
>Says it's more difficult
>Nothing changes
That's pretty funny desu

Other urls found in this thread:


>hardest setting is only mixed
damn, so close to being cutting edge satire...

Day one buy just to piss off SJW Sup Forumsscum

>being black is very difficult when every white girl wants to ride the BBC
I am lmaoing at you white dicklets

But it does change

Pretty damn funny. It was embarrassing being a Trump supporter today with a decent chunk of Sup Forums throwing a fit over this.

I've always loved South Park and for them to still get people on both sides pissed off 20+ years later is amazing. When's the last time someone gave a fuck about what The Simpsons did?

>SJW now just means "person yelling about politics and getting angry regardless of what side they are on"

>Everything Matt and Try due is to get a rise out of people
>know this will get a rise out of the alt-right so they do it
>they alt-right being more predictable than the fucking sunrise start chimping out.
As if we needed more proof the alt-right are just a palette swapped tumblr-sjw who is triggered 24/7.

That's great. I love their sense of humor.

>Want to play the game on a higher difficulty
>Have to play as a black person

I'm not black and don't want to play as a black person. I won't buy this game now. Let us play as white people on harder difficulties.

I'm confused this supposed to piss off who?

Take note of this post anons: this is a prime example of ShareBlue trying to astroturf this site.
Fuck off

i feel like the people getting mad over this are out of touch with south park in general. to me this is no different from the first game having you put in a name only to be called douchebag the whole time. if anything i think its making fun of anyone who actually believes shit like this.

actually pretty funny

Stop shilling this obnoxious marketing attempt

No, a character says it changes, that's the joke

it's a multilayered joke how being black is hard, while not actually that much harder but then it triggers Sup Forums but then it also makes you think if they are actually as retarded to belive that or not

My problem is that I want to play as a white person, not a black person. I'm white and want to self insert as my character.

>Buying a ubishit game because of a cheap publicity stunt.

ISHYGDDT baseball man

You alt-right babies are pathetic.

it literally doesn't change anything gameplay wise

It's just another pathetic attempt, by a literal actual jew (Matt Stone) to racebait and pollute the white minds of the nation, already oppressed by censorship and silenced by all media.
It never works though. We are too stoic.

There is nothing wrong with this image you social retards, are you trying to tell me some HIV+ pooindaloo with one leg is better than you and has the luxury to shitpost everyday and fap to downy porn.

It's not a real difficulty slider fag.

The leftists who talk about black people having it harder than anyone else.

Despite the game and everyone saying its harder, its the same

The developers have said that it effects money rewards for quests and how other characters treat you

Dass pretty funny.

I've noticed a lot more tumblr levels of propaganda on this board in particular lately.

>Source:my ass

>Sup Forums getting triggered by a simple joke
The very special snowflakes they complain about.

>be black
>have a small dick
it feels bad man. but i still busted a nut in a fat chicks mouth the other day.

Everyone is saying its just a joke, but whats the joke?

>Ubisoft confirmed that aspect of it, saying that the difficulty slider impacts the amount of money players are given, and how they're spoken to throughout the course of the game.


It changes the gameplay. I don't mind it being a joke if it just stayed a joke.

>show with liberal views
>dedicates 2 entire seasons to making fun of trump
>people are surprised when they make a joke about white privilege
its almost like the trumpfags and poltards never watched the show or something

Sup Forums and the alt-right are the specialists of all the special snowflakes and get more triggered on average than a demipansexual post-binary queer xir from tumblr.

Wait so then isn't this just like the first game where you enter your name but then it gets ignored and your called douchebag for the entire thing.

That's more likely to mean different race based jokes change, since it wouldn't make sense to tell a nigger joke to an asian or white character.

wow you're such a victim

So it works?

No it doesn't. It changes some comments the other characters say to you. What, you think cop enemies do +25% more damage to you per level darker your skin is?

shut up you racist nazi bigot you are litterally hitler, racist go home, NO RACIST NO KKK NO FACIST USA GO HOME RACIST BOI

Fucking hell South Park, why would you do this?


>muh white privilege

Whoops forgot my blackface.


>some other race

>pushing white privilege is really a joke on the left because... uh... reasons




>tfw Sup Forums is forced to be BLACKED or be considered casual


It's the "more than one race" people.

>asians earn more
>b-but nu uh nazi

If whites are the only ones that benefit from the system set up in America, why do jews asians and indians, on average, get arrested less and make more money?

Sup Forums is very like Sup Forums they don't watch movies anymore and instead gloat about ratings.

If the United States is a white supremacist nation, why did it willingly make white people a minority?

