Will he direct FF XVI?

Will he direct FF XVI?

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Why would anyone think that?

It'd be nice just in terms of fixing the abhorrent writing that franchise is diseased with.

I don't want FF to become some misanthropic circlejerk tho, I like dem gud endings.

This guy doesn't do good writing, he does good moments desu

I fucking hope not.

Near a tomato had a good ending. He can do it if he has to.

literally tacked on garbage at the end. no thanks.

does nier use the same universe as FF?

Does FF use the same universe as FF? What kind of retarded question is that?

Yoko Toro also has shit writing so what would that solve

I'd unironically prefer XV-2

for instance, Bravely Default is not a FF game but uses the same systems, terms and basics

You better hope to God that he doesn't otherwise we all crying lads.

I really doubt he would even want to do that. Unless they give him total control, which would never happen in any timeline. Then he would just use the huge budget to make whatever he wanted to and have nothing to do with FF.

>directed by Taro
>art direction by Amano

>BD is not a FF game
I mean, it pretty much is. It began as a sequel to Four Heroes of Light. The thing about FF is that there is no "universe" beyond motifs.

You must have loved 15 then.

>IX was the last self-contained FF without sequels and other expanded universe bullshit
I miss that aspect of the series.

>literally everyone died
>good ending

Even though Taro would make an excellent final fantasy (especially if he will decide to shit on all basic FF concepts like crystals and mock the hell out of them) i really hope that he won't get involved with Square too much, we already saw a few brilliant directors getting fucked up by this.

Ending E is what the entire fucking game leads to, you need to be blind to not notice Pods becoming more humanlike.

Does Sup Forums prefer ending C or ending D? I'm curious



>you play the villain this time trying to stop the 4 Warriors of light from saving the world
>saving the world would mean an opressive utopia so chaos must always exist for people to have freedom
>Ending A would end with villain's defeat but it would open up the second half where it would star the villain's son on a quest to overthrow the 4 kingdoms that the Warriors now rule by destroying its crystals.
My fanfic of what a Yoko Taro Final Fantasy would be.

This should either happen for a Taro directed FF or he should steal this idea and make a totally legit game.

Being pretentious isn't much better.

God please no.
SE get away your nasty claws away from him. He's pure, PURE.

No, because FFXVI is going to be a f2p mobile ""game"" assuming it even gets made at all

The ending of FFXV wasn't tacked on?

>Does FF use the same universe as FF?
eh yeah?

Except not. Every game is set in a new universe.
Despite appearing in multiple games, Ivalice was an inconsistent clusterfuck and Fabula Nova was a complete mistake.

>jap director stands out
let the retardo japs do what they want you fucking MASSIVE FAGGOT

Taro's writing has gotten progressively worse

I think the games theme of self sacrifice was well portrayed. Personally, I dislike games with impossible odds only to end with everyone living happily ever after. The reality is, not everyone has the luxury of growing old and this is a fantasy based on reality after all.

I just bought all his games off Amazon, they'll be arriving next week. I'm excited to play them

>shit writing
Still better than xv you xv-kuns, if it's not nier the Zelda will be goty 2017 you cunts.

I like Yoko Taro's stuff, but wouldn't his style be a bit too pessimistic and grimdark for the tone that Final Fantasy generally has?

How do you go from something as grand as this;



Taro said he'd like to do a FF game though

That's why this entire thread kills the Sup Forums

It's pretty much confirmed that Yoshida will direct FFXVI after he finds a replacement for his job at FFXIV.

FF is a series that continues purely due to legacy instead of quality so why not hand it over to the retards who actually think Taro is some kind of genius.

Marinara sauce?

Taking of Deborah Logan.

>I think the games theme of self sacrifice was well portrayed.
No theme of self-sacrifice will be well portrayed in stories where a protagonist has to magically kill himself because a magic demon is threating the world with vague evilness because NONE OF THAT SHIT IS RELATABLE AND I COULD NOT CARE LESS

Fucking Caius with his "I don't want muh loli to suffer" was more relatable than Ardyn "Literally who" Shittylastname

Thanks man, I got entertainment for tonight.

I'd prefer Taro stay in his universe, creating more weird shit with bizarrely likable characters, then have him be limited by Squeenix so much. They're so protective of mainline FF I'm surprised they let Tabata kill off Noctis, so I can't imagine they'd let Taro do as he pleases, which is when he's at his best.

Nah, SE wouldn't risk it. Imagine if it was good, what would people be thinking?

Any source on that claim?

Ok. I won't respond to obvious the bait but You just said that FF indeed used the same universe as FF before.

Not every game.

See: FFT, Vagrant Story, FF12

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