What is Sup Forumss opinion on this game?
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Bretty gud , It's a game where you have over 70 people divided into squads of 9 and actually stick together .
To bad it only has a few players.
You can press your numpad keys to talk to squad leaders and they can't tell whose talking to them so I just scream at all of them until they leave
I'm still waiting for the stuff they've promised since the Kickstarter, have no interest in playing it in its current state.
It's a good game, it just doesn't have the features I want yet.
Too bad you only have a few brain cells.
Wait what? Last time I checked you can see who is talking to you, their names are purple.
What did they promise specifically
Dead and cancer
Anyone else playing in the iskt?
Game itself is a pretty gud milsim-lite, community is a hit or a miss.
I've been told this game is closer to Battlefield 2 than Arma, is that true?
Having fun.
That's true, it's got roots in Project Reality, the BF2 mod. It's got some of the depth and most of the gunplay from ARMA but with the quicker-rounds and more casual nature of Battlefield.
Think it might be good when kt matures, right now Im just playing Project Reality
Sounds pretty neat actually. I take it there's not a very steep learning curve unless you plan to be a squad leader/commander dude? Could I just jump in and play support MG or Rifleman?
Pretty much! There's a logistic system that's worth reading up on/watching the official vids but so long as you can talk on a mic you're good.
Basically yes, as long you call out enemies you can be a good squadmember rather quickly, stay away from squadleading until you know all the games mechanics in detail.
Oh look, the shills for this dogshit are back. Sent.
begone tripwiredrone
Wah wah, stop liking what I don't like.
Project reality is better
Project Reality is dead
its based off of a bf2 mod and so they controls\weapon selection\spawning\command rose and all the commander and squads stuff is taken from there ,its basically like a much better project reality and is nothing like stock bf2 or arma .
you could say this game is arma's non-autistic brother as it removes the trillion different controls you can have on your character in arma and controls like most regular FPS games .
lol no,and its not going to anytime soon .maybe when they remake half its content in squad it will start dying .
Don't play it if you're expecting another BF2
BF2 was an arcade shooter on a somewhat large scale, with vehicular warfare.
Squad still lacks most vehicles, maps are vast and much larger, movement is much slower, communication via mic is a must unlike BF2 where you can lone wolf any time.
but its based on BF2
It's friday, 17:09 in europe and there is not even a half full server in this region
runs like shit
RS2 is better.
Rising Storm 2
>2 factions
>5 maps
>maps are barely 400 meters wide
>no groundvehicles planned
>new gamemode is a complete clusterfuck and destroys the frontline combat of the RO franchise
>squad system is crap
>only people who use mics are your autistic SLs/TLs
>only vietnam setting
>4 factions
>10 maps
>maps are between 1 and 4 squarekilometers
>great gamemode which focuses on few areas, large maps offer plenty of flanking potential
>ground vehicles including techies, motorbikes, APCs, scout cars, transport and logistics trucks
>FOB basebuilding including playerbuild firesupport like SPGs, HMGs and mortars, require logistics team to run effectively
>good squad system
>good VOIP system broken up between the individual squads and local chat, encourages every squad member to use a microphone
>eastern european, arab and asian environments ranging from estonian cities, ukrainian villages, afghan valleys and poppy fields to iraqi cities.
>transport helicopters,IFVs, MBTs, ATGM missiles like stationary TOWs or heavy Anti Tank classes planned, anti aircraft guns
>next update adds animation system, adding vaulting, bipods, zeroing, crouch sprinting, free-look and more
Best explosions
Shooting RPGs is the best
Also medic is the most fun I've seen in these types of games. Needs alot of polish though
>Best explosions
I really can't think of a game that does them better
>That blastwave
utter shit
So fucking what. You play with all the regulars, and learn in new people a few at a time and not in the hundreds. It makes for a much better experience.
>>ground vehicles including techies, motorbikes, APCs, scout cars, transport and logistics trucks
Lol, good luck getting inside any of these. No permission.
Join a squad then and ask for permission you spastic
>2 factions
Actually 4, and at least Anzacs, SVA and worst Korea to come.
>5 maps
Workshop already has a dozen maps. Devs are working on new ones as we speak.
>400 meters wide
Some customs are way bigger already and at least you see plenty action.
Damn good ones, one more to come with Anzacs.
>no ground vehicles planned
Wrong, at least M113 planned and more unannounced to come.
>new gamemode blablabla
Yeah, just don't play it then..
>squad system is crap
Only thing they have to fix it is to force people to pick squad before picking a role.
