Tales of

Why is this one considered one of the best? The combat is't nearly as good and the story is lackluster.

You aren't locked into going for the incredibly boring childhood friend washboard.



*blocks your path*

It was the first bog one in the states, I think only Phantasia got released over here before. There was a big push for it on the gamecube, and it ended up being most people's first tales game so they remember it fondly. That said, its still a very good game all around.

Combat is necessary growing pains for the leap to 3D and the story is better than the vast majority of the series.

Phantasia wasn't released in the states until that god-awful GBA port. Destiny and Eternia were released in the states.

It's like the only Tales game with a party relationship system
I don't know how this simple fact keeps going over so many people's heads.

>tfw Abyss introduced traps to me

It has one of the best "going on an adventure" feeling of the series, and evolves quite well into the more open second half.
Plot isn't that good, but it fits gameplay perfectly, and manages to raise the stakes quite high by making you feel involved.

>Ridiculously long load times
>30 fps
>Main character actually gets LESS likable after his character development
>free run breaks the difficulty completely in half

Because it was the first one in 3D, the same happens with Ocarina of Time and Final Fantasy VII

It was most likely a lot of people's first Tales game, especially all the kids with a GC. It also has the best girl in the series.

Destiny is better though.

of course it pales in comparison to some of the later entries, but i think as an early 3D tales game the combat feels okay, and the story isn't groundbreaking in any way but maybe that's part of its charm (helped by nostalgia). It's not too far from your standard fare but has it's own twists and in my opinion a very good length.

It had some of the best characters including the villain. Abyss had a better plot, but the MC was awful. Then the series kind of went shit in terms of everything until Zestira. Zestiria had good characters, but a garbage plot, garbage villain, and mediocre game play. I can't comment on the newest one.

fucking Bamco, where's my Vesperia PC port??

>Then the series kind of went shit in terms of everything until Zestira


The series itself is actually quite mediocre compared to other RPGs beyond the character interactions honestly.

I liked graces, hearts r and xillia 2, what's your complaint with them?

emulate that shit. and the games pretty easy you don't need to use free run. I usually forget its their. vesperia did it better

directors cut maybe is better. ps1 hell no

Xillia 2 has a party relationship system.

legendia, symphonia, abyss, and vesperia were great rpgs with great worlds their own combat for good or worse. after that its rushed cash grab bullshit jrpgs but that's almost all of them nowadays

>tfw no good art of Ion
life is fucking suffering

OG Destiny might have been my first Tales game, but it sure as heck isn't better than Symphonia. I put up with a lot of dumb shit from that game despite enjoying it.
haven't played Destiny PS2 because lol moonrunes

>tfw never had a 360
>tfw no pre-3.55 PS3 (actually, my PS3 is busted)
>tfw the game isn't likely to work full-speed in RPCS3 any time soon on any setup
life is definitely fucking suffering

Here you are, user. I made you some coffee. It's hot, isn't it?

I bought a 360 to play this and lost odyssey and I discovered theres quiet a few good jrpgs on the system. 7/10 didn't regret

So how does this game compare to Berseria and the rest of the series? From what I've played of Zestiria, the cast is so fucking boring but the game itself is alright so far.

>It also has the best girl in the series.

its just okay. I don't like the tales games where you don't have mp though so its not for me

not Tear or Grune get the h out of here

Fuck this image. You'll never ever have that party. Not only that, "muh pur of hert assassin waifu" comes and fucks everything up. It's bad story-wise. It's inferior to Berseria gameplay-wise. The only reason to play it is if you want a canon-gay protagonist. Which progressives didn't jump on because surprise, surprise they don't actually play games.

If you have something to complain about the writing, blame this man.

I enjoyed the Vesperia animu and the mango was okay although it felt like the ending was too open-ended with no large-scale plot involved, like a SoL with the characters' adventures. I don't have a 360 so I can't play it.

I'm watching the Abyss animu now and I'm surprised at its production quality.

I was young and sheena had big titties and was a viable romance option.

Now that I am older it is great that Presea is as well

Mikleo is best tales girl though. Gameplay is complete trash though, have of the combat strategy is stunlocking.

I just thought it was the childhood friend trope but goddamn. That's a surprise. Especially when you have waifu-bait like Alisha.

Not far enough yet but so far it's just standard jrpg fantasy shit. It doesn't really have anything interesting at all. I guess Seraphim are a neat idea but it's just not doing it for me.

>tried symphonia
>skits are not voiced

Immediately dropped

>Massive amount of content
>Perfectly captures the vibe of a JRPG
>Excellent story
>Great dungeons
>Great voice work

I've played Vesperia and Xillia 1/2 as well as Abyss and Graces f. Symphonia still hasn't been surpassed. Vesperia came close though.

>>Great dungeons

Sheena is the best girl, don't lie to yourself.

>All those elemental dungeons
>All those Desian bases
>All those Tower of Salvation/Cruxis bases
>All those other zones like Gaoracchia Forest, Ymir Forest, Meltokio Sewers and more.

None of the games I played since had dungeons that could stand up to what was in ToS

Play the japanese version..

>Missing out on Scott Menville as Lloyd

Vesperia and Xillia is way better than BABBY'S FIRST TALES SYMPHOSHIT

Literally some nostaglia bait by Nintendo drones, battle system is beyond boring compared to its later games, i would never replay this

>tfw I finished my 4th playthrough of it not too long ago

Maybe Vesperia is a little bit better but Xillia was way too short and unfinished to really say it was better

The good old days when traps looked relatively androgynous and not like little girls with a bulge.

