How do we end pc piracy?

>Piracy on consoles has ended now (ps4 / X1)

Should ISPs' put us PC pirates on slow internet? I see no other solution

>3 strike warning after which your household is blacklisted across all ISP's and you get slow internet for 2 years at half your current internet price

Other urls found in this thread:

>this thread again

Stop making games 10$/€ more expensive every year for a start

a research is being conducted. brainstorming for a solution. the isp method seems best

Piracy still works fine, and that's a good thing.
I guess it's nice too that only people with more than 80 IQ can do it.

A lot of people will still buy the game even if you can pirate. Rampant piracy on the other hand is just a service problem that is solved by making it more convenient and agreeable to get to your game through the channels that you want people to go through.
It's not like prohibited file sharing is a huge crime or intellectual property is an important right that would necessitate eradicating it.

I don't give a fuck about new game, I emulate.
I'm doin king field and doom psx right now.

Make all games free. You can't pirate if there is nothing to pirate.

Make buying more worthwhile than pirating.

Good luck making every ISP agree to this at once, because no singular company is going to want that kind of backlash.

You can't, deal with it

This. Better yet actually finish your fucking games before releases them, stop adding day 1 dlc and microtransactions in full price games


I mostly buy preowned because £45 for a game that will be £25 in a month is their fault, games like last guardian should have been £25-£30 on release not fucking £40-45

If they actually put a demo out they might see a decrease in piracy

By removing the jews from the game industry.


>being a bitchboy for corporations that rule over ideas and infinitely copyable data
grow up
>doing it for free

you can pirate games on PS4 if you live in Brazil they've found a jailbreak for older firmwares

>pharmaceuticals killing off the poor in droves is okay because some muh vidya devs

shouldn't pirates and consumers be switched?

>Piracy is "killing" video games
>Somehow devs/publishers still make billions every year

Fuck off.

>but they need to make hundreds of billions you selfish PIRATE!?!?!?! WHY DO YOU HATE OTHER PEOPLE MAKING MONEY??????

pirating is sharing, there's nothing wrong with that unless you're making money from it

Devs are killing video games

>spend millions on advertising and getting expensive voice actors
>skimp on making the game good
>ship it anyway

They’re fucking daft, they literally make no profit half the time because they don’t know how to budget

it's easier to just blow the budget out of the water and then blame people who torrent, form their eyes. It's a very short sighted mindset, honestly.

You can flip through or borrow a book from a library before you purchase it.
You can watch television shows/movies on TV before you purchase them.
You can listen to music on YT before you purchase the album.
You can... oh wait, you have to purchase a game before you can tell whether or not you want it in the first place.

>Should ISPs' put us PC pirates on slow internet?

what's keeping me from getting VPN ?

I understand that. I'm telling OP piracy is a minor-at-best problem in video games. We're living in times where some stupid fucks are willing to spend thousands of dollars for virtual gambling lootboxes, if you can't make a game good enough to profit in times like this your product is dogshit, plain and simple. No amount of DRM or ISP throttling is going to make people buy a shitty product instead of pirating it.

>us PC pirates
what kind of weak shilling is this?

>How do we end pc piracy?
By giving everyone a universal basic income

>what's keeping me from getting VPN ?
Nothing and I'd whole heartedly endorse PIA if you're looking for one.

Were you born yesterday? There’s a thing called a demo that the developers have been forgetting to make recently but ps1/ps2 era you would get demo discs with your magazines and get to try a fuck tonne of games, developers should work with magazines again and it will revive both demo discs and magazine sales

t. Bernie Sanders

The only games that get pirated are ones with single-player content, since multi-player games don't work. So the answer is for developers to only focus on games the require online to be any fun.

>how do we take freedom from people

fucking kill yourself

It's a troll answer to a troll thread.

You pay for a library card.
You pay for cable.
YouTube makes money off of ads.
You can rent videogames beofre you buy them. (RedBox, GameFly)

I played many demos in my youth.
How many demos have come out in the past decade?

Also pirating games wasn't much of a thing back when demos were commonplace. I'm sure some people did it, but not nearly as many people even could do so as can now.

