Name a better written antagonist than Dyne

Name a better written antagonist than Dyne

I played FFVII for the first time about a month ago and this fucking ham-fisted exposition made me really cringe.
Like you're supposed to feel something about a character that's been introduced 5 min before his death.
Lost all the motivation to play after Reds village quest.

His story began and ended on a cliff hanger

>hey barrett you faggot where's my daughter I'm angry
>calm the fuck down you dumb nigger she's fine
>oh cool lemme just kill her real quick


>Stopping after cosmo canyon

I recommend you pick it up. Nibelheim is up next and its bretty good along with the next town

Goddamn it carlos!

Who the fuck is he?

This guy was stupid as fuck and only really served as a small exposition to explain why barret even had a machine gun hand. He was stupid as fuck.

If they wanted to make this good they would've made him a recurring rival to barret that would appear in certain points in the game and eventually get to a point where he helps you as a temporary recruitable until he sacrifices himself to further the plot.

Instead he gets introduced and killed off within literal minutes.

Dyne thought Marlene was dead, thats why he is says his wife is lonely in the afterlife and that he is going to kill Marlene so they could be together, dude was fucking crazy and just wanted to kill people in some vague idea of revenge.

He's a man who enjoys to wine and dyne.

>stopping before Cid
I wasn't aware dr. pleb came in this flavor of shit taste.



Barret will die in the remake and Dyne will take his place as a switch around of events.

Which part of my post implied I don't know his stupid motivations?

Don't get me wrong.
Cosmo Canyon was probably my favorite part from the game so far.
I was really thrown off by overall lackluster narrative, with bits and pieces shining like Red's storyline.
If it really picks up sometime soon I might give it another shot.

Carlos...that was pretty damn good.

I'm not psychic, user. How would I know that some good part is coming up soon?

>hey barrett you faggot where's my daughter I'm angry
He thought his daughter was dead.


The whole of VII is a bit of a mess, but parts of it are amazing.
You either accept this or don't play it.

Well, Nibelheim is cool, then you get Cid and after that its so-so. Temple of Ancients is arguably the worst or the best part of disc one.

If you really are playing for the first time then i think you will enjoy the rest of disc 1 and probably the rest of the game. I really recommend you pick it back up and push onwards. The journey to the crater is awesome and events after that too. I know i did enjoy it the first time playing it even if it was 18 years ago

even in final fantasy 7 alone: hojo, sephiroth, the turks, rufus shinra and don corneo
dyne is a basic bitch. he's pretty cool for the two minutes you talk to him but his existence has very little impact on anything. barret's backstory would be just as sad even without him. you'd think he'd be more important because of marlene but even marlene barely has any relevance to the plot

That's fair. I will give it another spin. If not only for the amazing music.

I can see why an autist would think that. Sorry I wasn't clear enough for you. I just think dyne is fucking stupid from a conceptual level.