What makes Persona 3 miles better than Persona 5?

What makes Persona 3 miles better than Persona 5?

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It's our first Persona game.

5 is playable even if its shit , 3 has 200 floors of nothing

Your delusion.


10 years and 2 numbers

What makes SMT miles better than Persona?

Mitsuru desu

Persona 3 is the original, so its faults are excusable.

It's older and less popular therefore I"m smarter if I like it therefore it's better.

No feminist bullshit


Cute brown athletic tomboy waifu

It didn't completely dispense with the grit of P2 for shitty slice-of-life anime cliches.

You played it first.

Nothing. It wasn't very good.

The music. The story. The final boss. The main party having growth even without your interference. AKINARI.

Also, the ending.

Can't we just love each game without having to compare?

No, P3fags have become like P2fags and are in a desperate attempt to stay relevant

Do you just not want people to have opinions?

I finished FES a few weeks ago. I liked most of the main cast in this one which I imagine is the make-it-or-break-it factor here. 5's core gameplay was definitely stronger (the whole point of turn-based combat is that it's the best method for one player to control a small group of 3 - 6 characters, P3 tried to be innovative I guess but it fucking missed this point completely) but I found almost all the main characters really annoying personally which killed the experience for me.

In 5, which members of the main cast did you find annoying?

>I guess but it fucking missed this point completely


The AI controlled party members were intended to make the other characters really feel like individuals. And it worked, for the most part, but brain dead herpaderps can't get over the fact that they have to play a little differently.

>And it worked
Making the game shitier to play maybe.

By Okamura's dungeon and beyond, pretty much all of them barring the characters who had next to no presence most of the time anyway like Yusuke or Haru. I did think the initial 3-4 person group were fun to follow during the first two dungeons though.

Other characters in rpgs already manage to get that personality across through their skill set though. You don't need to remove player control completely to do that.

Should have played P3P instead nigga

>best MC
>second best cast
>best OST

The only thing P5 has over IS, EP, P3, or P4 is the combat and the art design.

That's stupid, p3's best aspect it is story and p3p ruins its presentation, fes plays to the games strength. The game is also balanced around the ai combat, it isn't that hard at all to begin with so why would you sacrifice what makes the game good just so you can have an easier time in an already easy game.

Heard that has it's own issues too though?

asspulls make for good endings now?

P3P has the hardest difficulty setting.

>the P3 ending is an asspull
The opening of the game says explicitly that you're going to die. The entire theme of the game is death and accepting it. MC dying is what literally any intelligent writer would do. The only surprise is that Atlus had the balls to do it.

I didn't mean the MC dying. That part I give points for because it was ballsy as fuck and I loved it. But the scene where Ryoji tells the MC "Hey I know I said about a million times that there was no stopping this but I think you're really cool so here have Messiah" is pure nonsense of the "we drove ourselves into a corner plotwise" variety.


story, characters, music and that final boss
but i dont think its miles better, just better in different ways

>but I think you're really cool so here have Messiah
Literally what? That's not a thing, you only get Messiah from fuzing Thanatos and Orpheus. The only reason they succeeded was because of the power of the MC's bonds creating The Universe, which had nothing to do with Ryoji giving him something.

watching persona 3 movies was a mistake

This isn't about the difficulty, it's that p3p presents the story way worse and it doesn't do enough better to justify it.

You people are hopeless. AI control was the right move, and instead Atlus listened to little shits like you.

Absolutely nothing. P3fags are just desperate for some attention.

Everything was just tonally different than the other two. Whole other vibe, different style of music, characters, etc. You can always say the games are different flavors for different people, but something about 3 is very cohesive in a way the other 2 modern Persona isn't .

Also whether you think 3 or 5 is better, they both really paint P4 for the valley it is between the high points of 3 and 5. It's not miles shittier, but it's not on par with either as a whole package.


All persona games are bad in their own way.

a shame though, the concept has potential.

Nothing. It's a boring slog.

They're all bad because of the calendar system killing the pacing.
The calendar system didn't treat P3 kindly.

No, they're boring cause the characters are mostly plain and boring, the story is shit and the combat is bad

Oh, that's only P3 then.