That's not gameplay. That's literally what difficulty levels mean.

>The epitome of liberal comedy


This is the kind of comedy you South Park watching edgelords brag about?

>Spics constantly getting deported
>Asians literally aren't allowed into colleges for being too smart
>Indians are fucked to hell and back
>Ooga boogas get free college, welfare and employment because "MUH SLAVES"

They truly have it hardest in life.

>moving goal posts to fit your complaints

The absolute state of Sup Forums


>The amount of cash you get is not gameplay related

Grand Theft Auto made me black once.
I got into character after a couple hours. I even tried a menthol cigarette.

because jews are considered white and making them a majority removes their minority status which means they can't cry in pain when they strike you because they have the upper hand (well they have always had it)

It might not be. It's tough to say where they're going with this until we actually find out the difference

>asians get a taste of white people getting fucked over for black people
>choose to focus on how they're screwed over slightly in favor of white people

This is why I dislike asians in the US. They're just as bad as white liberals and blacks.

But remember, Jews are only white when it benefits them. So whether or not they are majority or minority, they will say whatever is best for shekels and control.


>It changes some comments the other characters say to you
That's dumb though. I don't want comments to change and amount of money just because of my race. Reinforcing stupid shit that doesn't happen.

nono it's like, it's a joke because it implies being black is really hard but it isn't unless you belive all that information about they have lower iq and shit
but then it's also a joke in a way that some people will be mad about this
and then its also a joke in a way that some retards actually belive it
haha no joke is there is no fucking joke and they just want fucking free publicity and more money

youre stupid

>south park creators sold out and became cucked

I can only wish for sam hyde to make a decent cartoon with decent redpilled comedy

> and how they're spoken to throughout the course of the game

If that doesn't mean "when you fuck up as a black character, the rest of them make excuses for you," then it's pretty clear this is a political message and not meant as 'comedy.'

Another genius marketing ploy by Ubisoft. Pissed off alt-righters make the best marketers, and they do it for free.

Well since no one is going to say

I'll say it

It feels good to not be black i am so proud of my privilege of not being black

damn life is good.

Okay but they actually did the exact same shit in Stick of Truth.
Just without the difficulty slider joke.
>A white Thief? Haven't seen a good one of those in a while.

Certain dialogue changing cuz of your race/gender actually makes sense though.Who knows if they did it good, or not.Bioware did that in dragon age origins, but it didn't really change anything.A few people would say something like "wooooow you're a WOMAN FIGHTING", and that's it.

It does. SJW can be right or left.

u didnt show that asian individuals earn more idiot

Holy fucking shit how many times is this thread going to be made I fucking hate this board who honestly even gives a fuck legitmately fuck off you sad fucking cunt jesus christ no one fucking cares about this dumb joke about a fucking satirical cartoon game adaptation. NO ONE CARES. FUCK OFF FUCK OFF FUCK OFF FUCK OFF FUCK OFF FUCK OFF

Yeah ghost busters is selling really well.


God you are fucking retarded. In what reality could currency be irrelevant to the progression of how well you do?

Jesus fuck Sup Forums I know Sup Forums is here and shit but seriously? For a master race your lot sure a filled with a lot of stupid fucks.

Why am I not surprised

mad lefty detected
go back to cumblr and cry in your safe space

Report it bitch.

Not sure what the big deal is. No one would be black if there were a choice.

I swear to fucking god, if I can't choose my gender on a spectrum too then I'm fucking boycotting this game.

they cant be right by definition.

but nice bait centristcuck

>In what reality could currency be irrelevant to the progression of how well you do?
If the difference is negligible or money isn't actually used outside of a gag, for one.

Not even remotely the same thing. Wonder Woman did well if were just going to start naming things though.

Rumor has it, right after this, you pick "cisgender" or "transgender."

>SJW's can't be into free market
Of course that's not what he meant, but this right left meme is bugging me.You can be a white nationalist, and be a lefty.You can be an ancap, and follow climate science.

Clearly people care though :/

Maybe you're just wrong???

Nobody on the right gave a shit about Wonder Woman. Well, we cared that they picked somebody with the body of a 14-year-old boy instead of a thicc woman with nice curves (as Wonder Woman was generally portrayed.)

Being black is harder than being white. Not fucking rocket science. Why is this a thread?

Are black people and "allies" upset? Why? It slots in perfectly with I'm a victim reee

This is true. Blacks are more likely to suffer almost retardation levels of IQ making life tougher for them. Even reading a short book is a massive mental task for black people.

Mixed to the point they don't really know what thry are.

>there are people who are not going to buy this game because of a joke
I hope you realize that you're just as bad as sjws.