Divinity: Original Sin 2

Release date: 14.9.2017

Divinity: Original Sin 2 - Combat Spotlight

Reveal of the Undead Stream

Spotlight: Origin Stories - The Red Prince

What are you playing the meantime?
Best companion?
Best spell?
Did you back or pre-order?

Other urls found in this thread:


Did they announce anything regarding post-launch support?

Don't let the thread die, The Red Prince will be very disappointed in you

When do we get more origin videos?

Most likely everyday until release

I hope so, but it's been two days since Red Prince.

Can you listen to the origin stories in the EA build?

I don't really know what you mean,. I was referring to
>Spotlight: Origin Stories - The Red Prince


did they really have to use the cringe voice for the combat video?

What's cringey about it?

Still doesn't beat


I assume it's because yesterday's spotlight video was the combat showcase

Gotta impress the normies

PS4 when

Trying to finish off the last few achievements for the Sunless Sea DLC. Forgot her name, but I wanna bang the tsundere elf companion. Teleport is a lot of fun and is a must have for at least one character in your party. Pre-Order within a week of release, would of backed the game but didn't have the funds at the time. The 14th can't come soon enough.

Wantan: red prince as companion, possibly fane as a companion or main character aswell

also wantan: red prince as some kind of melee because it fits the character, and the main character to be rogueish

team composition:
melee character (some kind of melee like rogue)
red prince (some kind of tanky/control melee warfare based)
summoner with some utility
healer going hydro + aero for heals and damage

Suggestions? Changes?

What skill trees have a teleport in dos2, only aero and rogue(self) right?

Maybe some fire? poison? or you can just rely on grenades with your melee main rogue for those

I believe so, there is also that jumping spell that lets you fly on to ledges and shit, not sure what it's called. Also you can get the teleport gloves early in game so you don't need aero for it at the beginning, doubt they will be viable mid/late game though due to the stats.

I found teleport as a skill on a pair of gloves. Maybe you can craft abilities onto gear as an alternative.

>turn based combat
Not interested unless it's XCOM

>tp on gloves
Damn that sounds nice, shame they become less viable mid game, unless you can somehow up the stats through crafting?

then go and shit post in another thread

If you can craft abilities onto gear that would be pretty awesome, don't remember anything like that in D:OS1

>summoner with some utility
You could maybe give it a couple of aero abilities. If you already have your summons out and/or buffed them the remainig summoning spells don't seem to be that particularly strong and the utility based skill trees like necromancy and polymorph appear to have a short or medium range which might not fit the character

You should maybe also give at least one character some fire ability just to have them available in case you get the opportunity to explode something

I think aero is the only skill school that lets you teleport other enemies, but it has multiple abilities that let you do so
Huntsman, Scoundrel, Warfare all have some abilities that relocate you, don't know if others have that as well

I'm just guessing because partway through Act 1 I found a blank skill book. I assumed you could craft it into any skill book you wanted because it was useless otherwise.

Hoping that extends to enchanting skills onto gear.

Cute lizard girls where we at?

Just make sure you have dispels in the form of Fortify (Geomancy), Armor of Frost, and probably Shield up.

I think that might be for just crafting a skill book so you can learn the skill. But I do kind of hope that we can do some gear enchanting now you've mentioned it.

The shapeshifting mask seems that also make you earn the trait of the race you pick.


here's seen Fane changing to Elf and eating a body pat to gather infos

I'm still debating if to do my first single-player playthrough solo/lone wolf. I know at the same time I'm going to be doing a 2 player campaign with a buddy. Just not sure how handicapped I'm going to be if i lone-wolf an undead.

I want to feel that tail in my large intestine.

In DOS1 you can craft specific skill scrolls for one time use or specific skill books for unlocking a certain ability, but as with most crafted things in the original game the recipes are overly convoluted and half of them are locked behind an inane crafting level requirement

In DOS2 you'll be able to craft skill scrolls and books as well, getting different skills depending on the recipes you used but without a crafting requirement since they removed that stat (You even needed 1 or 2 crafting levels to make fucking healing potions in dos1)
You'll be able to craft special (?) abilities by combining existing spell books but it seems like the result is rather limited and only depends on the school of the books you combine, eg water+necromancy will always produce the same skill regardless of which skills you used.
Additionally there will apparently be runes in the final release that can be placed on either your weapon, armour or amulet to give them certain effects but once again, based on the current recipes that have been datamined the options seem relatively limited

but divinitys turn based combat is much better than xcoms

there are so many interactions with skills, environments and such. You can get really creative as it's presented in the vid in OP.

nice, I knew about the scrolls and skill books as I played through the first one. Glad we're getting something to make gear a tad more viable later on, even if it's limited it's still something.