Because it has the best cast and interactions.
The story is pretty good once you look at what each party member dealt with on a personal scale.
Genis dealt with racism
Regal dealt with murder
Lloyd dealt with ignorance
Kratos dealt with redemption
Collete dealt with deception
Raine dealt with fear
Sheena dealt with failure
Zelos dealt with fate
and so on.

The combat is outdated but still fun if you think of it as a fighting game on a 3d plane, at least that's why I liked it alot back then.
Symphonia is my favorite game by far, it does have problems too but I still really like it because no other tales game has worked that grand of a scale.(for example choosing who Lloyd ends up with for all the waifufags)

Tales of Symphonia is the FF7 of the franchise, overrated but still great and worth playing.

What Tales game has the best party?

I liked the Xillia 2 party the most individually and the Hearts party the most as a group

Asuka or Rei?

Vesperia is the only one that can challenge Symphonia. Xillia is full of recycled bullshit and has almost ZERO worthwhile dungeons.

When they all try to master Genis' Kendama is still one of my all time favorite skits.

>almost zero

Did Xillia even have any dungeons? If I remember correctly most of the places were just walk-to-the-star and fight a boss. That being said I don't think Xillia is a bad game, just a bad Tales game

>battle begins
>*teleports behinds you and Mystic artes your whole party*

Nothing personal, kid

You spend some time in that one Fortress. There's also that one time you go into that mine shaft.

Nigga said challenge, vesperia is better alone simply because of its battle system that isn't basic as shit

After symphonia the whole series turned into weebshit


which game had the best combat? i liked judith in vesperia because you could pull off some bitchin air combos. also the staff user from xillia 1 and 2

finally a good post

>uses all the weapons against you

fucking end it

>game has anime art style
>anime cutscenes
>shounenshit plot

Kek tales was always weebshit, thats why you will never see it publicly advertised in the west like FF, weebshit isn't welcomed here

it good at the time (2003) but it aged like milk, just like FF7.

rebirth actually introduced me to traps. I always thought Mao was a girl but he's a boy.

played ff7 and symphonia for the first time last month. ff7 was dated but great, symphonia was dated and shit

i legit cried like a little bitch when corrine died.
volt a dick

I blame this man for everything. must be fun ruining a series you once made good by getting ur dick sucked by the help

this is bait

actuall puzzles and thought required instead of long hallways with enemies yeah they aren't percect but jrpg dungeons are fucking ass these days. what happened to huge levels with neat puzzles

Kill yourself. Farah for life.

I want to marry Sheena

>my favorite girl is Colette
>everyone else hates her

feels bad man

I was completely with you until you said its the FF7 of the series. tos has never been overrated its just the game most a familiar with. FF7 is easily one of the most overrated games of all time.

all tales games have terrible dungeons and story, this is a fact.
people play them for the combat system and occasional funny skits

>tfw replaying the game multiple times just to get all dresses/titles for each of the girls
>sheena beach event as dope af. also that ball with colette was qt as fugg.

no you really don't understand what he means because you are underage but weeb is not all things Asian. its a very specific kind of cliché pandering that has been going on since the mid-end of 00's

t. FFfag

>ntring your bro
You are a terrible person

amazing taste
but Beryl is the real best Tales girl

that's about right
story can be okay, dungeons can be okay
the fighting and skits have been the most important bits to me though

symphonia was the best written tales game by a fucking country mile. it also has a SICK ost.

vesperia was great but the only good characters were raven and judith, everyone else was fucking horrible. the combat/music/graphics were great, but the writing was SHIT compared to symphonia

abyss was okay but it was just too fucking long and the story never went anywhere

I've played Symphonia and I liked it quite a bit but I played the Berseria demo and it was meh.

Are any other of the Tales of games worth playing? I like kind of old school Gamecube/PS1/PS2 era rpgs like Wild Arms 3, Suikoden, etc.

raven and judith were shit, only yuri was the best character. he's the only character that made sense.

if you can get Tales of phantasia for ps1 with the english patch. it's pretty good


also the whole fucking plot of ToV was sOOOOO shit tier... the game should have fucking ended at alexi, because everything after him was fucking tacked on

It's an RPG on the Gamecube. Those fuckers were so starved for the genre (and games in general) that a lot of them are regarded as better than they really are.

except it was better than anything on the ps2 too


heck the game could have ended when yuri got the aqua core blastia. the MC had no obligation to stay with the group, he got what he set out to do. but they had to pull that child of the full moon crap out of nowhere.

even though yuri was a vigilante, he was still the best character. he wasn't a whiny underaged stereotype, he got shit done and didn't stall, and he did more good than the actual "good" characters like Flynn

the whole final dungeon i was just like "why the fuck are we even here?? duke isn't even a fucking enemy," i've beaten the game like 3 times and i still don't get it... at least in TOS mithos and crucix make sense as antagonists, that's why i prefer the game.

Just like source material Mari>Asuka.

to be fair, duke was trying to nuke all humans on the planet because humans killed his best friend. so duke became a enemy when he was about to kill yuri and crew for getting in his way

I say this as a Talesfag, I never played a FF game outside of spinoffs like dissidia.

Courage is the magic that turns dreams into reality


Mikleo was supposed to be female


>good mc
pick one

I liked the development Zelos got a lot. He's probably one of the most complex Tales characters.

Kratos is ok

Yeah, really hot