Hold square to dodge literally everything

>hold square to dodge literally everything
>Spam circle to win
>magic is just fucking grenades

how is this a good game again?

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feels like assassin's creed yet?

It isn't

>Those fucking rad helmeted guys in the sky
I think you know why, user.

user... Do you not know?

know what? i meant the combat is shit in both games, press one button to dodge/block, spam one button to kill everyone, magic/items are shit

Final fantasy tactics is the only final fantasy with game mechanics that will last.

I summon forth XV-kun

the only good final fantasy ever

It's better than FF13 at least

>how is this a good game again?
only xv-cum said that

Lol he doesn't

It's not.

Is he still around? That's pretty sad desu



>Is he still around?
You don't know the fucking half of it.

I've kinda avoided XV threads for awhile because of how impossible he made it to actually talk about the game. Was hoping he'd eventually give up or at least take his bans seriously.

Just the fucking worst. After getting burned by bad modern FF games, I thought XV was going to be different but it squandered the opportunity by providing a lackluster story with even more lackluster controls.

I then played FFXIV and after a few hours, I fucking cried because of how this of all games was the most true FF game I've played since the early SNES games. Square needs to stop making sci-fi gritty/brooding games and go back to the "FANTASY" portion of their Final Fantasy games.

fuck you, I liked it.

>Was hoping he'd eventually give up or at least take his bans seriously.
You sweet, naive child. He's worse than you could possibly imagine. I actually like the game and he's come after me and others because we hate him. He takes every attack on the game, not matter how neutral as a personal affront to himself and vice versa, he's pretty much admitted this.

let's spoonfed you


>hold square to doge until you run out of mp
or just be a massive scrub and use the item that gets rid of the MP use on dodge

A man can dream I guess. I too have been on the end of his autistic screeching no matter how civil I tried to be. What is it about Sup Forums that attracts these kinds of people?

or git gud and use the skill that takes no mp on dodge if you time it right

>I then played FFXIV and after a few hours, I fucking cried because of how this of all games was the most true FF game I've played since the early SNES game

Empty and aimless, with mind-numbingly primitive and boring combat?

He does it in other places too.

thats not even a skill its just called not being shit

I dunno, I think VII and X had some of the best settings in FF and those weren't really that much "fantasy."
Fantasy doesn't just mean medieval fantasy, you know.

Vivid with plenty of varying locations, interesting characters and a MC that has more personality than other modern FF MCs even though XIV's MC can't even talk?

XIV's fantasy is a good mix between medieval fantasy with sci-fi since you deal with magitek, guns, automated weapons etc but it's not so laden with modern/future technology that it could be branded as a completely different game

>Primitive combat

You mean XV's "hold a button and dodge forever, warp strike everything until it dies and even if you die, you get picked up for free without any risk"? Real deep combat there, bro

That's not an accomplishment by any means.

>Relax dude, it's better than getting stabbed
Thanks user.

people who've actually played this, how much money is it worth? 30? 20 bucks?

gonna get it eventually but i want my "monies worth"

Wait until the version with all the DLC is out, and then get it for 15-25, depending on how soon you want to try it.

Wait for the PC version then.
If you can only play on the console, wait for the bundled "complete" version. They're still adding DLC's.

didnt know it wasn't done yet, guess i'll play it in a year or two when the bundle is cheap


He will never leave, he just takes some breaks every now and then, he always goes nuts on twitter though

>how is this a good game again?

you've been spamming the same shit for more than half a year. this has been the most stubborn shitpost campaign I have ever seen on Sup Forums

>opinions i don't like are shitpost
So have you played it or not?

You can't dodge every attack and it drains MP (drained MP means you stand still/get tired)
If you're spamming you're a moron, that does way less damage than inputing combos. There's never a reason to hold it down unless you're one shotting weak enemies

Yes, they are grenades.

I thought you had to unlock it in the skill tree before it started working.