Why does Sup Forums hate the best isometric RPG since the infinity engine games?

Why does Sup Forums hate the best isometric RPG since the infinity engine games?

If PoE is the best isometric RtwP RPGs have to offer, then I'm glad they died.

I like it.
Is this a bait thread?

>Wall of text for every single interaction

Gee, I wonder why

I haven't played the game yet but I've been curious about it till people kept complaining about how bad it was on Sup Forums decided not to get it then. Now that I think about it never actually read a good reason why it was bad or good. Just people yelling one of the other. Sup Forums also thinks Witcher 3 was bad which is one of my favorite game so yea. Someone sell me either story.

>inb4 Sup Forumss a single person
>he doesn't know what majority opinion is whether its perception or other wise

Because it didn't live up to the hype and failed to capture what people enjoyed about infinity engine games while keeping the worst parts and adding on their own terrible design decisions.

Because it's popular on reddit

Because majority of Sup Forums doesn't actually like crpgs

Because they changed one line so they must be sjw now

Magic system sucks dongs

I wanted D&D magic. not some weird ass system that tries to be the opposite of D&D spells, y'know the kind that has balance.

I made a super OP wizard in NWN hordes of the underdark. I solo'd from lvl 1, save scummed to hell and back for the early lvls when wizards are absolut shit, and then was rewarded with a Elminster Tier uber archwizard that would walk into the room, make an utterance and every enemy would collapse and explode.

I don't enjoy combat systems that don't let you become uber. I want to make fucking gods. Not some lame ass pansy 'hero' were every mob ever has better stats then he could ever attain.

i liked the story at first but, eventually it got too long winded. Reaching into old souls and reading their stories gets tiresome at some point, because they add nothing to the actual story. It would be like trying to read a forgotten realms novel, but everytime you heard a new noun you would wiki it and get hooked on wiki'ing the wiki until you wake up 3 days later naked in a cold sweat still on page 1.

>copy pasta in every POE thread
gee i wonder why

>hurr I'm a casual
thanks for coming out user

What did people enjoy about infinity engine games?

I started playing a couple of months ago with no context other than enjoying BG1 and I’m loving it. Yeah some of the mechanics are unconventional but it’s honestly really enjoyable. I can’t imagine why Sup Forums doesn’t like it other than because other people do.

RTwP sucks. The writing sucks.

It sucks.

Reposting from a cRPG thread we just had:

Anybody know of good class guides for Pillars? A lot of the ones I've found haven't been updated past version ~2.0. I haven't played the game yet and I don't want to fuck up my first character.

no one quite knows

Check the official forum, they have a bunch of build for the latest version. That said you'd have to try pretty hard to fuck your character up and even if you do you can respec at inns

To be honest, after Tyranny and Torment PoE looks pretty close to a masterpiece.
The only thing I disliked was the combat system.

Do you recommend this to someone who thinks Divinity Original Sin is really boring?

>since the infinity engine games?
It's better than any of the IE games.

Should I use Durgan Steel on weapons or armour?

There is that russian guy who has done builds in youtube for white march 2, just search for them.
I think he made one good 2.0 guide in the steam forum, it's shame he won't update it.

>Have to watch a bunch of 30 minutes long video instead of reading for 5 minutes
I hate YouTube

>That said you'd have to try pretty hard to fuck your character up and even if you do you can respec at inns
Oh wow, that's great. I'm not so worried now. I wasn't sure if PoE had absolutely useless stats/skills/what-have-you like older cRPGs.

I found NCGS' stuff but since I haven't played yet I wasn't sure what would or wouldn't be outdated.

>Most popular complaint
> = copy pasta

Wew lad

The story line totally failed to capture my interest. Couldn't find motivation to find out why I should care about the character seing ghost or whatever that was. The setting being the most generic and blandest possible fantasy world certainly didn't help.

Because it has a bland story and boring encounter design. BG1 is a masterpiece compared to it, and that game has you walking around forests for 80% of it.

>I wasn't sure if PoE had absolutely useless stats/skills/what-have-you like older cRPGs.
It doesn't, there's plenty of meh stuff but nothing completely useless

Can I roll a team of 4 wizards.

If no, what aspect of this game makes it better than a 2010 final fantasy flash game?


