What did you think of it?

What did you think of it?

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it's alright, but not yet a good HL1 replacement (nor will it ever when it comes to mods).
Unfinished, and tons of other bugs and issues.

Half life 1 when you think of it is basically escape the room office edition

Xen when?

The guns feel like garbage and you can only sprint forwards

its good

I'm gonna play it when it's done.

Garbage. It has no art style, just good graphics and incredibly cringe voice acting.

voicw acting is actually pretty decent for an indie mod-game-whatever this is.

Making every single bit of platforming require a crouch jump was just pointlessly obnoxious.

needs hl1 style movement and it'll be almost perfect

That's why they added the "auto crouch-jump" option, enabled by default

Cool. Wish they had added it the two times I played through it, it was pissing me off enough I tried and failed to find a console command to increase the default jump height.

>HL1 without Xen
It's great

>HL1 without Xen
It's shit

>HL1 without xen
it's so so

Shut up dsp

>HL1 without Xen
It's HL1 without Xen

>HL1 without Xen

it's okay, some of the guns lack punch though. Some wonky lighting on some things, overall fairly good not worth 20 bucks though, more like 10

I liked it. I wish they would do opposing force and system shock 2.

Operation Black Mesa when?

I didn't like it the first time I played it back when it first released. The AI of the vortigaunts and the soldiers was flat out unfair to fight against. It wasn't impossible by any means, but it forced you to play peekaboo with anything that could attack you from range, which is not fun at all and frustrating as hell. The guns also didn't feel powerful at all, the MP5 in particular I remember being total garbage. Also, it took a stupid amount of rocket launcher shots to take down the helicopter. Another thing I noticed was the optimization was sub par, with frame drops in the 10s and 20s during the last battle.

I really wanted to like it because it was easy to see the love that went into the game. I felt the visual design was excellent, surpassing Half Life 2 even. The voice work was pretty top notch for what was basically a high profile mod. Also I liked a lot of the little touches they made to the story and dialogue. The ponytail line genuinely made me laugh when I first heard it. In terms of visual design and presentation, it was everything I hoped for. It looked great and sounded great. I just wish the gameplay was great because I really wanted to love this game.

However, not too long ago I bought the Early Access version and played through the game again for the first time since its original release. This time I genuinely had fun with the game. Almost all of my problems with the gameplay were addressed. They even expanded On A Rail and Surface Tension, which were much shorter and cut down on its original release. Xen still wasn't finished, sure, but I wasn't too bummed about that to be honest. They also fixed some of the optimization issues so I don't get near single-digit frames during the last battle, or any places where the lighting and particle effects are particularly prominent.

All in all, I think it's a great game with a lot of love behind it that had a rocky release, but made up for it with its Early Access release. Xen fucking never.

It's pretty amazing.

It's alright. Friend got it for free and gifted it to me so I don't have complaints.

>MP5 in particular I remember being total garbage
When was the last time you played original? Because I played the last version of the free mod and MP5 was godly compared to the literal peashooter of OG HL1.

Like I said, last time I played the original free version was when it first released. I plowed through it after it released, so it could be possible I'm misremembering it. Either way, I do remember finding it difficult to take out some enemies in a reasonable amount of shots. I'm sure they updated the game quite a bit before the EA version came out, but once I had finished the game a few days after release, I felt I was done with it until Xen came out.

>Xen fucking never.

Apparently it will release in December.

worse than the original
they really fucked up the level design by adding false doors and extended areas everywhere, the whole game feels like a clusterfuck

>Kleiner isn't in Lambda Complex but instead with Eli

I thought they were "true" fans

Under the seeee

The sky looks cool but I don't know about the rest of it. The thing I really did like about Xen was the sickly green color it had, that all looks kind of generic.

I will buy it the day, the fucking day they release xen. Until then, I have the original.

Looks like a jazzed up truth and reconciliation before you board the alien ship desu

Here's another screen shot. I agree with you on some level but I definitely don't hate the screenshots they've released so far. I guess I'm on the fence until it is actually released.

I wouldn't say I hate it but I wish they stuck closer to the original colors. The lighting is kind of unimpressive in that screenshot too.

What did people think of the soundtrack for this?
It sounds great by itself and really sets the mood though its far from the style the original had sadly. Not sure if I hate that or what

They haven't updated the free version since 2011. MP5 should have difficulty taking on some enemies because it's goddamn MP5, you get it in the first third of the game. HL1 weapon progression is very oldschool, they smoothed it in Black Mesa though.

doesn't have neural net AI for grunts and instead they shoot you instantly, ruining one of the best things about the game

changes the level design

changes the game

not HL1, its a cover of HL1

That was a joke. Haha, fat chance.