>muh autism
Squad is far far worst in that regard. Actually although I owned the game for almost year that's the number one reason I barely play it anymore.
>only vietnam setting
So what? Anyway they are talks of porting the RO2/RS content eventually. Although that might be optional and a too huge download for most people to bother anyway.
Squad is boring autistic shit that runs like trash and does look worst than RS2 anyway and the devs are even lazier than Tripwire. The community is also no fun autistic wannabe corporals that just take the fun out of anything.
Sorry, I don't want to deal with autists and retards over a mic. Terrible game and terrible design.
>boot up squad
>shitty electronic music starts playing
>boot up RS2
>Sorry, I don't want to deal with autists and retards over a mic
>Terrible game and terrible design
>hurr durr why can't I lonewolf :*(
casuals like you just aren't the target audience, stay away then faggot, enjoy John Gibsons literal shit
>Squad is boring autistic shit that runs like trash and does look worst than RS2 anyway and the devs are even lazier than Tripwire.
funny, boring autistic shit by a no name developer has a bigger playerbase than Tripwires newest cashgrab.
Rising Storm 2's hype and playerbase died off within a month, that's kinda fucking hilarious.
>it's more popular therefor it's better
Quite a few things. Helicopters, dragging downed friendlies, being able to use ropes and shit to scale walls uh there's some other shit but I don't remember.
Shit game. Play RS2 instead.
I would be playing it if not for Rainbow Six Siege, looks good.
If it drops below Squads playercount within a month despite costing half as much, yes, kinda tells you a lot about how barebones RS2 actually is
>shitty electronic music
I don't know what you consider shitty electronic music user, but you are grasping at straws here, Squads soundtrack is amazing
>against one licensed song playing on repeat
>this impresses the tripwiredrone
>actually being so desperate that you talk about the menu music
Only tripwiredrones were dumb enough to falseflag squad shitposting, fall for it themselves and now defend the worse game, incredible
I didn't know Squad threads got RS2posters like RS2 threads got Squadposters. I am quite sorry.
I came in here to ask if there are any other games where I can be a designated combat medic part of a military squad.
Can you both stop being faggots and enjoy each game , why do we have to fight every fucking thread , it is like you guys are trying to see who sucks the dev's cock better , just enjoy the game and stop creating meaningless shitshows.
People who think RS2 and Squad are comparable simply because they aim for a sense of realism are fucking retarded.
Compare Squad to PR if you want a legitimate discussion. Oh wait I forgot none of you fucking faggot teenagers ever played PR.
Was I a faggot for always choosing militia/insurgent ? I mean I always prefered that style of warfare instead of the "big" ones like IDF or USA , Gaza Strip was a good map too.
Good game.
Waiting for better version
Fuck no. The unconventional forces are always the best. Nothing like beating a first world army with a band of ragtag rebels.
Also, as others have said above in the thread, RPGs in Squad are extremely satisfying. Ambushing BTRs on Fool's Road and Strykers on Basrah are some of the most fun I've ever had in a multiplayer game.
>most games miss what a squad is
>squad also does this
and deader
That will never beat my IED's on Al Basrah , fuck I miss those times....Along with the rocket pod tech , just firing a whole load of those...I miss PR
so what is a squad?
typical around 8 to 16 dudes depending on what armed force they are a part of
fireteam is 4
buddy is 2
How is Squad wrong then? It has 9 niggas per squad.
Next update will give us Helicopters, vaulting and a few other animation work-overs.
>Next update will give us Helicopters
I seriously doubt it, next update is animations, a few vehicles and maybe British troops.
Meh, both games are niche. RS2 has a same userbase as RO2/RS, so yeah it's smallish.
Squad was always small, the devs did get plenty money though from both kickstarter and Steam sales and yet they haven't been doing shit. Took them half a year to figure out how to make humvees work and then another year to bring to you adjustable sights and vaulting.
You realize that shit is basically built in UEIV at this point right? You just buy the features, and models. Which they've been doing btw...
Funny thing is that finest Squad former coder who took his paycheck and jumped ship is now working on PUBG lel.
Squad just still like a demo on a fancy engine still after a whole year. Embarassing.
Anyway enjoy your coalburning white whore faggot.
Squad doesn't even support custom maps but kek they are already preparing the next milking...
Hope it comes out of EA soon so I can refund.
Steam and its player base was a mistake
>Squad doesn't even support custom maps
Yes it does? you can download their SDK right now. They just haven't implemented Workshop support yet.
Yes, obviously. But Squad doesn't. Workshop has nothing to do with it.
The WW2 team is shitting loads of content at least.
I wish they didn't do the eternal BoB game though.