Too much bland going. Here's a few pointers:

>bland setting
>insufferable writing
>tries to be balanced, ends up boring
>josh "no fun allowed" sawyer
>forgettable music
>bland artwork
>clusterfuck combat
>bland plot
>boring characters
>floaty graphics
>suffers from "+0.5% to damage"-itis

A truly forgettable game through and through.

infinity engine games were never good

bg1 was just ok, thats it. Arcanum and NWN1 were superior

I don't agree with everything

Setting is amazing, though the writing is uneven in quality
I love the artwork
I have no problem with the combat
There are plenty of good characters

As for the balance, maybe it's overdone a bit. There are still plenty of op as fuck builds, like self buffing melee wizard and ranged ciphers.

>tfw thunder druid

Sorry I meant unbalanced AND fun, whereas where PoE is unbalanced it's not fun

Is the magic able to raise barriers, alter the landscape, and make use of various tatics?


tyranny is three times better than poe, and i dont even like this genre of game

this. shite story, garbage encounters, all trash mobs. Bad characters. All in all, its trash compared to BG2. Maybe White March is better, but I don't feel like dropping shekels for a shit game.

>Setting is amazing
I failed to see its brilliance. What makes you think that, what made it good?

i'm tired of isometic. get with the fucking times. they pick the worst aspects of old rpgs to bring back. give us the same old school rpg mechanics with a new coat of paint. fuck you, obshitian

Also it didn't have good item descriptions.

Pic related.


Read the post again.


B-but dynamic story telling and multiple ways to solve quests is toooo haaaard

>muh turn based
there are fucking hundreds of turn based games to play these days, go play them you shitter

gee I sure hope that fucking ship in 2 have fucking events and things to do because the stronghold sure as fuck didn't have any until much fucking later patches and was disappointing still
they really supported this game well with patches and improvements, it feels like a different, better game than the first couple of builds

The encounter design is shit
The maps are filled with the same garbage mobs over and over again AND YET you often don't earn anything, not even xp after the journal entry is complete
this brilliant idea really deserves an award

Were the pic an example of bad item description?

Writing sucks and where it doesn't suck it's undermined by bad mechanics. It might as be a walking sim in quests at times with how little you can affect the story. The combat is the worst I've seen in a CRPG for any class, with only some classes being slightly less painful to play like Cipher. The magic is the worst I've seen in a DnD rip off game which is really saying something because they had a lot to rip off from and didn't. I know what you might be thinking "More spells isn't better" That can be true. Look at games like Dark Messiah that focused on fewer spells to give them more depth. Well POE isn't Dark Messiah, they didn't bother giving anything extra attention in this game. Quests that seem initially interesting until you realize it's a point A to point B conversation you can't fail. Dark sacrifices of a party member for power for "You gained 5% dodge!" Fuck you that shit is atrocious. I would rather a worse mechanical reward that impacted the story more. You could have given me some flashy innate spell that wasn't that useful but was fun to use like Slayer or something. You could have had every party member turn on you and you have to complete the game solo, and at the end the pit speaks to you saying "See, being alone forced you to grow powerful."
Instead they treated it like they treated the entire game at large. A by the numbers CRPG with no heart, bad mechanics, mostly bad writing, a forgettable setting.


>The encounter design is shit
play the expansion

Just give me Arcanum HD so I can play it then fucking die

I really liked about the soul hijinks in general, and the world is interesting. I really would have liked more worldbuilding outside the companions though. I'm expecting much from Deadfire.

wat. i'm talking strictly about the isometic aesthetic. it's fucking garbage

I can still hear the menu music.
Shit game but childhood nostalgia.

Stop with this meme idiot

>gods are great
>world has lots of history: social, political, economic, technological
>it's 1000x better than forgotten realms
i mean what else do you want from a setting?

>isometic aesthetic
but the backgrounds in POE and deadfire look absolutely gorgeous. i've never seen someone's complaint be 'the isometric aesthetic'. what the fuck kind of aesthetic are you talking about? the fixed camera angle?

No. It's an example of an excellent description.

PoE on the other hand had nowhere near that level of quality.

>having a lot of garbage doesn't make anything better
>not an argument

>complains about my point 'not being an argument'
>doesn't answer my question

It's overwritten garbage, if you like it you should love PoE

why do people have such strong opinions about poe here? I feel like a lot of non-rpg people must've played it, I don't see even close to the same amount of fucks given about any similar game

Because it's a piece of shit game and we are tired of seeing it shilled by idiots with no taste or idiots working for the devs.

It has a lot of stuff packed into it, but when you actually play the game is reeks of generic medieval fantasy. I want to look at things I encounter and find them visually and conceptually interesting and engaging. PoE fails to provide that thrill of discovery.

I think it's because it was the loudest "Return of the isometric rpg!" premiere, which made a lot of people have high hopes for it.