>ree P4D is stupid
>P3D and P5D happen

>ree why isn't P3DAN canon
It's pretty funny when you think about it.

noncanon fanservice games > 'it happened between games because of time travel and nobody remembers it afterwards but trust us it's canon'

Persona 3 is a terrible, terrible game. If Persona 5 is legitimately somehow worse than 3, then the Persona devs have some issues.

Sure, but canon games without time travel involved > meaningless milking

P3 has Mitsuru
And both games are good

>Persona 3

>Your taste

The Universe manifested because of MC's strong bonds and willingness to do anything to protect those bonds, not because of Ryoji
How did you even get that idea?

Well you already showed me your shit taste in vidya, it certainly can't be worse than that.

extremely fucking boring dungeon where basically all you do is grind til you can beat the next section boss
you fight palette swaps of the same few enemies for the entire game
instead of having a logical explanation for how you acquire new personas, like holidng up enemies and convincing them to join you, its relegated to a shitty mini game at the end of battle and is never acknowledged in the actual story
you barely get to know the main cast and only have s links with the female members
there is nothing to do at night other than two s links and going to tartarus, everything else is stuffed into the day cycle

It let you play the high school/dungeon crawler simulator without eating up days for cutscenes every other week.

yeah instead you just get random swaths of time where you can't do most s links, like before exams or most of december/early january

>there is nothing to do at night other than two s links and going to tartarus, everything else is stuffed into the day cycle
At least this let's you explore Tartarus at your own pace. P4 and P5 punish you heavily for not doing Palaces in one go.

Beats dealing with 5 hours of
> muh shitty adults
> hurdurr I'm retarded what are the palace keywords

no shitty effing adults

The gameplay is objectively worse

The story is arguably the best in the series

that's a good gameplay mechanic though, it rewards people who go into dungeons prepared so they have more time to fuck around. the tartarus segments were trivially easy to get done in one or two nights, but then again that's mostly because you could heal on the first floor which wouldn't be included if they made it more p4/p5 style.

but still, it would be nice if there was a few more options. i never really went to tartarus more than once a week, so after maxxing out my social stats by like july, i spent so many nights either going to bed early or walking koromaru

the scenes were fine, its just dumb you couldn't do anything at night afterwards due to being too tired

More actual time for dungeon crawling, better narative and pay off, and say ehat you will about having no control over the party, but having ai teamates and ordering them via tactics really does put you in the role of party leader while your team feels more like actual teamates and not just another character you control.

Persona 5 is more edgy, but 3 LOOKS edgier

Persona 3 has a very emotional ending and good character arcs due to the characters not being reliant on their social link to progress. Not that characters in 4 and 5 don't have arcs, they just aren't as pronounced. Also 5 tries to be 4 without any of the fun events that make 4 amazing. Also also, 5's final boss is great, but the pacing of the rest of the ending is shit, the final cutscene isn't that good of a send-off, and the stars and us is not as good as memories of you and never more.
Also also also, persona 5's dunfeons do not have much replayability, tartarus is better than mementos, and persona 5's villains are both cartoonishly evil and don't get progressively more evil due to the standards set by Kamoshida.

What a bitch

>it rewards people who go into dungeons prepared so they have more time to fuck around
And it punishes people who don't enjoy playing the dungeon part without a break.
Then the actual reward is 6 hour period of social sim until you can go dungeon crawling again. The social aspects may be fun, but with the way they handle dungeons you have these 3 repeating phases of
>1 hour cutscenes to unlock the next Palace
>2-3 hours of dungeon crawling
>5-6 hours of social sim
If you play 2 hours a day you can go almost 4 days without ever seeing the actual JRPG part of the game. That ruins the pacing.

>i never really went to tartarus more than once a week
And in P5 you visited dungeons once a month and that's it.

>At least this let's you explore Tartarus at your own pace. P4 and P5 punish you heavily for not doing Palaces in one go.

You can go take a piss or go to the spa in Paulownia to get rid of tiredness though.

And being tired gets you a courage boost from edogawa.

What's your point? Tiredness becomes a non-factor after 2 months, doesn't force you out of the dungeon and can be dealt with by letting your teammates rest for two days. If you're in the mood for dungeon crawling that's like 15 minutes of social sim until you're good to go again.
And as already said, you don't lose out on much if you don't do the next Tartarus segment in one night. In P4 and P5 leaving a Palace early means losing 2 fully packed time slots. Same with Mementos. You only ever go there when you collected a bunch of Rank 7/8 missions and can't progress any other Confidant. You never go there when you just feel like doing some dungeon crawling because it'll fuck with you time management in the long run.