Even if games were "good" or everything that pirates supposedly whine about, you'd still pirate it anyway

Nothing anyone can do. Shitty human beings will always exist

>You pay for a library card
What kind of backwards country do you live in
>You pay for cable
Lol just watch everything on the internet, we don’t pay shit
>YouTube makes money off of ads
>You can rent videogames beofre you buy them. (RedBox, GameFly)

Non existant, blockbuster went down, we don’t have rental services here

There’s lots of demos on PS4, not so much on pc, but they should definitely think about them the gravity rush 2 demo made me buy both games because I enjoyed it so much

Do AAA studios still blame piracy for their failures?

>You pay for a library card.
You need a library card to walk in, pick up a book and start reading?

>You pay for cable.
No I don't, I was referring to regular-ass free programming.

>YouTube makes money off of ads.
At no cost to the consumer.

>You can rent videogames beofre you buy them. (RedBox, GameFly)
You're still basically gambling that the game won't be a waste of money.

have the game scrape data from personal computers
game devs sell the data.

It's not developers that care about piracy. Content creators are usually happy to make their money and still have poorer people experience their creation.
In almost every instance the person that feels the way OP does is a souless business drone that is profiting off of other people's work and contributes basically nothing.

It's funny how games with good reviews and practices never complain about piracy.

It's always the shitty cash grabs and huge companies that complain.

Really makes me think...

Danganronpa devs have a right idea - spending time an money on a free demo that people can try. I'd say it's an infinetely better strategy consumer-wise than shilling out millions on billboards and ads that show nothing about the game itself.

Torrenting isn't illegal, and there are many services out there that use torrenting as an easy, bandwidth cheap method of distributing a product.
Additionally, there are many methods of pirating a game that do not involve torrenting.

Given these two things, how are you going to identify who is and isn't a pirate?

And if you want a refund on a shitty and/or broken game you're an entitled fucking cunt who is destroying the industry.

I don't know much about piracy. But wouldn't piracy attract some people to the PC market anyway, so I'd imagine some manufacturers make money from it, even if unintentional, right?

Why does it matter to you you raging loser?

i have literally 0 problem with pirates
devs and publishers need to stop treating me like a criminal and downloading drm onto my computer

>>Piracy on consoles has ended now (ps4 / X1)

Well the tracker I frequent have iso's of all relevant PS4 (and bone) Games so just because it isn't playable right now doesn't mean it didn't get pirated.

Until studios stop releasing unfinished, buggy messes like Mass Effect Andromeda and No Man's Sky, I'll continue to pirate.

It's an absolute affront to pay £50 to play a broken rushed game.

Also, just look at the price points for some recent games.

£80 for Xcom2 + WotC
£55 for PoE + WM1+2 (this was crowdfunded for fucks sake)
£30 for Skyrim SE (a 5 year old game with community retexture packs included)

Make better games in order to encourage people to want to support your shit. This is literally the only way.

>Piracy has ended on consoles for now
Fixed that for you

I want to know why OP is so obsessed with sucking corporate dick.

Op here. Its coz suits have my best interest at heart

>ISPs having detection methods or getting reports
>What is just fining the case

My ISP turned off my interenet because I downloaded a Harry Potter ebook from some website, until I called them (asked to delete it while on the phone).

There will always be a workaround. OP is dumb too. 2 years, what an idiot. What if i rent an apartment for a year or a few months, get that shit banned and move? Is the next resident going to get a surprise? What if I go to a motel, pay $30 for a night and just use their internet to torrent? Is that motel going to get theor shit throttled? Stupidity.

Publishers should just send OP the bill for all the pirated copies.

where do you live ?
JK Rowling's backyard ?

that is what we have the government and laws for

The States.. local ISP as well.

>implying government are not elected by people
They won't win election next term and politicians love their seat

As someone who's pirated shit for over eight years, has anyone gotten in trouble just for games? I've only ever heard tales of ISP emails about shows or movies and shit.

>So easily given over to government
This is why millennials are a plague

I use piracy as a way to tell if I want to buy a game, mostly indie games and weeb shit. Those are mostly hit or miss, take that away and I will be buying less games by a extreme quantity, like most the games. I would only buy retro games or wait close to ten years till I even try a game so only people who get the money are the third party sellers to spite companies that wont release demos.

jailbreak doesn't automatically equal piracy. no one has cracked ps4 eboots yet

>implying the government puts the wants of the people over the wants of corporations
l m a o


Ive been pirating everything since 2005 and have never got a letter or warning

Forcing ISPs to not sell their services to willing customers goes against the very spirit of capitalism that videogame copyright owners claim to represent.

here, I never implied such a thing. I merely said you are a de facto plague on our country because you want to get the government involved on minor shit. And by your tone I take it that you agree that them getting involved is bad for us.

this af

>he pays for his video games

Inflation of game prices has caused pirating to go way up. There has to be a reasonable margin of price. Every game now ships with at least $20 more dlc and microtransactions. You end up paying $90+ for a full game experience. Middle class is your target audience, and it's just not feasible to keep demanding that from a declining income.