Is it a viable idea to, with my marksman, dip into polymorph to get vertical mobility and into hydro to get Hail Strike so I can freeze people with Elemental ranger? Or is that splitting points too much?

I think marksman has its own personal movement skill though I don't know how the range and cooldown compares to the polymorph skill
Either way I don't see any problems with it, skill points are a lot more abundant in the second game so it's easier to create hybrid characters

Huntsman already has tactical retreat for haste+movement and Sky shot to fire over terrain. I don't think you'll need it.

Why even bother with physical damage, seriously

>Magic deals more damage
>More utility
>Armor/Magic shield system promotes dedicating to one over both

There are enemies in the game who absorb or are altogether immune to certain elements.

what the fuck do I play now for 7 more days? FUCK, I recently got d3 necro pack gifted to me and thought it would last me, but that fuck is old and busted already

Yeah, elements being the optimal word. No enemy is immune to magic.

And yet two of the physical damage dealers are basically the absolute pinnacle of damage.

Fight an enemy with 5000 magic armor and 20 physical and you might regret your choice.

Also even if you needed physical, which you dont, you can get it from summons, which is again just more magic.

I'm playing some xcom2 and Dragon Commander
For real though, xcom 2 combat has nothing on DOS1 & 2, it's like playing a kiddie version of dos

Except that will literally never happen, as it never happened in DivOS1. And again some forms of magic damage come in physical form.

No, they absolutely are not. The magic schools shit all over warfare/scoundrel/any other physical tree.

>The magic schools shit all over warfare/scoundrel
In your dreams maybe. Learn math.

In reality shitposter

Namely because of and because you easily can get away with having both damage types
In my three alpha playthroughs I found my hybrid party (rogue, huntsman with one pyro and one aero ability, heal-oriented hydro/aero, pure damage pyro/geo/aero) to be the most effective. Even if you take the bugged throwing knife damage into account the rogue could still solo targets faster than most of the other party members. It was only rivalled by the pure damage caster and if that was the case it was usually based on the target's armour

I looked for answer but didn't find one, maybe I didn't phrase it right, anyway can I download the EA right now as if it's a pre-load? when the game releases will it just patch the EA version or will I have to re-download the game again?

need help on this one the stream confused me.
one man army: can i play with my 3 friends but another friend control the 4th ai companion whilst i still have one man army?

Are you aware of the elf scoundrel build with points into poly and warfare that completely broke all of the EA fights?

>Original Shill
Fuck off

>comes out on my birthday
>have to spend my own money for a present for myself

Yeah except hes right. Magic scales way better than physical does.

Larian hasn't made a comment on that yet but I assume it'll start downloading the rest of the game once it's released. If I recall correctly there weren't any preloads for Original sin 1 or its enhanced edition

>It was only rivalled by the pure damage caster

Are you aware that was patched retard

It seems like there is some massive god damn denial here to save face on the fact they completely failed to make physical viable again.

OMA makes you stronger based on how small your party is, right?

You could also at one point infinitely explode poison, whats your point?

You might want to finish reading the sentence

Treat yourself user, have fun and happy birthday!

no they said about it in the unded stream it unequips itself if the partys too big but they didn't explain it very well

>Except that will literally never happen, as it never happened in DivOS1

Original Sin 1 had an entirely different system in place to what the second game has though.

You might want to learn how party damage works, all you did is divide your damage down the middle so overall you did less DPS than had you just had four dedicated magic users in the first place.

Fact is this physical/magical division is really stupid.


Not really, if you've got four DPS on your team you're retarded.

It had the exact same resistances system, it just didnt have second health bars. And no enemy in it or 2 has immunity to all magic or all physical.

Everything about DivOS 2 looks cool as fuck.
Larian is like CDPR but with talent.

Oh I see now, you're just a moron. Four dedicated magic users =/= four DPS users.

I wont bother reading your reply, you obvious have no idea how the game works.

I hate my birthday

>That's the skeleton lizard girl to boot
Hips made for strutting, God damn.

