I could talk a lot about Breath of the Wild. It is a fantastic game...

>I could talk a lot about Breath of the Wild. It is a fantastic game. But I also do get bored sometimes when I climb a mountain just to find nothing interesting up on top. Yes, it’s great that the game lets me climb any mountain. That freedom is amazing. But I’m going to stop doing it if I keep finding boring mountaintops.

Tell me again, why did people shit so much on Ghostcrawler?

He's always made sense. You may not have liked him when he was working for Blizzard, but that's because Blizzard is a shitty company and forces their employees to behave a certain way.

>Tell me again, why did people shit so much on Ghostcrawler?
Because he not only gave WoW fans bad news, he'd give his personal opinion of why that horrible news was justified, when it never was.

There was a massive gap between quest gear and the starting dungeon gear. The problem was that the starting dungeons were tuned around mid-expansion gear...when they were only offering starting expansion gear. It made no sense, yet he's the one that said "bring the player, not the class" which only made things worse.

What mountaintop doesn't have at least a Korok on it?

Just checked a map. None of them. Ghostcrawler is retarded.

Because don't shoot the messenger is not something WiWfags ever learned

Also wasn't he designer from end of TFT to start of Draenor? AKA the dark times of WoW history? I like the guy but that's not exactly a good sign.

Is that supposed to be a reward? So you can upgrade more slots for shields or bows no one fucking uses?

>Because he not only gave WoW fans bad news

Literally his job.

> he'd give his personal opinion of why that horrible news was justified, when it never was.

Better than what happens now, where Blizz blue posters simply ignore feedback and are too afraid to say anything out of their own volition.

Also - I see no issue with the gear/dungeon ''problem'' you mentioned. It meant dungeons were relevant without having 15+ ''mythic'' difficulties.

Same for attunements and "old" raids.

I remember ghostcrawler when he was a forum mod and not a face, he was alright back then.

rip on wcradio, slanik will never return

1 in 9 billion korok seeds is basically nothing. There's like 3 different kinds that just repeat. Throw rock into circle, move block, shoot balloon. That's it.

The end of TFT to Start of Draenor has

TFT itself
Early Cata

all of which were actually quite decent.
And also, it's not like you can blame one person for the entirety of the problems such a massive game had/has, even if he was the lead designer, it's not like Blizzard allows/allowed he complete freedom to work as he saw fit.

I'm going to ask here instead of a more relevant thread for less biased opinions.

Is botw worth both buying and digging my wii u out of the garage? I've considered the last 3 nintendo systems failures and I haven't enjoyed a zelda game since mm or the GBA ones.

lel, what a fucking moron you are, Jesus Christ

I could kill him with my bear hands without hesitation or remorse.

I certainly aint no fanboy.

But what is he talkin about? Most mountains have something on the top of them. What the fuck mountains has he been topping?

>allows/allowed he


there shouldn't be anything at the top of every mountain
the big reason to go up there is so you can look down and glide where you want to go

if things were only on the tops of mountains than they may as well be waypoints and questmarkers

At the time, the luck of the draw buff was not working (bonus percentage to stats), while healing power was drastically reduced and healers were given a global cooldown. All of that combined with extremely hard hitting enemies, made for endless wipes in looking for dungeon.

Having something 'interesting' on every mountain top makes the exploring aspect of vidyagame completely retarded, not winning every time is what drives you to play more.
That kinda instant satisfaction thing becomes lot more tiring and boring way faster than having places with jack shit in them.

>every open world game ever
woah ... you mean ... you can just have infinite content in a game? just woah

Not worth buying IMO, the game is okay but definitely does not live up to its hype.

Besides, as you yourself said, Nintendo has been shitting out failures for the last few years, and by buying BotW you're indirectly (or directly) supporting them and their stupidity.

if this guy joins something, it gets streamlined
i dont care if its his fault or just coincedence
fuck ghostcrawler

Honest question, do you suffer from autism or aspergers?

You seem to not understand nuance at all.

I never had that problem, but I played in a top guild so I'm probably biased.

Still, I did have friends who were "casuals" and managed to form groups to complete dungeons without much trouble.

Heck, I remember pugging MGT and if you were careful enough you'd not wipe, proper CC would do its job.

>routinely finding fucking nothing when exploring is what drives you to play more.


It's so surprising that exploration has been a focal theme in videogames since their inception, and still, so very few games understand the concept.

