So when do the bosses get hard? Haven't died more than 3 times on a boss yet. Just beat the Deacons of the Dickhole

So when do the bosses get hard? Haven't died more than 3 times on a boss yet. Just beat the Deacons of the Dickhole

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When final boss is Gwyn

Pontiff is like the first difficulty spike and then it immediately drops off with with shit like Yhorm and Aldritch.

>bringing up a dlc boss

Vanilla only has 2 or 3 hard bosses.

>dies 3 times against a boss
>i-it wasn't hard

Are you serious? Dying three times against any boss in any game means either the boss was hard or you suck.

Guess I suck then, Game-Master-Kun. Kalameet in 1 took me like 20 tries. now that shit was incredibly difficult.

>Just beat the Deacons of the Dickhole
>So when do the bosses get hard?
Soon. Although there aren't that many of them.
The Abyss Watchers are the first. Then there's Sulyvahn. Some people find Lothric challenging too.
But the REAL fun starts with the Champ and Nameless, and then it abruptly ends.
Also the DLCs.

I already killed the Abyss Dudes. Haven't faced Spoiler yet, so that should be something.

>The Abyss Watchers are the first

But they're easy, you can just stunlock them and they fight each other.
Plus you can parry and backstab both phases.

Me. If I invade you, it'll be the hardest boss you'll face.
Prepare your anus, OP.

the Champ Stundyr fight is pretty cool. it's more fun if you party every attack and use fists only




I never got this
>I didn't die once
Meme. So what if you died a lot. I think I must've died like 400 times beating the game. It doesn't matter how many times you die. Just whether you can beat it or not.

I generally agree, but it still does though.


It feels good to beat a boss on the first try, people want to share it. And since they're insecure about how good they are at videogames, they project really hard and pretend that it's normal/expected.

Dragonslayer Armor can fuck you up as well.

I generally feel disappointed when I beat a boss first try. I think it's more fun to beat a boss after a struggle.

I enjoyed that fight, since it was quite fair, but fun. But wasn't really all that challenging. I guess it's fair to include it as well, if I list Lothric too.

Like other anons have pointed out, base game has like 3-4 challenging bosses at most.

Personally I think the Pontiff is the hardest going solo but the Nameless King definitely is up there. Champion Gundyr isn't as bad as everyone makes it out to be.

Just enjoy the journey while it lasts user, if you're playing DS3 don't do it for the difficulty, do it for the experience. There are absolutely harder souls games out there but this one is the prettiest and smoothest to use IMO.

If you beat the boss on the first try with 0 estus left, was it not enough for a struggle?

Do people actually feel good and have to brag about killing a boss first try.

I bet most played at least the second one and maybe BB. After all the games you know how they work and how to play. I bet you all got wrecked by Taurus and the first game in general, if you even played it.

Don't get me wrong I'm having a great time so far, just looking for a bit more challenge. I'm rushing strength so I can one hand the Dragon Tooth later, and I'm really enjoying this glass cannon build I've got going in the meantime.

Fucking Midir with his meme health pool. Friede was a bitch aswell, at least as I used a heavy two-hander. Switched to straight sword R1 spam and she went down fast :^)

>Friede was a bitch aswell, at least as I used a heavy two-hander.
Brag mode on: killed her on the first try with a greataxe on NG++.

I never played Bloodborne, but I actually did kill Taurus on try one thanks to spotting the ladder. The gargoyles fucked my shit so hard though.

Now that's just bretty gud user

>rushing str
Do you have the Ringed City DLC? There's a fuckhuge hammer in there that takes 60 str to wield but it's so much fun, the weapon art is the tightest shit.

Definitely buy the DLC if you're looking for a challenge, it blows all of the base game bosses out of the water.

I'm not sure if you'd be a big lore fan or whatever, but taking the time to be invested into the side quests instead of just gunning the main storyline definitely adds a bit more enjoyment to the experience.

First time playing, I completely skipped Taurus demon because I managed to beat Havel the first time I saw him and thought it was the correct way to go. I just completely forgot about upstairs.

Fast weapons got buffed really hard in DS3 due to the changes to the poise, so you can stunlock everything with R1. But the slow hard hitting weapons are still good in PvE.

It honestly happens, believe it or not. I've never bragged about not dying to a boss, but
on my first playthrough of my first Souls game, Dark Souls 1, I didn't die to Taurus demon. I was by no means good at the game, but I wasn't shit either, it just worked out for me.
It was until much later that I figured out that Taurus demon boss was actually considered difficult and gave many people trouble.

On the other hand, I died to fucking Vordt 3 times in a row in DS3, my fourth Souls game where I was comfortable with mechanics and everything.

>taking the cheese key on your first run

I was theif, actually, because I thought there'd be sneak and steal mechanics.

user, you're probably just like me and finding out Dark Souls isn't actually hard. It's just trash people overhyping the difficulty. That said I had a bit of trouble with Friede in DLC1. But I was playing on NG+3 at SL120 then. That was the only time I had trouble DS3. DS2 had like 3 bosses that gave me a bit of trouble and DS1 had none. So... go play DS1 and DS2 after this if they go on sale or if you're a filthy pirate.

Some people are saying Pontiff, Champion Gundyr or Nameless King but they're all pretty damn easy with low HP pools and obvious attacks and openings.

