I'm craving a survival game Sup Forums. Is this good? If not what else? I hear 7 days to die is good? I can only buy one game but I'll hear your opinion.
I'm craving a survival game Sup Forums. Is this good? If not what else? I hear 7 days to die is good...
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7 Days to Die is boring.
Name 1 (one) survival game that is actually good
Don't Starve
It's very fun at first, but then turns into a full time job. I already have a full time job, so I had to quit Ark.
state of decay was bretty entertaining tho.
>want a survival game where i can build/expand my base, gather and stockpile supplies and necessities
>only options are shitcraft or 2dminecraft or a ton of unfinished early access games
it's okay
be aware of people stronger than you in multiplayer, though
shit that took you hours, days to build and get could be destroyed in minutes by people stronger than you
Just stay away from Ark, the fact that it takes hours just to tame one dino is a red flag.
>This 90's ass artstyle
State of Decay
Dont starve
Rimworld is GOAT
Opinion discarded.
>failed to add to discussion
Fag detected.
I've been looking at getting Ark, but that 60 dollar price tag isn't even including all the other dlc. I think it comes out to 105 bucks on steam. It might be better to wait for the fall sale.
If you want actual survival, NEO Scavenger.
DO NOT BUY THIS. not worth the money at all.
>lists objectively bad games when asked for good games
Nice discussion techniques knob jockey.
Its okay. You better have a high end rig if you want to get more than 10 FPS on lowest settings tho
Scorched Earth is optional content desu. I've never had it. The main draw was to get Wyverns to bring to non-SE servers, but you can do that on Ragnarok now, and Ragnarok rules.
The rest of the DLC is free, so, fuck Scorched Earth.
Anyway Ark is far from perfect. I like it a lot, and its the only survival game I play unless you count Minecraft, but I don't think it's the best. My #1 gripe is that theres a ton of optimization left to do. The game feels like it can't do simple things right, even installing mods is a total shitfest, not to mention the absolutely disgusting file bloat. It's a 100gb clean install. And don't get me started on the graphical optimization, my rig cannot run this game anywhere near as well as it should be running.
I love ARK, and it's a total blast, especially with some friends. But it has flaws
The Long Fuark is pretty good
It's pure, man vs. nature stuff.
It's good if you've played a bunch of other survival games and are okay with jank.
I'd 100% recommend Subnautica, Minecraft with mods, Don't Starve and others before it though.
Is this guy actually talkin' shit about Terraria.
Send me your address I'll fuckin gift you right in the steam copy of terraria.
Taming dinos and such sounds like a great idea, but you either play PvP and get your shit destroyed by people who play 24/7 or you play PvE and get bored.
>7 days to Die
They just can't keep from fucking up the game. Though I hadn't played it in maybe over a year, at the time they were changing how things worked and were crafted so often that it became more tedious to relearn.
Same as above but instead of adding content they keep removing it, though they did add more buildings after a while, it's still the same shit.
Everything above, but under water and single player.
Just play Minecraft.
Make sure to own a high end rig or you will end up really fucked with low framerates
I already have Terraria
It fucking bored me to sleep
fuck that day song
Look up Kenshi on Steam. Can't say if it's good or not, but you might like it.
I respect your opinion user but I literally can't comprehend it.
>shit that took you hours, days to build and get could be destroyed in minutes by people stronger than you
Sheeit nigga that sounds brutal but adds to the survival factor.
That UI looks horrible
DayZ is the best survival game.
Casuals can't handle permadeath.
DayZ has 100.000 positive reviews from non-casual players that actually look for a realistic survival experience + roleplaying - not just a deathmatch.
Fallout 4 if you never played it before survival was added
Rust is the only survival game worth playing IMO. I hear good things about Miscreated, but I haven't played in a while.
DayZ mod
The Long Dark
Have you played Arma 3 Overpoch?
You know it totally would be with actual dev support.
Fucks sakes I graduated high school and got a Bachelors degree since buying DayZ.
its going into beta with the very next patch
DayZ mod is dead. You won't find games. Only thing people are playing is Epoch and Overpoch
And the next patch will change everything etc. etc.
Every time.
they never said that?
They literally have a huge message on the store page that says: "DO NOT BUY THIS GAME!!!!" (if you're not interested to partake in a long development process for the best, most realistic survival game ever made)
they completely rewrote the engine, the animation system, the melee-combat, the lighting, the weather, the sounds
Homie I have no problem with the dev cycle, what's ridiculous is the cycle they set for THEMSELVES.
They keep releasing roadmaps every year, and do maybe 15% of them.
Then the next year they release another one, say they're gonna do better, do 15% of it.
After 5 years that gets a little grating. They consistently overpromise and underdeliver, and that's their own fault at this point.
state of decay
It's a scam at this point. They are waiting as longas possible before relese so when everyone refunds that dissapointed and dated piece of shit 10 years from now they can say that all the money is gone amd they can't refund them and declare bankrupcy meanwhile paying themselves hefty salaries.
