So, is Sup Forums liking? i personally am enjoying, the combat system is pretty good and fluid, even playing against NPC's is fun
It's a good foundation. Right now, the major problems aren't gameplay, its problems with longevity.
>game is only about 10-12 hours to hit PVP rank 60 and clear all PVE content
>farming losses is actually significantly (2.5-3x) faster to level you up in PVP
>leveling up in PVP gives no rewards or incentives except cosmetic gear
So as it stands, the only people who're still playing at this point since launch are die-hard fans of the fighting system, which is pretty fun, but isn't nearly enough to hook a larger audience for an extended period of time without additional content.
>fast-attack spam dominating PVP
Needs fixing.
Shit, why is farming losses faster?
>fast-attack spam dominating PVP
but its not and even if it is, its probably same shit like dark sword in ds3 back in a days, mean yes it can be annoying but only if you are bad and cant fucking defend yourself.
Without getting too technical, you gain a PVP rank every 5 points. Each match, you can gain up to 3 points. You get 1 point for winning, 1 point for staying to the end, and 1 point if you kill the other guy 2 times.
By that formula, even losing gets you 1 point guaranteed.
You have to beat the other guy 3 times to win. Average 'bout' length is 0:40-1:15, meaning even a straight three wins will average around 3:00 at best for 3 points as a winner.
Throwing yourself off a ledge takes about 5-12 seconds. Three times is around 25 seconds, average. This means that suiciding gets you roughly 10 points per 5 minutes, whereas flawlessly winning every single match you play will get you about 5 points per 5 minutes.
On top of that, if the other player figures out what you're doing and accepts a rematch over and over, he can also kill himself 2 times each round, you kill yourself 3, and he'll get 3 points and you'll get 2 instead of 1. By that method, you jump to 20 points per 5 minutes, literally impossible to beat by legit methods.
So basically even if you're a flawless god amongst men at the game, farming suicides and deaths will rank you up faster than playing the game seriously.
God damn how does something like that get overlooked?
They're a first-time development staff. Basically all the biggest issues in the game boil down to mistakes that an amateur-team don't realize are issues until after the game is released. They focused tons of energy into the combat system, then didn't think about how it could be cheesed. Built up their PVP system under the impression everyone would be fair and honorable and not try to exploit it, etc.
I had a pretty funny 30 minutes farming losses with a guy last weekend, went from PVP rank 40 to 70 by just repeatedly running forward into a hole with him over and over.
I was but not anymore. Forsakens with really fast attacks and shockwave have completely destroyed my will to play
I'm really tempted to just drop the game because of connectivity issues, but the gameplay still has me hooked. If only online would work a little better, now it's just a massive lagfest and even if you don't get that much of a lag your input is still mostly delayed
Using your time measurements, it'd take what 2 and a half hours to get to 60 and unlock that content?
learn to feint and shit on every forsaken
thats one of very few reasons why i ever loose as forsaken.
shockwave is bad, 1 crystal cost for such advantage = anti pressure button+stamina refill +cheese with ledges, hopefully enough people will brag about it and devs change to 2 crystals cost and reduced effectiveness if blocked just like with other spells.
Feinting doesn't work on these guys who have fast attacks+shockwave
i like building decks and exploring the world but the actual combat part is fucking boring
You have to be paying absolutely no attention to actually get hit by a strong attack in this game
was i saying something about strong attacks?
No but you could prehaps use the power of the human brain to infer how the two posts may be linked....
Just made this a little bit ago.
I posted it on leddit so that it wouldn't disappear forever but those fags don't seem to understand what I am trying to explain
In any case, this is what that weird shit on your stamina bar means when you attack
Isn't this explained in the tutorial?
people are dumb
a good amount of the posts in the general actually state "I skipped through a lot of the tutorial, could you explain (game mechanic) to me?"
On another note, I really like this game but the servers are always down when I try to play. So I've been farming moves on singleplayer.
shitter either make a point or stop posting, fast attacks spam is avoidable and counterable by various game mechanics, im sorry but git gud and stop complaining
that's pretty dumb, considering that the whole tutorial takes 5 to 10 minutes to complete.
about the servers, i have a lot of problems with it too, i rarely find a match, and when i find one i get in an infinity loading screen or the match is lagging like hell. I think about 20% of my tentatives to play online were totally succesfull
Pretty much this. I was a huge advocate of the game when it came out. Told everybody to buy it because it was such a good fighting game, which it still is in terms of gameplay.
But I just got bored after like three weeks, or however long its been out. Theres nothing to look forward to when you play. Even SF and other games give you a rank, so you can try to bracket up.
Not to mention the fact that it becomes very tedious very fast, because 90% of people use cheesy decks that aren't fun to fight against, and almost always result in fighting in a circle (figuratively not literally)
I just replayed the tutorial and found no mention of this mechanic
How weird, it was in the beta
even made you do a couple attacks to move forward