Congratulations, you got better at the Souls formula. You should be proud of yourself.

Just to be clear, the following is addressed to players who never played Dark Souls series before and started with 3 (no playthrough or stream either). Veterans asking when does X get hard are pathetic and basically bragging.

Your first difficulty spike will be the Abyss watchers since it's where the boss punish rollspam (in P2 with fire) for the first time in the game. So you have to not be cocky. with 5 deaths you're in the average.

Everything then is child play until the hardest boss in the base game for begginers: Pontiff
Because: Long combos (anti turtle noobs+roll catcher), Delayed hits (roll catch, anti spammers), sneaky fast attacks, leaves few openings, patterns hard to recognize at first and estus punisher. he is the perfect shitter filter. 20 deaths is fine.

The game then only gets easier until Champ who punishes estus and r1 spammer like pontiff. 5 deaths

Last difficult boss is nameless know for his annoying camera but like Champ his patterns are slow and easy to dodge and unlike the two above he doesn't punish estus making the fight easy to stall. 10 deaths.

>nameless is like the champ, but with less punishes
>took more tries

Because P1 camera is cancer, you have to acclimate

>dying on P1
That's even worse.

>not dying on p1 where the camera goes funny and you don't know any pattern
found the knight 40 vig or passiv player

His attacks start out slow but almost instantaneous when the actual attack happens, which can easily punish you until you get used to the timings.
Once you get that down, it's easy. I beat NK without getting hit once, I have a video of it too.

>Started with DS3
>Beat Abyss and Pontiff on 1st try
>Champion on 2nd try
>NK on 3rd try

Dude, DS3 is child's play. Each DLC has 1 noteworthy boss but that's it.

>not unlocking the instant "the camera goes funny"
Why is fighting unlocked such a hard concept to grasp for so many players? Target look is just a tool at your disposal, and by no means a necessity. Sometimes like this you're even better without it.

>hard bosses in roll souls 3

Literally only midir is hard because of his big fat health pool and high damage if you fuck up on reading his cues.

Nice but first I don't care second why would I believe you and third if you take more than 2 minutes (therefore being a passiv player) to kill a boss you're doing it wrong.
It's true that I should have add that it's easy to just run around and learn every patterns of the boss on your first run but that's a pussy thing to do. It's like shitter not fighting in abyss p1 and letting the corrupted do the work kek

>being a passiv player

This shit is why i'm disgusted with DS3's pvp.
I swear, literally everyone is a massive pussy and waits for the other guy to attack first so they can get easy punished. DS3's pvp rewards passive play but it's boring as fuck and I despise everyone who plays like that.

>talk shit about boss
>call midir hard


>telegraphed attacks
>slow patterns
>basically stupid, doesn't even focus you correctly
>offer his head for you to hit after every combo "here I finished attacking, your turn now"
>so fucking slow you can check your sms or quickly shitpost on /dsg/ between his animations
and the most important
>doesn't punish estus like Sully or champ Gundyr

Do players REALLY think this is the "hardest" boss in the game?
Can't make this shit up
If you read this post and think that midir is the hardest you have to kill yourself NOW


Kek beat me to it

not really, ds3 is just way easier. i had to help a friend with ds1 even though he had already beaten ds3 6 times.

The game is only hard depending on your build/SL.

Just because you cannot see ''oh he lift his sword, he'll probably slash it with it, better get out of the way'' and have to learn every pattern for 3 hours doesn't mean I cannot do it. Reaction time is more than enough in Souls series.
Some players are just better at certain games dude. I fucking suck at FPS, but I do very well in ''action RPG's''.

Your image folder seems pretty cool though so I don't mind arguing with you if you keep uploading more images.

Midir is the closest to hard ds3 has, mostly because his tells are tough to see until youve fought him a few times and you have to do exactly the right thing to not get canned.
He also just takes a long ass time to kill

Really makes me think

>What if DS3, and the entire Souls(((borne))) series has no hard bosses and it's just shitters overhyping everything.


>his tells are tough to see until youve fought him a few times
that's sullyvahn, midir actually has telegraphed attacks which are all announced a few seconds before with 0 rollcatch potential, you can spam roll through every combo that's not fire breath.

Here are the "difficult" bosses depending on your experience with the souls games.

>i've never played one
Vordt - Learning the machanics and upgrading shit starts here
Tree - The hand does heavy damage and good spacing starts here
Abysswatchers - The casual filter

>i've played before but never finished (got bored, too hard, etc)
Sullyvahn - SANIC FAST oh you can parry him
Aldritch - Arrows
Dancer - Weird movement and fat hp bar

>I've beaten a souls game before.
Champ - Fast and aggressive.
Twin princes - Teleports everywhere
Soul of Cinder - Quite aggressive and a lot of moves.

>I've beaten multiple souls games.
Nameless - standard fight but lots of damage and delays.
Friede - 2fast4souls

>oddball bosses
Crystal Sage - low hp and low damage can lead to a chaotic fight
Oceiros - roll of a dice, either nicest dragon you will ever kill or a twisted psychodad
Spear - pvp fight

Non mentioned are bosses that are never hard or would be hard if they werent in a later part of the game where people already find him easy.

Yes this is why duels are boring if you try hard. players are dancing.
And the fact that you can run on most bosses while learning all patterns like a pussy is stupid too