Placing collectables all over the fucking map doesn't make it fun to explore, nor does allowing you to explore every inch of the game.
It's a mixture, and more importantly, the journey during exploration that should be rewarding, not the destination.

>Having something 'interesting' on every mountain top
Who are you quoting?


good riddance

You say that but then BotW has 900 collectables literally everywhere to "reward" you, and then some 120 shrines on top of that. BotW is no better, it just fails to create something interesting to find while exploring.

Yeah, it's weird but the games with best exploring work like that as crazy as it sounds.

>the best games with exploring have only one or two interesting things to see, do, or collect.
Seriously, what games are you playing?

>only one or two
Yes, this is exactly, literally, figuratively, unironically and post-ironically what I said

I never said BoTW was good. If getting to the mountaintop isn't fun or interesting, it doesn't matter what's at the top.


Pro-tip for the BotW autists in this thread: "something interesting" does not mean a weapon or a collectible or a chest with some rupees or arrows or some other inane shit.

When people say something interesting, they mean a unique dungeon, a hidden character that starts a new sidequest (you know, with a story, not just go collect x amount of shit so I can give you some rupees), a new item or weapon that opens up totally new gameplay possibilities (a core element of Zelda that is literally entirely gone from BotW).

"Exploration" means jack shit if there's nothing worth finding, and that's why BotW is the worst Zelda since 2.

Yes you, by responding to OP, said a large portion of the game should be boring to make the interesting parts more interesting. If not, you wouldn't be disagreeing with OP in the first place, where he quite literally said large portions of the game shouldn't be boring. You accuse me of putting words in your mouth when you start your argument with
>Having something 'interesting' on every mountain top makes the exploring aspect of vidyagame completely retarded
when the OP quote never said anything like that.

>"Exploration" means jack shit if there's nothing worth finding

upvote m'reddtor, perchance did you catch the latest Rick and Morty? Truly euphoric!



As someone who had barely touched their Wii U since ~2014/15 prior to this release, I can say I certainly had a good time with the game.

It's certainly not similar enough to more recent Zeldas for me to really say whether or not you'll actually care for it yourself, though. If you're not huge into games with a pretty heavy focus on exploration, though, I can say I doubt this game is for you.

That being said I wouldn't deem to call the GC a failure as a console in terms of the quality of the games on it. In fact, I'd be more inclined to say such a thing about the N64, which, apart from a handful of, admittedly, really good 1st party titles and an even smaller portion of 3rd party ones, really didn't have much on offer. But I digress.

Wow great rebuttals.

>said a large portion of the game should be boring to make the interesting parts more interesting
Now you get it.

Le ebig trololol XD

Then what possible issue could you have with the OP? He doesn't disagree with you.

This is unironically true. The most "fun" rewards for humans are random rewards. That's why gambling is so addictive and why many games today force in some gambling for kids lootbox shit. The idea that "something could be there" makes you inherently excited that's just part of human psychology.

Because he was the face of Blizzard because of his constant interaction. All the hate people had for WoW got automatically directed at him. Anyone that isn't a retard knows that more than 1 person makes decisions when it comes to a major game like WoW.


He clearly is

Apparently the majority of people playing WoW are indeed retards then.

Who'd have thought...

Which would be fine if the rewards in every game were more than cosmetics, because nowadays everyone has a fucking stroke if someone happens to have a 1% dps advantage on you. So everything is standardized and boring.

This generation of gamers have ruined it for everyone else.

>Greg Street is an American video game designer currently employed as Lead Game Designer for Riot Games.[1]

Street was previously employed by Blizzard Entertainment as Lead Systems Designer on the award-winning MMORPG World of Warcraft, and is also known by his screen name "Ghostcrawler" on the World of Warcraft forums and his own Twitter account.

Anyone who plays most MMOs other than EVE is 100% a confirmed retard.

Like hamsters on a running wheel.

Please point, specifically, to where it says he wants a reward on all, or even a large percentage, of mountaintops.

Except there isn't something there in BotW. There's never anything there that's worth the trip it took to get it.

So why should I care about his opinion?

why would every mountain have something on it thats fucking retarded

>expecting to find thingsliterally everywhere you go

I hate open world games that do this. It's almost as stupid as the whole "ancient dungeon that no one has gone to in 1,000 despite being down the road" bullshit.

Honestly I dropped it couple of hours in.
MGS5 tired me greatly of open world. I'll revisit it sometime later.

it's up to you whether you care or not, feel free not to if that rocks your boat.

this retardation again this late into the thread?
fuck off

Like clockwork, the retards keep flooding us...