Fuck this piece of shit. I've never been more hyped up and dissapointed by something in my fucking life. I put thousands of hours into the mod. Probably the best gaming experience I have ever had. Then along come these scam artists and fuck it all up. If ShitZ didn't happen I'm sure the mod would still be alive. I hope their children get raped by aids patience for what they did to my favorite game ever.
A fucking cashgrab. No wonder the only person with integrity that actually wanted to make a great game left so early in its development (Rocket). He saw it for the souless cash grab it was and saved his integrity by distancing himself.
Can I build my own base or am i stuck wandering around like the long dark
t. hasn't played in 2 years
DayZ is great, and the devs aren't going anywhere.
If you like PvP, buy Rust.
If you like games with friends, Don't Starve.
If you like singleplayer and atmosphere, The Long Dark.
If you like unfinished games with potential, but are terribly animated with poor sound quality then 7 Days To Die.
Don't mind the grammar. I'm blinded by rage.
If im being completely honest here....
Ark is a decent enough game, but the developers seem fixated on making the game as much a chore as it could possibly be. Any dinos you want take hours (literal hours) to train, to the point you spend half the game babysitting unconscious Dinos praying that a random spawn won't pop up and ruin your day.
To actually build a base takes hours upon hours of resource gathering just to get a basic setup, even with dinos MADE for gathering the resources for it.
Pvp is a nightmare where 1 tribe generally rules, and destroys any other groups that get a decent amount of work in because they have 5 super trexes at max level.
Pve is pure tedium, because while thiers no alpha tribes....good luck actusally building, because the other people playing have the entire map blocked off with posts, and the game is only balanced around pvp.
Despite it coming close to release, the game is buggy as hell, and rather than fix it the devs just keep adding more and more dinos, each stronger and taking WAY longer to tame.
The breeding system is complete garbage, making you wait hours before the egg will hatch....but now the baby won't eat from a trough until its 7 hours old or so, meaning you have to constantly be farming for food for the little shit.
It had potential, but the entire thing it just steeped in pure tedium, and becomes incredibly unfun the longer you play.
>DayZ standalone
>dayz is great and the devs arent going anywhere
wait for the beta in a month, reinstall it, see for yourself.
I played like 6 months ago. A truck rolled up to the building I was hiding in and the guy told me to get into his truck. I did and the truck took off flying. He flew me to the prison island to loot and dropped me off. I logged out.
Clearly you don't play it.
I really hate that post spam bullshit. That my main complaint with Ark.
dude, nice memeing!
Its utter bullshit for the most part. I always hear stuff like "Oh we want to stop new players from spamming the map!"
But fuck, its a gigantic island. Make a few posts around your base so you can expand (in worst case scenarios), and leave the rest alone. Is it that difficult?
It's filled with douchebags but it's pretty good. PvE is where it's at but once you hit end game it gets boring. If you must PvP then it'd be in your best interest to get as big a tribe as possible. Experience gain and expansion are exponential with more people. Plus you got more people to watch your dinos, crops, and babies when you're offline. It's a real pain in the ass to get established, but once you do the game goes a lot smoother.
Yup. There will be nowhere to build and no player structures in sight.
>Beta already
That shit sucks. I'm honestly going to see if I can refund
PVP is filled with assholes that will destroy your base when you are offline.
PVE gets pretty damn boring since everything is insanely time consuming and there's not really a lot of dynamic shit to do. No AI to play with or things to train.
Only decent ones I can think of are
Conan Exiles after the recent patches (better than ark, but just barely)
Project Zomboid is decent even if there's no fucking npcs yet.
I found Don't Starve insanely repetitive yet 10/10 art style.
DayZ standalone still sucks, its a hiking and outdoor camping simulator. If they don't give my money back then I hope to God someone mods the shit out of that turd so I could at least have a flying base and helicopters.
>start playing ark
>some autistic clan called "the boys" tames a "'mega" or some supposed endgame shit on the first or second fucking day of the game being released on a brand new servers
>they kill all noobs and tell everyone to leave the server and that they will wipe everything we all build with their mega, as if they'd rather have no one left to pick on and be all alone
Video games have been ruined by its consumers
I can't even comprehend how people could be so pathetic and malicious
At least don't pretend you'd rather be all alone just so you don't have to be supposedly disgraced by the sight of noobs
Really makes no sense, the average gamer is now clearly just a petulant loser who has nothing going for them but the hate they have for random people, and should be put out of their misery
Video games are no longer even anywhere near a healthy hobby
Too many losers trying to get off on how edgy and "gud" they are at some meaningless fucking joke of a game, telling anyone who doesn't magically get all the mechanics to kill themselves
It's pathetic and just reminds me of what an insignificant joke mankind is
Needless to say I hardly play games anymore, they often just make me want to lift weights violently
Or fall asleep
>"Tips Fedora"
Git gud faggot
>log off
>everything i built is smashed by the foot of a 500 foot dinosaur controlled by other players, on the second day of a games release, while I am asleep
>"get gud"
Don't let the fags ruin the game for you OP
The game is really fun and not time wasting if you put everything on 3x and host a dedicated server to play with your friends.
