When the hell are we going to get some actual gameplay footage of this?

When the hell are we going to get some actual gameplay footage of this?

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>still thinking kojima can make a game without konami poor slave devs doing the heavy lifting

Never ever.

If you ever do get gameplay footage, you probably won't even be 100% sure that it is gameplay footage. Last I heard, it's a walking simulator.

Kojima desperately wants to be a filmmaker instead, but for some reason he doesn't try to make films.

>beautiful art style, intriguing story possibilities and fantastic music
>it will probably be shit
Why are the good LOOKING games the bad ones

>Last I heard
Where did you hear that? Sup Forums shitposters?

The entry barriers to get into filmmaking are extremely tight.

Because PC Gamers demand that their $1000 Video Card investment be utilized. Hence sucking all dev time toward graphics, and less toward making an actual fucking VIDEO GAME.


>Thinking this is a game
It's an investment scam just like Mighty Number 9

Are you retarded? Most topped rated games had cutting edge visuals for their time i.e. half life, OoT, Halo

I have an expensive PC, though. There's no reason you can't have good gameplay and good visuals; it's just that big budget games are usually schlock unless they are legitimately made by Nintendo. I thought MGS5 was pretty fun; it was my first Metal Gear. I just wish it didn't have so much artificial waiting tied to it.

We'll see what happens. I love this game's style. Skeleton soldiers intrigue me to no end.

Over-hyped expectations for something that doesn't even have a cemented genre yet?

Yeah man MGSV has zero gameplay hurr durr

And yet Seth Rolan, Paul Feig, and Max Landis can get in.

The fact that this game has two trailers and they haven't given us a GENRE raises red flags.
C'mon, now. There's no hype for this game. It looks great, but I'm not even convinced it's a game yet. Everyone has forgotten about it, and everyone will forget about it again once it gets a new trailer. People will talk about it for 3 months, and then forget about it til next E3, continuously til the end of time, as Kojima launders his money.

Hideo made MGSV not Kojima.

There's this thing called indie filmmaking and the barrier to entry is ownership of a video camera. But I guess he would just be too butthurt about not outselling Titanic with his first release.

He still thinks it's a game

Time have changed, it's been over ten years since the most recent of those came out.

>but for some reason he doesn't try to make films.
Because he knows the standards people have for video games are incredibly low compared to movies. If Kojima tried to make a real movie about people taking dominant and recessive genes literally he'd be laughed out of his film making career.

Low Roars new album video is so obviously a tie-in to DeathStranding aka SilentHills its not even funny.

1. 0:00 on clock, like in P.T.
2. Umbililcal cord-like device in bathroom
3. Teleportation of first dude
4. Black oil on his face
5. Teleportation of woman
6. Black oil on her face

When will we all admit DS is P.T. aka SH?


Seth Rogan at least had a good movie and Paul Feig had a decent tv show (which Seth Rogan was also part of)
But all Max Landis has is a moderately well known 80s director for a father who also killed three people, two of whom were children

>standards people have for video games are incredibly low compared to movies

Emoji movie.

A lot of newer games have good visuals and are considered good games

You know more about the celebrities who lent their likeness to the game than you do about the game itself. If the theory that Konami pulled the plug on MGSV because Kojima was wasting money and not moving the development of the game forward in any way were true, then I'd see it's reasonable to suggest this looks like a repeat.

Hadn't they not even hired and programmers before the first trailer? Game is a long way off

Does kojima even work anymore?

No one liked that movie at best they went to see it just to make a shitty ironic post about it on twitter.

Except sony gave them the decima engine.

>in a movie
Lol no

Man, this band sucks

The moment Sony catches wise to Kojima's self-aggrandizing work-habits and actually forces him to do what he was brought on to do and make the fucking game.

Then again these are the same pack of mouth-breathers that managed to keep The Last Guardian on life-support until its inevitable release.