Refer to

Skyrim, duh!

meant to quote

Ghostcralwer please leave

You don't need a giant present for the player on top of every mountain, but you need some kind of reward in the form of either visual spectacle, tangible reward, or both.

>He's always made sense.
Maybe when he talks about WoW. What he said about zelda is pure BS.

It's your fault for expecting a reward for anything and everything. One of the best parts about old WoW (pre 2007) was that not every patch of the world was created to make you feel like the designers are carrying your hand while you explore.
>climbed up this tower? aww atta' boy! here's a chest you can open! that's a goooood boy!

It used to be that you would explore the world expecting nothing and being amazed at what you saw. Not every single corner was a pre-intended attraction created specifically to make you feel like you weren't wasting your time. There used to be a lot of space that was just there, without any trinkets or benefits to be gained and only the satisfaction of exploration awaiting you at the end.

This is why games are going to shit and your pedestalization of this type of games developer isn't helping.

Why are people so goddamn retarded?
He's not saying you need 100000 collectables of no value like Crackdown or, ironically, BotW, he's saying that when you design a landscape to pull players in certain directions there has to be a balance of rewarding that pull, both to keep players interested and to cultivate that sense of hunting things for the player.

Why do you chucklefucks think games like GTA: SA and SotC still have people trying to find hidden secrets to this day? Its because the game knows how to entice players with the possibility of finding some kind of reward, if only in the form of some well-constructed scenery.

Fuck off

Ghostcrawler since becoming employed by Riot Games has unironically improved the balance of the game substantially and that confuses me so fucking much. Especially given it's the same company Anthony "Call me a cuck so I'll suck" Burch.

Also, the follow-up developer that took GC's sport at blizzard is infinitely more hated. I don't even know how to feel anymore.

I have no idea who that is, but his statement on BOTW is absolutely correct. Even Mario Odyssey understands that players should earn something for going out of their way to explore or find a secret, and Power Moons are actually worth getting instead of yet another disposable weapon or a Korok seed

koroks sure are interesting

botw is literally wind waker with ps3 graphics, if you did not like it then botw is not for you

>Tell me again, why did people shit so much on Ghostcrawler?
Reminder that ghostcrawler caused both the decline of WoW and LoL the man turns whatever he touches to cancer

Yeah they should put a treasure chest one every mountain top LOL. It can sometimes be a bit annoying to explore and find nothing but it makes stumbling across something interesting alot more unique than if there's a little present hiding behind every corner.

All that does is dilute the game, make the special things you stumble across feel less special and ultimately makes it feel like you're grinding rather than exploring the world.

Fucking hell you're stupid

>Why do you chucklefucks think games like GTA: SA and SotC still have people trying to find hidden secrets to this day? Its because the game knows how to entice players with the possibility of finding some kind of reward, if only in the form of some well-constructed scenery.

Because they put a handful of easter eggs so people just search in vain? I mean do people even really give a shit about the actual collectables, the Packages in GTA?

Then don't climb it, retard. The main purpose of climbing is to praraglide off anyway

What the fuck are you even talking about you fucking scrub

Yes, of course. It isn't like the other 3D zeldas at all

You get a reward for every one to climb, which is a nice vantage point and the ability to glide off. The rest is just a nice bonus. Like does he even know the main purpose of the mountains?

Ghostcrawler was the best lead WoW ever had. I didnt always agree with his choices or logic but it was still the most enjoyable and successful era the game has ever seen. He was also pretty good with public relations, unlike almost every other dev/team working on WoW.

Legion is the biggest fucking joke they have pulled out of their ass, Hazikostas and Celestalon are fucking faggots.

I think it is coincidence actually. I remember reading an interview after he left Blizzard and he was against a lot of the pruning that started with Cataclysm. The original designers passed it off to him and he was the fall guy.

This niggas know. You don't climb mountains except to glide off

You're 100% right, it's just that Sup Forums is infested with legions of Nintenbros that delude themselves completely for the sake of fanboyism. BotW is literally just a rip-off of Assassin's Creed and Shadow of Mordor, it's desperate coattail chasing. That's not to take away from the truly interesting aspects of the game, and the freedom they provide, but overall there is more bad than good.

>Shadow of Mordor
Someone is deluded here and it's (You)

>shadow of mordor
really nigga I swear botw rips off every single fucking game according to shitposters

BotW is patterned off of SoM and AssCreed, it's plainly obvious. Is it better than those games? Yes. But it's nothing new, and it's definitely not an expanded version of the old Zelda formula or an open-world RPG in the vein of Skyrim/New Vegas.

koroks are not a reward, they're a chore. a reward would be a special weapon or item, or a location such as a temple or the entrance to a dungeon - not that BOTW would have those.