One of the most fun games to play with your friends in recent years.
>procedural generated
>open world
This game is trash OP. Literally buyers remorse after 1 hour. Everytime I go to one of the ''good''' servers it requires 783473829475849 mods to play and takes hours to download and then load.
I couldn't even refund the game because I spent hours just trying to get into games. The game it's self is shit, they add a bunch of guns and creatures. The mods and creatures don't make up for the extremely shallow gameplay actually involved.
When you got half the server in your clan, it's real easy to expand and tame high-end shit. Tribe I joined has 30 fucking dudes and 2 Gigas and something like 250 dinos and a massive base since 3 days after launch.
>He still wants to play survival garbage
move over kid, this is the game for real men, go home and let the big dogs play.
Yeah, I don't really understand the problem since there are tons of sliders where you can speed everything up. You can even just grab mods to max everything out if you want to run around exploring.
>hammer smashing rock
instant fail
It's pretty rough but it's fun working your way up to Samurai Jack status wandering around.
Dont play it currently. The dev team is too small.
If you play go to a private server
>PvP vet from the biggest and best, the game is fucked
Ark isn't really a 'survival' game
it's a retarded pvp base builder with dinosaurs and a hunger meter, it is pretty fun but aside from dinosaurs it's just another rust, reign of kings etc
Make sure you bash your own head with a hammer so you can't make any more retarded post
>the minecraft generation
>the sperg poster
You made the minecraft post first because you were to mentally challenged to read the details about the game. Look I am trying to help you become a better person here because your parents were to stupid to raise you. Now go back and read what the game is about. Think thoroughly about what to write next because your actions will dictate your mental capabilities.
Private servers are definitely the way to go. I run my own private server just for me and my friends, with the harvesting yields and taming speeds maxed out.
I don't recommend getting it if you're just playing single player. Some things are tedious or nearly impossible to do by yourself, even with the maxed out resource yields and quick tames. For example, quetzal's are flying dinos useful for many reasons due to their size and weight capacity, but they never land in the wild. To take one out solo you'd have to follow one around until it got near a cliff or mountain, then hope you can shoot it with enough tranqs to knock it out before it gets out of range. With just one friend helping out though, you can fly on a pteranodon while carrying a friend with its feet, who can then freely shoot tranqs at the Quetzal.
You can use a grappling hook on your ptera and whistle it too attack the flying Queztal while you shoot with tranks with your crossbow or longneck.
How do I into water content?
I've played for hundreds of hours and just now felt the urge to get a plesiosaur, got one, now what
Seconding a bunch of other anons recommendation of Don't Starve. It's one of those games where nothing is outright explained, but is fairly straightforward once you figure it out. Prepare to die to a lot of different things. Including bees.
especially fucking bees
This. Don't Starve is one of the only good ones.
If you're playing online it's basically be a big tribe's cukboy that goes around gathering like a good goy
If you play alone expect massive amounts of bullshit like a crocodile jumping at you from offscreen that Insta kills you and then fucks up your rino
Fug I remember the good old days when the devs used to visit official server and just have a laugh while messing with players.
You had the chance of seeing the dude who roamed the island reciting poetry in a flying ankylo?
First person: The forest
Turn based: Neo scavanger
Isometric real time: Project zomboid.
What it do?
UnReal World
Any third person survival that doesnt play like bioware third person?
Grav was kinda fun
But I don't know how to play that game. I always get killed by a fucking wildling.
2bh ARK multiplayer has it all, in terms of a survival game
>huge, varied overworld
>base building
>survival mechanics that made sense
>real pressure to build and defend a base, both from the world and other players
>stockpiling materials and resources
>character leveling mechanics
>crafting and repairing tools and equipment
>"politics" with other players
Huge time commitment though. Definitely more fun with friends. Turns into a fucking job, since servers are pretty much up 24/7 (meaning you could be attacked even when you weren't playing)
My primary complaint is the lack of creature AI. Can only watch so many carnivores gorge themselves on all "valid" targets in sight until they die of cumulative damage received. Also means no creatures sleeping or food/water cycles, no traveling in packs/herds, no getting nervous because too close to babies, no anything.
Fucking boring as shit.
Well that and the time commitment even on a private server with maxed settings is insane. Game shoulda been quick build quick destroy.
>check grav on steam
>very negative rating
>check reviews
>animals don't travel in herds
Kind of annoyed at this. This is probably the perfect game to have a mechanic like that and it'll never happen
I didnt play it for a long time. Was fun while it lasted thom
Was one of those that had potential for awhile and was early on in the survival game glut.
That said yeah don't buy it, it's shit and basically abandoned like so many others.
Find a good unofficial server that has decent modifiers and not filled with too many autists, don't waste your time with the official servers, takes too long to get things done and usually filled with mega tribes. 3-4x gathering is usually more than enough and something like 5-10x taming will make you not want to commit suicide.