that would sell me on a Switch version if I were interested in buying this game again. But I'm not. I've already experienced this game years ago.
That game Rime was also more expensive on Switch because of cart prices, according to the developer.
So it's like that time Crapcom charged $10 extra for Resident Evil: Mercenaries for 3DS?
im pretty sure la noire was more than 32gb, it took up 4 fucking discs
>Xbox user
i hope this isn't what will bite the switch in the ass. it's almost like the n64 all over again
What? What does that have to do with anything? You buy or don't buy a game if you want, you wait for sales if you think it's too expensive etc.
Rockstar is basically saying "hey, we don't recommend you buy it on Switch if you can" and analysts are explaining the reason why. It's not only affecting Rockstar, but every third party publisher that wants to release physical copies.
>Last 5 years
Nintendo has been doing this shit since the NES. Every console they've made used propriety formats that devs have to pay extra for.
The game is gonna be $50 on Switch, not $70.
>physical games are more expensive because of the cartridges
>digital games are more expensive as a result
Can't wait til this thing gets hacked, stick a 200GB MicroSD card in there and be done with it
>Carts are more expensive than discs
This has been the case ever since the PSX/N64. Who doesn't know this?
Yeah it's pretty dumb.
Like I own a Switch and I think Nintendo is being unbelievably stingy here. It means they are charging developers the theoretical mark-up of the Switch card rather than the price to produce the card
At the very least, it will be $40 again if you do a digital download
How much do the carts cost?
>L.A. Noire
>It's another fucking "let's port a game from last gen to this gen" release
I'm getting real fucking sick of this shit, why can't developers just make a new game already instead of just getting some guys to make their 7th gen game work on an 8th gen console? It's getting fucking ridiculous at this point.
>hate on nintendo for $10 more
>don't hate on sony/MS for being $10 more than PC, or $30+ more if on sale
I remember Sup Forums saying cartridge was the future before the Switch launch, because they now had high storage capacity, fast load times and were dirt cheap.
Was Sup Forums wrong?
I'd be annoyed at this, but then again I saw this coming a mile away.
You buy Nintendo hardware for Nintendo software. Any halfway decent third-party software on a Nintendo system nowadays is a pleasant surprise at worst.
Yeah, the switch should've used discs
then i wont buy it until it slips into the bargain bin, if at all
Isn't rockstar the ones in charge on giving a price tag to their games?
Console game pricing is largely irrelevant since you need to add the cost of PSN Plus/XBL as well.
That isn't really that much more expensive actually, certainly not ten dollars more considering how cheap BDs are to produce.
>using anything but flash storage on a portable
Oh yeah lets bring back the Discman or UMDs, thats a great idea.
And somehow handheld games managed to be MUCH cheaper than their disc only counterparts on home systems for three fucking decades now even though their cartridges were ALWAYS more expensive than discs.
Yes, Nintendo said that publishers are on charge of the price.
>rerelease game from years ago at a higher price
>no one buys it
>devs take that as reason to not release on system
>complain theres no interest/userbase
Its wiiu 3rd party catch 22 all over again
If it costs so much, how come EA and other publishers are able to make games at the same price for Switch?
T2 is even releasing a basketball game for the exact same price, but for some reason Rockstar is allowed by the company to deliberately sabotage one version of the game, the kind of thing that should get you sued by shareholders.
>Hi capacity, fast load times
Considering we're entering the era of 1tb micro SD soon becoming a thing, yeah.
>Dirt cheap
Fuck no, for the price you can pay for a 32gb micro SD, you could probably get a stack of blu-rays
Le Noire is already on Steam
Why do you care if they port games to other systems? It's not made for people to double-dip, it's made for people that didn't buy the originals first, and it's much easier to make than a new game. It probably takes 7-9 people and 6~ months to port it. A new game would require much more than that.
>yfw the Switch version ends up being the objectively better version of the 4 and worth the extra $10
>although i really doubt that will happen, but hey, a man can dream
>has been in a million bundles on PC for $1
>current gen consoles have to fork up $50 to be able to play it again
The only advantage it will have will be portability, though I dont really think that LA Noir is a game I want to play outside.
>Was Sup Forums wrong?
Of course Sup Forums was wrong. Sup Forums does not understand manufacturing costs.
Didn't even know this was coming out on current consoles. Is this just a straight port or a remaster? I already have it on PC.
I hope you haven't updated in the last few weeks user
Because that worked so well for the PSP.
>implying it won't be GOTY because of HD RUMBLE
Yes, and they had to choose between charging the same on Switch and making less than on PS4/Xbone or charging more on the Switch and making the same amount they will on the PS4/Xbone.
