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ask me one [1] question about the game. will only respond to the 1st one made

Can we unlock Zero Suit Samus?

>ask for metroid game
>get shallow game with metroid on the box
>no one buys it
>nintendo says no one is interested in metroid

when will you accept metroid is dead?


it's over, baby!

Several different ones on the "mission complete" depending on the difficulty and the time. All of them homages and/or references.
nothing playable.
kinda wasted question though


fuck you

here's another one: can you play as mickey mouse?

You're one year late. You're thinking of Federation Force.

What's that from? Asking for a friend.

What does Samus look like without the suit on?

When Nu-troid: Fagus Shitburns flops, the fanboi tears will sustain me for weeks, maybe even months. I shall descend upon this board like a wolf upon a lamb, and bask in the unending impotent rage that this board will pump out. I will gaze upon the suicide threads and rage posts, and I don't think my penis will ever be harder than it will as a million Nu-troid apologists cry out in itty bitty white boi penis fury simultaneously.

They'll try to convince themselves it was a rigged. They'll try to convince themselves that Sony had pulled a fast one on them.

"We will boycott!" They will say. "Console war!" "Day of the crash!" they will cry.

Time will pass, and they will do nothing because all they can do is talk. They are too cowardly and weak to do anything

But none of that will balm the pain of knowing that their God Developer, their favorite franchise, will go down in history as an amusing foot note, an embarrassment, as the loud obnoxious DLCfest who lost to the AM2Rdev's first commercial gane, a Dev who the entire nation thought was a literal criminal but still preferred to Nu-troid.

I need to fap.

Why the fuck has it been outsourced to the company that's ruined Castlevania?

>3DS battery fucked up
>buy a new one in preparation of Samus Returns and the Gold and Silver VC release
>this week it started fucking up

I might just bite the bullet for a New 2DS XL.

Would you rather have Nintendo direct it again and get another Federation Force or Other M? Sometimes we just need to take risks.

>comparing it to a fan game
5 seconds in and I already consider his opinions worthless.

They just used them because MS has the engine already runnin (literally and figuratively) to make a 2d classic game.
it seems Hosokawa and his minions had a hand in every aspect of the day-to-day development so the resulting product should be what nintendo woul've done if they had an internal team available

and the art and monster designs from Mercury steam are far superior than anything Nintendo Japan would´ve done

Well quite honestly if they dared DMCA AM2R from the fangame awards (as pointless as those are) because of Samus Returns it should really exceed AM2R.


>told myself to not get hyped
>got hyped
Only seven days left!

Fuck I'm so hyped.

I really hope Nintendo wrangles some quality out of MercurySteam. They always do when they work with third-parties, right? R-right?

don't you remember how different is the reception this time compared to any other Mercury game?

nothing but praise compared to "it could be worse, let's gow the final product is"

besides, this team is the good team, most of the veterans were people from the Lords Shadow 1 that left the "console team" to make a more classic approach, which albeit severely flawed was miles better than what LoS2 ended up being.

Nintendo saw the potential in the "b-team", not the studio

So is this the same team that made Mirror of Fate or what? I only ever played the demo for that game and I didn't care for it in the least.

But I'm keeping optimistic because what they've showed so far has been better than that game and it's Nintendo and they do have quality control, so.

mfw I purchased Super Metroid on 3ds in anticipation