Persona 3 is great because of it's strong cohesive theme that permeates almost every aspect of the game, from the music, to the social links stories, to the color palette, to the way the world changes
All of this culminates in an extremely powerful ending that concludes the arc of a seemingly characterless character in a satisfying way

4 and 5 also have cohesive themes. 5's is definitely on par with 3, 4 and 5 are just slightly less universal.

Played-First bonus and nostalgia. I can honestly admit it.
That being said it was slightly better in some aspects, most importantly characters and story. Soundtrack is debatable.
Persona 5 is probably objectively superior just for demons alone but P3 is still my #1 in my heart


4's theme is really muddled and doesn't come up all that much to be honest
5's theme is alright but the payoff isn't anywhere near as good as P3's

The theme of truth definitely appears in the main plot of a mystery, along with the social links through a lot figuring out what they really want.

But death is way more universal and easier to tie to everything. And rebellion is easy enough to do but I agree there was some stumbling in 5's execution.

you were a highschooler/teen back then when it comes out

literally nothing, persona 5 is a better game than 3 and 4 by a fucking mile in every way

explain genius-senpai

>muh memento mori
>chidori survives thanks to magic flowers
>Shinjiro survives thanks to some dumb pocket watch

At least P4 stuck to its self-improvement theme. Even Marie stops being retarded by then end of the game.

The ending really isn't that good and 4 has the best social sim parts due to having decent trips.
Beach is boring, dumb pick-up chicks plot
Fireworks festival boring, only two things for characters to comment on, can't even go with mitsuru and aigis
Culture festival cancelled by hurricane
Trip to kyoto generally boring except for hot springs scene
New years is somber
Bathouse scene is only between joker and 2 party members, both guys
Fireworks festival rained out
Trip to tv studio only for purpose of plot
Beach has dumb pick-up chicks plot
Fireworks festival rained out for no reason
Hawaii fails to be interesting even with how much potential it has
Culture festival has shit atmosphere
New years in jail
Trip to the mountains, get to see girls in swimsuits
Trip to city, making the city regularly visitable, but with dumb pick-up chicks plot that you can drop out of instead of failing
Decent beach scene
Three fireworks scenes with more content than the other two games
Concert scene
Trip to persona 3 island, shiws the school part of the trip, has a ton of references, club escapade scene is legendary
Culture festival with fun atmosphere, immediately followed by typical bath house scene
New years is fun
Ski trip

>New years is somber
>told you're going to die
Yeah wonder why

This desu

I like p3's plot but don't tell me 4 isn't more fun than 5 and 3 combined if we are talking purely atmosphere. Persona 3 has a depressing theme that makes sense, persona 5 ruins all its side content for no reason.

there is something special about teenagers putting a gun to their head and pulling the trigger

He said persona 3 not persona 3 portable.

Nostalgia, literally the only reason

I can agree with you there. It does get boring towards the end when you've done practically everything, you've acquired your bitches, made money, and got OP. I pretty much slept through the final few months, apart from maxing out Aigis's social link.

the story you can argue is better, but you can't deny the gameplay is infinitely better in P5. The overworld activities in P3 are repetitive, the social links aren't particularly strong, tartarus is god awful, and not being able to control your party members can be needlessly frustrating. Great music and aesthetic but that doesn't make it a better game

>P4 is the best because there are more scenes that provide nothing but the characters being anime stereotypes

The characters act like anime stereotypes in all 3 games during these scenes, but persona 4 actually lets the scenes play to keep things lighthearted while 5 has everything fail and suck for no reason. Persona 3 is forgiveable both for being older and more depressing with purpose. Persona 5 has a better combat system, persona 3 has a better plot, they both debatably have better music, but persona 4 is the most consistently fun.

>Persona 3 is the original

Because chidori doesn't come back to life in FES, right? Or are we going to pretend vanilla is the superior version now?

I never saw her come back to life in fes. I haven't finished the answer though.

You're not forced to go to sleep.