>there are anons when think modern rpgs are better than crpgs
>there are anons who think lazy floaty combat is better than turned based
>there are anons who think lore and npc interaction are secondary or tertiary aspects of rpgs
the state of this board

so there's not a lot of people who dislike it, but you're all just really mad for no reason you can't stop shitting on it whenever it's mentioned

what does this mean

It was fucking boring and tedious. I quit halfway through after I fought that dragon at the bottom of the stronghold dungeon.

Might pick it up in the future and try the dlcs, but probably not. Game lacked charm and felt like it was made by creative brainlets. Had absolutely nothing intriguing about it, just the same old derivative shit. Probably felt like a miserable job to make the game, cause it definitely felt like a miserable job to play.

anything similar to skyrim's weightless and boring combat

I still am completely lost

Mediocrity is repulsive. Familiarity breeds contempt.

mediocre like your post?

My problem with it is that early on it tends to slap you in the face if you so much as take one step in the wrong direction which makes it somewhat difficult for me to get into. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying the game should make every encounter easy or scale to the player level like Oblivion but when you throw in some fights that the player just isn't ready for in to early level dungeons it's just kind of dumb. Yeah I know Dark Souls did this with enemies like the black knight in the undead burg but with shit like that you can actually see it coming and the option to run away is there. With PoE it's like "oops, I took one step in the wrong direction and suddenly the fog of war cleared around these giant beatles that I can barely even scratch!"

compared to your reply its above average

You sound like a casual honestly

No combat xp was a mistake.

Not him but I think I understand what he's getting at. The combat in PoE doesn't feel like there's a whole lot of feedback in terms of oomph to it, especially compared to Tyranny or maybe Divinity:OS where it feels a lot more meaty and blows have a lot more impact

but it doesn't have no combat xp

are you talking about sound effects or what? pretend you're talking to a game developer

Not that guy, but my interpretation of floaty is lack of visual feedback of the used abilities, combined with big hp pools and small damage values relative to them. This rids the combat of excitement when attacking and removes reward in form of making the player feel powerful.

But ability being to flashy is one of the most common complain

I tried Divinity and got bored/irritated with the immature reddit story, want a new RPG to play.

How's Tyranny? I don't have high standards.

they're both boring as fuck stories. But I think Divinity has better combat, so you'll get more mileage out of it in the long run.

Pirate and give it a try
Dropped Divinity but managed to complete PoE

I dropped the first one something like 20 hours in, but so far the early access for the sequel doesn't give that vibe.
This time the story is more about handful of people acting out of spite rather than you being metaphysics jesus.

Doesn't have to be a matter of being flashy. Compare a character swinging a sword in Divinity:OS to one swinging a sword in PoE. The animations, characters grunting as they swing, and meaty thunk of it hitting give the attack a sense of weight and power. In PoE it seems more like they're LARPERs swinging foam swords around

Glowing magical explosions and whimsical effects are not visual feedback. It's when the game takes the visual aspect of combat a step further than two figurines spewing particle effects at each other and make it seem like there is some weight behind blows. The "visual feedback" doesn't come from the effect of the ability itself, but rather from the target it's being used on.

I really enjoyed it, mainly because the setting was fresh and interesting in addition to an engaging placement of the player in it, which encouraged focusing on the roleplay aspect of the game. Combat was meh, but the storyline completely carried the game.

Ok, I agree then

Play Age of Decadence instead of you want a short reactive game with good replay value.
Tyranny is just bad in many aspects. There is no encounter design, it's basically three different enemy types you fight over and over again. Companions aren't interesting and don't even have story arcs with proper beginning middle and end.
Reactivity is pretty much limited to picking red guys, purple guys, saying fuck you to everyone or teaming with a local militia at the end of act 1.
If you really liked Pillars buy it on sale, but it honestly isn't worth 40 bucks.

Thats not age of empires

Pls respond

>play the expansion

You mean the expansion that gave you the copypasted fishman hordes? The expansion that had filled up every inch with the same ogre formation? The expansion that instead of creating a dungeon with memorable encounters obnoxiously reused the exact goddamn siren encounter dozens of times?

I'm afraid the brilliance of this encounter design is completely lost on me.

You do realize that Forgotten Realms has everything you have just listed, right?

no he's talking about the white march

S-shut up

But he just described the white march

it was not an accurate description

Pretty much this.
I uninstalled PoE as soon as i saw that putrid rotten diarrhea of a battle system and never looked back.
Also immediately dismissed all the other recent RPG's with that trash, which turned out to be a fucking lot of them.
What a fucking joke

True, I forgot to mention Galvino's mass produced constructs. My bad.