We all know Guard duty is the superior remake

>neural net AI for grunts

>neural net AI for grunts

it has to do with how they move around the map, not actual decision making. it uses a neural net type system to decide movement nodes

They make a lot of dumb decisions, though.
>grunt sees me
>plants a grenade under his feet
>starts shooting me
>grenade explodes

well the basic AI is basic. but in terms of how they move, the only way they're able to navigate around each other is the node system which builds nodes in realtime off precompiled ones in the maps

this was a big deal when the game came out, no other game had anything like it ever. curiously enough, the root of all this was the guy making the first cheat bot/hack for Quake, who got hired for Valve


Not even close to original

Yes, ReaperBot, I'm aware of it. It was cool for its time, but I'm not sure what the significance is wrt Black Mesa. The soldiers there didn't feel too dumb for me.

all me

They really should've taken the guy who was making this mod for it and hired him, or used his models as the official weapons.

I bet they'll say release date TBA in December

>The soldiers there didn't feel too dumb for me.

that's the thing, they aren't dumb, they don't use hl1 style pathing so they just get a line of sight on you and shoot you with 0ms delay

its broken and ruins the game, half-life isnt a cover shooter you are supposed to be able to run up and quake1 the guards in the face sometimes

Great and about to become better on December, it will definitely make hl1 obsolete.


His models are good but since BM isn't a 1:1 replica of HL1 I don't think replicating the guns 1:1 with all their quirks is a fitting idea.

That was supposedly fixed in the Steam version. And you really wanted to use cover when fighting HECU in original as well, they could shred you pretty fast on Hard. Seriously everybody fucking overstates how hard 2011 BMS HECU are, it's ridiculous. They were fine.

The game has some projectile based monsters too.

I was wanting to replay HL1, I hope they actually manage to fucking finish this game

HL1 was finished almost 20 years ago...

what is this, 2003?

Is it finished yet?

Yeah, but I was wanting to try out the hd remake. smart guy.

>no art style
Dear God you're actually braindead.

Was that mod released?

I waited years for it to release, I remember it was called Black Mesa Source back when the screenshots first surfaced. I was really pleasantly surprised and enjoyed the fuck out of it. Really makes me feel good about the upcoming System Shock remake.

>Wanting turdmake

Go on post your react images

no, but it's close to being released
current state is being ported to retail default animations with only the crossbow left to be finished

yeah, I wanted to try out a game I enjoy with updated graphics. wow, so shocking

>the part with the fucking chopper

Shilled to fuck and back.
Didn't play.

>I eat shit and I like it, stay jealous


I'm not even sure what you're trying to argue about, I literally don't even have an opinion on Black Mesa because I haven't played it

same faggot

I fixed nu-xen

desu im pretty hyped for Xen.

And I love Black Mesa OP. They put a fuckton of work into it and it shows. Only complaints are that some areas from HL1 are missing, but you can tell they did that moreso for gameplay reasons than anything else. Like cutting down On a Rail so it doesn't feel like as much of a slog. They even went so far as to make little fake Black Mesa emergency broadcasts and promotional ads and shit. That sort of lore-expansive shit is great.


This unhealthy obsession with nostalgia is ruining all modern media.

Not only are AAA studios cashing in on bullshit remakes, but now indie devs are wasting all their time sucking some companies cock with even more remakes.

Just move on.

nigga black mesa has been in development for over a decade the fuck are you on about?

Stop that.

>aimbot/wallhack enemies
>>for fucks sake, cliff was hell with enemies scoring HEADSHOTS with an MP5 from far away
>any weapon not revolver or shotgun was practically useless and even then you had to score perfect headshots in a split second
>regular jumping useless, crouch-jump everywhere
And other crap. I don't know if these were fixed in the commercial version but I don't care. I'm not shelling money for this.

They spent almost 10 years making it completely independently and released it for free. As far as I know Valve supported them with some shit they needed and that's about it, I think it's completely appropriate for them to earn some money by allowing people to purchase it on Steam if they choose to. What's wrong with talented people doing something they love in their free time?

ggmanlives is up his own ass

Fuck off shill

>my mind read that as nuyen
I need to get off the cyberpunk ride.

what a quality post user, really giving me a giggle over here

Well jews famous with their giggles

I played it while it was still free and never experienced a bug. Did it get more buggy with time?

there's currently a bug with grenades where they don't go where you're aiming with the crosshair but 5 feet away from it

It's good, can't wait for Xen addition

Your mind is full of drek, omae. Keep that up and you'll get a lot of static.

I didn't notice it back then, I'm surprised the game is getting more buggy then.

>I'm bad at video games
thanks for the info senpai

Drop the 'is'