How the fuck do you have time to make this thread 3+ times a day? Give it a rest. Your idea is retarded.

You are actually retarded. Maybe try understanding the context of posts before you start sperging out because the government was mentioned. Here is the spelled-out version of that post

>the ISP companies not willing to comply with OP's idea is only a minor roadblock when the entertainment industry can lobby to get the government to force their hand as has happened in multiple countries around the world already

>tfw this will never matter to you because you live in a country where pirated media is sold around every corner of the city
>If no one gives a fuck about public piracy being so rampant, ISPs here care even less
>You still buy a legit copy of shit that's fairly priced and worth it
Some of you should try having real freedom for once.

Jesus this so fucking hard. There is a reason that the indie crowed if becoming so fucking big. Every year we get more shine, less content, and more promises of content down the road once we pay for it.

When Minecraft came out it bucked the trend of the industry, it had a infinite amount of content and cost a fraction of a AAA game.There just isn't enough incentive to want to pay out 60 bucks for base game, then pay an additional 5 to 10 for character packs and/or maps and/or 5 hour story DLC. All in all there is no reason for any of us to want to be part of modern gaming.

And I said that you and anyone else that wants that is a plague and shouldn't be taken seriously.

no because i'm selfish and never seed anything, thats how you get caught boyo

Normies pay for music, videos and games. They also vote. Pirates do neither.

denuvo should be numbr 4

since this thread topic blows, can we get some good torrent recommendaions that dont take up much disk space?

thanks friend

why the fuck tho

I'm playing Let it die right now and it's still a ton of fun despite not paying for it, even if it's about the micro transactions.
The solution should be to figure out a balance where the optionally purchased content is worth buying yet people don't have to if they don't want to. I have still yet to seen this implemented well though, none of the microtransactions I've seen so far are worth buying, but I totally would if they were.
The best I've seen in extra content content so far was the DLC in Dark Souls 3. If AAA games were released for free and their DLCs were equally as kickass as the DLC in that game, they could make good profit on the DLC alone. Make the DLC big, long, equally as fun as the main content, entirely optional to the main game's story, yet still cool.

With Let it die, I'm only about 25-30% of the way in and I still refuse to pay for stuff. I want to make sure the game won't throw some unfair shit at me on later levels where I would really have to pay them money to get through it. I'l only pay for the extra shit once I've beaten it. Having them available from the start is gross and I would never do that.

Only if you live in the land of the """free""" or germany

When the fuck did deminoid come back?

>asked to delete it while on the phone

That's freaking great.

>How do we end pc piracy?
you don't

This guys gets it, there is a reason why the most downloaded episode of GOT preceded a spike in HBO subscriptions.

>How do we end PC piracy
You don't, but the following can help reduce the incentive for it:
>provide demos for games
>stop using DRM

>Piracy has ended now (ps4/xbone)
the fact youre wrong here to bait people is great. It hasnt ended, but in fact has just begun for those with dev hardware. its just a matter of making a loader on retail to have our piracy.

on xbox one its as irrelevant as can be right now since nobody is working on it due to lack of interest so your argument is perfectly acceptable here

I've already had my chance to experience PS4 piracy at its early stage and as much of a headache it is, it gets easier as time moves forward.

>How do we end pc piracy?

You don't.
If pirates don't want you to know what they are doing, they are completely capable of hiding everything, push comes to shove.

t. network admin


change the price.
you can't have a game cost 60 dollaridoos in america with your average income, and 60 jewros in poland with their average iincome, ofcourse people are going to pirate and not just the ones that are poor but even the people that can afford it.
nowadays i only buy games like dark souls and some multiplayer ones only because of MUH ONLINE GAYMIN EXPERIENCE.

Funny thing though, "free to play" mobile games get hacked all the fucking time so that you can easily get max of the in game currencies or upgrades or whatever. "Free to play" becoming standard would just make that hacking more common and that would be the new "pirating". The problem isn't the model of exploitation, but that it's done in the first place.

Kill yourself filthy bootlicker