Characters have the exact same stats and abilities

>characters have the exact same stats and abilities
>he chooses to play as a female anyways

I get to be a dude every day of my life, why wouldn't you play as a woman?

Name one fucking game that does this you dumb fuck

>ur gettin ur cawk sukked kid

is that they live?

if I could kill myself and be reborn as a cute plump loli I would do it


Fuck you, I laughed.

>private teacher
My nigga



that's hot, gotta source?



>that's hot
shit tastes but
Game of Thrones comic adaptation

It's the game of thrones official comics

>he doesn't pick the smaller hitbox

>shit tastes
i know
>Game of Thrones comic adaptation
thx m8

>females get the best armor in the game
fuck you fantasy life

Fuck off sissy white bois.

>male avatar
>over six foot five
>270 pounds of muscle

>female avatar
>104 pounds in armor

>these characters have the same stats

>characters have the exact same stats and abilities
>he chooses to stare at a male character's ass for the next 80+ hours

Are you gay or something, mate?

what's going on, aunt diane?

>being a petty, judgmental piece of shit


>implying that doesnt make me feel even more emasculated since it makes my decision more important
Christ normies really ought to stay out of things they dont understand.

>he can only play games with male protagonists

Do you also watch movies with male protagonists only?
Or read books with male protagonists only?

Sounds like you have some issues desu

But it feels so good Aunt Diane

>female characters have worse stats
>become even more tempted to play as them

I remember downloading this on kazaa back in the day.

what if Aunt Diane was your aunt, Sup Forums?

>he imagines himself to be vidya heroes
What are you 12?
Pic related is probably your wallpaper

do you never see a set of armor and think
>damn thats sweet i want to wear that. ?

I play female if I a mage because I've played wizzardry 8 for thousands of hours and I always used the same voice for a female mage in it and whenever I play any game where I am a female mage I start getting flashes of that voice babbling about negative and positive energy, and it makes me laugh.

I too love having sex with children

I don't stare at the ass I play the game and look at the enemies and environments.

Nothing, she would see my winky and laugh whilst turning 360 degrees and walking away

Would definitely want to be her jimmy

Who is to say that in another life you where not a plump loli who died wishing she was a manly man user?
Maybe each of your lives has been desiring of another life that you once lived and in the end you really are stuck in a loop of always wanting what you had before and dont like now.


Not really.
I might see a set of armor and think
>that's some great design work
>that's pretty damn creative
But I don't imagine myself wearing it and 360 no-scoping bitches with my fully sick gear and being the Chosen One come to save the world.
If you genuinely need that mindest in order to enjoy a video game, then you are either a 12 year old, or a manchild.


>playing as a woman

>character takes up 30% of the screen
>b-but I don't look in that direction!
What, are you playing with your hand in front of your face or something?
If you want to see roided, six-packed guys on your screen 24/7 go ahead, but don't act like it's not your choice.

What are you playing where the characters take you 30% of the screen

this video was one of a few that turned me on to incest.

so what?

why does this trigger you so?

The problem here isn't what people choose to play as, but how it bothers you at all. Sounds like you're bottling up some serious issues with gender and such.

Fuck you this thread was just an excuse to post that webm

howpopular is that shit actually? I see tons of incest videos with millions of views and think it's just the site runners lying to make degenerates like me feel better

There's this genre called Third Person Shooters, you may have heard of it.

Other genres such as Fighting games and Horror also tend to have a big focus on character models. The more you know!

American ones.

thats autistic bruh
I only think about what looks good on my toon

Her scene is terrible. You can barely see what's happening.

What was this for?

more popular than you would first guess. I only like it as a fantasy and nothing more, but goddamn if I found someone decent that shared the fetish, life would be golden.

>it feels so GOOD Aunt Diane

legitimately one of my favorite porno scenes, I need to see the whole thing sometime

obesity percentage

might as well keep it in the family

Is there any simillar actresses like honey ? i want more like her.

>character fucks your nephew
>cums too

isn't it wrong to have sex with your aunt?

The perverted developers always pay extra attention to female armor, it would be waste to make a male character.

10/10 taste. I swear this was like the first porno scene I ever saw
>welp, might as well keep it in the family