i have no money to buy new games so i'm stuck with f2ps for now, i'm thinking of downloading brink, elsword or fallen earth
any other f2ps that seem to be good?
i have no money to buy new games so i'm stuck with f2ps for now, i'm thinking of downloading brink, elsword or fallen earth
any other f2ps that seem to be good?
Warframe, if you're not afraid of farming.
Maybe Paladins, never played, but heard it's not that bad
Dota 2
Is that some kind of sci-fi Artorias?
warframe is alright, i have ~800 hours on it
What art is that and why does it look like they basically fucking traced Artorias
Paladins nigga that shit is addicting
Play Elsword, It's the best game out there. I've been playing it for years and love it.
PvE is challenging, PvP is skill based and fun, and it's fun to dress up your character
No More Room In Hell. Neotokyo to play on weekends only because the game is dead on week days. Unturned if you like survival shit. Paladins if you want free Overwatch. Cossout if you like War Thunder style games but you actually want to have fun and you like the mad Max aesthetics.
Not "they" its just fan art.
Isn't artorias left-handed?
emulate good ol' PS2 games
it's Inaros from warframe
idk who is the artist, i found this on a thread on Sup Forums a while ago
It's fanart of the Inaros warframe.
yes, but his left hand was wrecked by the abyss
Shadow Warrior Classic is on Steam for free. Plantside 2 is a decent game. What else am I supposed to say. Just rmulayr old games like everyone else.
I hate this ugly sandnigger
Cho Ren Sha 68k
Emulating stuff
He's supposed to look like an atrophied mummy. It's his schtick.
Like someone pointed out - Warframe. This game isn't PvP focused so you can't get salty over players wrecking you. Similarly even paying for stuff only gets you something that you can either get with enough time or cosmetics. Even important stuff as character/weapon slots are cheap and you can earn the currency without paying a cent if you have some patience.
F2P games that I've enjoyed to some degree:
Blade and Soul
Dirty Bomb
Path of Exile
Master x Master
Elona+ (indie/sandbox/jrpg/roguelike)
Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead (survival/roguelike)
Battle Moon Wars (hack of SRW with TypeMoon character)
Touhou Puppet Play