Tell me what it "ripped off" from SoM. Certainly not the combat, certainly not the nemesis system (the main fucking gimmick), certainly not the style of puzzles

And yes it is expanded version of the old zelda formula depending on how one looks at it

>special weapon/item
You literally have those
You also have those

Did you fucks even play the game?

>Climbing mechanics
>Free-form enemy encounters
>Le epic slo-mo counter attacks
>Le epic slo-mo bow and arrow action
>Towers to climb
>Collectibles out the ass
>Progression broken down into mini-challenges
>Open World that's empty and there just to pad out the game

I'm sorry nintentoddlers.

>slow-mo counter attacks
>slow-mo bow attack
>progression in mini challenges
Is SoM the only fucking game you played?
>open world that is empty
Oh you're just shitposting, last (You) (You) get

>climbing mechanics
Really nigger the climbing in both games are not even comparable

It's an open world filled with nothing but collectibles and pre-defined, little "challenges." It's not the sort of open world like The Witcher or New Vegas where there's just caves that exist for the sake of exploring or disparate side-quests.

Shadow of Mordor, Assassin's Creed, and Breath of the Wild, all share this copy-and-pasted bullshit over a large space kind of design. They're structured in the exact same way. The Shrines in BotW are exactly like the Assassin's Tombs in AC. There's no character progression beyond simpleton shit like more arrows, more health, more stamina, etc.

You can jerk off because this is from your sacred Nintendo and because they mask a lot of this bullshit with legitimately interesting gameplay mechanics, but it's still just a rip-off of modern, western AAA """open-world""" games.

>no copy pasted shit everywhere
>New Vegas
>implying there is also no copy pasted shit anywhere
>also implying the caves you mention are not pre-defined, little challenges

Not that guy but you are a fucking faggot. The 2 games you mention do the exact same thing, but with an exp bar.

Are you being obtuse on Purpose? The shrines are literally numbered and categorized, they're a set thing, they're all pre-fab "gamey" little puzzle spaces. Koroks are just like the feathers in Assassin's Creed. Everything that you can find in BotW is numbered and cataloged, it's completely inorganic, unlike the Gothic/Bethesda/Witcher games.

Do you legitimately think Zelda is closer to The Witcher 3 than it is Assassin's Creed?

Oh so it's autism about numbering, I see. The caves and camps are the exact same thing except without a number, for example in skyrim

They literally aren't though. They're organic spaces, some of which serve no greater purpose. They're only there because it makes sense in the world. Just like Assassin's creed, the shrines in BotW, are all Pre-fab visually identical that are there just to be there. They might as well be test chambers in portal or something. Plus they all have the exact same Puzzle -> Reward format.

I really hope you're just being obtuse on purpose and don't honestly believe what you're typing.

The shrines make sense in the world of botw too, lore wise and shit too.

>A shrine being a place where you use a magical IPAD to do magnetic ball puzzles to earn a single breakable weapon in a large conspicuous chest makes sense in the world


I think you're missing what he's saying a bit. Games like Fallout, Elder Scrolls and the Witcher have organically laid out environments that they then make interesting and rewarding to explore because you never know what will be around the next corner.

BotW, AssCreed, SoM and the rest of the AAA open world meme games these days basically have set glowing neon signs pointing you to structures that stick out and then reward you with the same experience you had five minutes ago in the same layout with the same rewards. A shrine is a shrine is a shrine in BotW, it's rarely ever rewarding to actually find a shrine because it rarely ever takes any thought but is rather a gigantic spire in your vision that sometimes requires base puzzle solving of free the water, do the magnet, etc. to get inside. And any place that's actually organically built into the environment never has anything exciting because all you will EVER find in BotW is a korok seed or a shrine.\

This is likely because it's Nintendo's first foray into open world so I'm hoping we get a Majora's Mask style sequel that reuses the engine but actually makes the world interesting this time because they have the game locked down mechanically, it just sucks as an open world one. I never once got that feeling that I get from good open world games where I feel like I stumbled upon something by chance and have no idea what could be awaiting me. And that's what I think user is describing. Because games like AC and SoM have the same problem where if you've exhausted the game's original content within five minutes and the rest of your 50+ hours are spent redoing the same thing over and over like a robot.