Really, not their fault, at least this time.
Of course I haven't
It's confirmed as being the best version.
"The Switch release will feature gyroscopic, gesture-based controls and HD rumble, as well as “new wide and over-the-shoulder camera angles, plus contextual touch screen controls for portable detective work,” Rockstar said."
Other developers eat the costs because their videogames are still HIGHLY profitable and increasing the price like that will actually push buyers away, meanwhile Rockstar are being jews and offload the cost onto the consumers instead.
Well, your paying for more features. An extra $10 for portability, motion control, and, depending on the sales, the possibility of more Rockstar games on the Switch seems fair. As a consumer you have every right to simply not buy the fucking game though.
Maybe because it costs 700% less to make portable games than console games?
>L.A. Noire for Switch
>Not a GTA collection for Switch
Why are we still playing LA Noire in 2017
Most other games don't cost more, this is Rockstars decision. Switch more than likely will get dick all in the way of third party ports however, companies just don't want to pay extra for the printing of carts it seems.
But it's also only a Rom.
GTA V will be announced for the Switch before March 3rd, 2018. Screencap this post.
because goddamit they spent a bunch of money and time doing motion capture for the game and hiring actors and doing research to make it "authentic" so you better fucking buy it again
>$70 Nintendo Dollarydoos for a 2011 game which is basically an old-timey GTA with ripped off Telltale Game elements.
If Rockstar are jews in that scenario, what are Nintendo employees?
Thats the developers fault. Budget games sell well too.
And when they manage to attract enough buyers it doesnt matter how much the development cost, its how AAA devs get away with 500mil budgets.
The current game price is fucking arbitrary anyways.
No way, probably a port of the 3D era GTA games.
Literally fake news.
Not after this bombs like it will on PS4 and Xbone as well.
WoW gimmicks
Wait a Rockstar game is on Switch?
>nintenbabbies loving gimmicks and shit graphics
Nothing new
Nintendo employees?
Like what do you expect them to do? Make flash storage infinitely cheaper magically?
If you have a portable device you wont get away with discs. Shit just dont fly. Until other storage methods are made up its all we can use.
There's alot more to costs than just the price of the medium a game is printed on. The switch sold less units than both the PS4 and xbox one at this point, they'd be retarded to make the same amount of copies for each system. And since both the PS4 and xbox one use blurays you can probably just burn the discs in the same facility while you need an additional one to make the switch cartridges.
Why wouldn't it come to Switch? The Switch is more powerful than the Wii U, which was more powerful than the PS3, which got GTA V. So the Switch can run it for sure, right now Rockstar is mostly testing the waters with LA Noire.
Poor Nintendo, they just wanted to help
Nope thats just capcom
quality post.
Rockstar be lazy? probably find some excuse.
>Switch more powerful than PS3 or Wii U
You are fucking hilarious.
Switch is more powerful than the PS3 and WiiU, is there much more to clarify with such a statement.
The Switch is the most powerful home console of all time once you factor in its portability. Can you take the Wii U or Ps3 on the go?
They're not doing consumers a favor either, and when I see that a game is unreasonably overpriced I simply wont buy it, especially when I see that other Switch developers dont pull this shit.
This is a fucking port of an oldass game and the 40$ they are charging for it is already too high. 50$ is ridiculous.
I also dont have a PS4 and Xbox One so thats definitely a lost sale.
Basically fuck them.
With games ported from Wii U to Switch, I can get that because a lot of people outright ignored the Wii U, but considering this is "Rather mediocre game" that got quite a lot of sales on previous gen stuff, it just seems more like a dumb cash grab, and considering remasters are already getting quite the stigma, this shit is probably going to get tiring to most people soon enough. Already tires me
>buying a rockstar game
>buying a shitty old rockstar game
>buying a shitty old rockstar game on a console with one of the best open-world titles ever made
It just doesn't add up.
Are you guys pretending to be retarded? this is just Rockstar's move to have it obviously bomb so people would shut up about GTAV or RDR2 on switch.
Sacrificing a pawn.
Holy shit guys, HD RUMBLE
I really hope they give the main characters some Nintendo EXCLUSIVE Mario hats too! Haha
I agree $50 is ridiculous. It'd be $40, like the other versions, if it wasn't for Nintendo fuckery. Then, we would all be able to complain about the $40 price tag together.
While I can't say the same for the PS4 and Xbone versions, the Switch port is gonna be portable, and that already gives it a huge benefit over last-gen versions.
>not just sticking the games on plain old SD cards
Your shit is going to get hacked anyway, you might as well save a few bucks and stop irritating your paying customers.