Hardly, it can easily be done
If anything you're gimping yourself by losing out on potential damage
You can easily get away with just one having one restoration/fortify/frost armour spell on each character. Restoration's even more powerful this time around since it also removes poison and burning
The other user is still retarded for thinking hybrid parties don't work though

Not entirely, as long as elves have that racial and scoundrels have adrenaline it will always be retarded damage. It is absolutely disgusting even if you put no points into warfare, and the one extra cost on Skin Graft is irrelevant because of the abovementioned racial + adrenaline combo. Backstab multipliers are so good that you are done with the physical armor of your target in no time and are free to go back to fucking them in the ass for free in no time. Mage bosses will low physical armor in particular are a treat. To do tactician mode in particular you need to be retarded not to take some physicals.

both living and undead female lizards have the same moving animation so dont worry getting penis confused

I just want your autistic retard brain you know you've got about three different people replying to you.

Can't speak about 2 since neither of us has played much of the game.
But I remember in the first game that I had a water mage who was completely useless in one area because every enemy was either immune to or healed by water element damage.

It's also 100% likely that enemies will have different amounts of physical and magical armor. Some will have high of one, and low of the other. Adding such a system then not even balancing it like this would be retarded.

I am only sad thinking that my faggot friends won't want to play it.
Given the chance I would play this shit for a week straight but knowing them it will take us a fucking month or even more to finish it...

>Can't speak about 2 since neither of us has played much of the game.
Speak for yourself, there is no such example in 1 or 2. Either in EA or that they have shown from other enemies in videos.

> I had a water mage
Thats you're own fault for being stupid and only having 1 area of magic available on a character.

Is there necromancy or time magic in this game? I wanna be some sort of time controlling undead Lich.

is there any info about that?

>To do tactician mode in particular you need to be retarded not to take some physicals.
I suspect the problem here is that you're actually just bad at the game and never played anything other than physical base. So I suggest you go play full magic and see how utterly pointless physical is.

>ask friend if he wants to play DOS2 because he is into CRPGs
>he says he will buy Destiny 2 instead and even offers me to get me a copy too
Friendship ended with fag. Now Red Prince is my best friend.

I'm sure you have played the entire unreleased game and know the armor values of every single enemy in it. I'll take your word for it!

Go watch the streams you uneducated idiot

It also does not at all change my point, which you conveniently ignored to save face.

>But I remember in the first game that I had a water mage who was completely useless in one area
Well no shit. There is literally no reason to ever only take 1 school of magic, you can minmax just as well dedicated to two schools.

How was controller support in Dos1 ? im gonna be bedridden after surgery for a few weaks and keyboards are a pain to use in bed.

>Playing a text heavy cprg coop

I cannot imagine anything as pure suffering as that.

Day ago it was combat spotlight.

They're spreading them a little bit.

I watched streams, can't say I particularly paid attention to every enemies armor values but to me it looked like some enemies did have more of one type of armor than the other.

Also you said certain enemies in the first game weren't immune to magic. I specifically remember enemies immune to magic.

>>Playing a text heavy cprg coop
>text heavy


>Is there necromancy or time magic in this game?

There is necromancy, though summoning a bone construct is a higher level skill

The undead origin character (Fane) has Time Warp as his unique ability, and its arguably the best ability in the game (take an extra turn). You can also use oil to slow enemies.

Are hybrids viable in this one or it's better to go full caster or full warrior like in the first OS?

Haven't tried it myself, but the reception was surprisingly good so I assume it's functional. It obviously won't be as good as M+KB but you'll probably be fine

>if you disagree with me you are bad at the game
Alright, buddy, you keep going with your 4 mages and I will enjoy the presence of a physical or two. When you get stuck somewhere I will be right here to give you advice on how to beat the encounter. We all learn from mistakes.

Immune to ELEMENTS

You're literally too stupid. Have a nice day.

Hybrids are a lot easier and generally better to make compared to DOS1, but the shitposting user is probably going to tell you otherwise soon

Is the final boss going to be a pushover you can kill in one shot like the first game?

They are viable, but its still gimping yourself.

It's not like you can go full warrior to be honest. There is like one warrior skill tree and 300 magic skill trees.
I mean, you could pick that one skill tree and ignore magic entirely, but you'll have a shit load of spare skill points.

its got enough that at least one of your friends will get bored and moan whenever you talk to NPCs

costs a source point no?

nothing is viable except for magic read the thread holy shit