How do you play this fucking game

How do you play this fucking game


what are you asking for

a comprehensive guide
control instructions

? ? ?

What's the problem bro?

game is EASY

>he plays at the default 25% difficulty

Where the fuck am I going. I have my mercenaries and I killed the bandit cove, am I just sucking off Dukes to get status? Why are the vikings so fucking powerful?

You are forming a posse, getting denars, and equipping yourself to actually fight for a duke

>not playing at 272% difficulty

>am I just sucking off Dukes to get status
If you want, its a sandbox game you can do whatever. The main end goal is to get status and become a Lord and unify calradia (either under your faction you made or joining another faction)
>Why are the vikings so fucking powerful?
You don't have any cavalry, Nords have the best infantry in game

>Where the fuck am I going
wherever your heart desires

Just go whereever

I recommend razing some villages to grab dat loot for sweet cash

Also you could stick to killing local bandits until you're stronger

Focus on leveling your units up, don't hire too many, never auto-resolve battles
Keep an eye on morale, recruit some followers, don't forget to have enough food

I always play on easiest setting possible with max number of units spawning at once
Then just go nuclear and start slaying the enemy yourself

>enter duel
>bet on yourself
>buy a business in the town
>gather some people from villages
>hunt down bandits
>rinse repeat till you're rolling a good set of gear (helmet and armor with +35~40, boots and gloves optional) and your weapon of choice (bastard sword is a solid choice)
>should have enough renown to get vassalage offers
start working on your relations and right to rule
>after a long while start your own kingdom
Worlds your oyster

Learn how to use bows and become Death, destroyer of worlds.

>Start by joining sparring matches in town
>This gets you some gold, experience, and will really help when it comes time to fight for real
>Hire some men from villages
>Go out into the world, take on small groups of bandits, take and sell everything that isn't an upgrade
>Get better gear, get more men, take on stronger bandits

From there it's mostly up to you. Join a kingdom, merc for lords, trade commodities between cities, establish enterprises, continue to hunt lawless scum, pillage caravans and villages, establish businesses in cities, trade slaves, champion the cause of a claimant, take your own castle and start your own kingdom with blackjack and hookers, all or some of the above.

It's a great game, but the start can be rocky for a first timer. Stick with it.

Realize that there is only god worth worshipping.


>find money
>buy soldiers from tavern
>bolster numbers with peasants
>take on raider scum


I that? It really is a fucking warband and I can just roam? I bought this on a whim and because a friend told me it was great

that is the entire point of the game. Just don't piss too many lords off because politics is really most the the game

You can play it pretty much any way you want to, and for the few things that you can't do, you can get mods for. Check out /mbg/ over on /vg/, they're a relatively friendly general.

I mean shit you can say fuck all the fighting and become a merchant if you want, I decided to be a manhunter last game. Real easy money if you know how to kite and knockout people

bruh do you not know how to read

rhodok scum

They are probly the most beginner friendly faction

Hell you can even be a happy merchant too.
You can just buy goods only some regions has and sell them to other regions that lacks the said goods. But don't over do it or you will drop it's value because that's how economy works.
Just don't forget to have some army to protect your goods when some bandits attacks you.

>Don't work for Swadia
butthurt Nord spotted, tired of getting rekt by superior knight units.

There's a general over at /vg/ containing some pretty good guides for how to get started and some more advanced tips as well. Check it out.

Learn how to command unit and groups on the battlefield early on. When you can start issuing commends like a madman with the F-keys then you have one heck of an advantage.

Protip: even heavy cavalry will be slowed down by two-three men thick lines. If you find yourself getting charged by angry horsefuckers, EVERYONE, STAND CLOSER, EVERYONE, STAND CLOSER, EVERYONE, STAND CLOSER

Says the horsefucker-loving kingdom who gets done in by the ai within a year if you don't help them.

>get Swadian recruits
>fight bandits
>upgrade them to Swadian Knights
>fight more bandits
>sell loot
>get more Swadian knights
>join some kingdom
>befriend their King
>kill bandits until your kingdom declares war against someone
>roam the enemy kingdom
>destroy their armies without effort
>hope you get your own castle

That's as far as I've gotten.

Tip 2: Get the surgery skill up. Either you or some follower and fucking raise that shit.

also don't listen to that t*rk over there, play on normal (with intention to up diff. level) or the hardest setting possible.

Battles are still similar in difficulty except that you can't just tank your way through enemies like they're nothing and you actually focus on each and every one of duels you'll have with other units, especially on lower level with shit equipment

It's worth noting, that /vg/'s /mbg/ is one of the comfiest generals I know of (I don't touch all those weeb gens though), probably in some part because they actually do enjoy their game, unlike some other threads.

It's relatively friendly, except ofc. for heavy banter between players of all vanilla factions (and not only them)


>Hope and get your own Castle
lol, what kind of retard are you. Basic economics will show you that you don't want castles.


Why? Your army will cost less and you'll make a bit of money.

That would be vaegirs, jack of all trades.

>working for the nords
I took 3 cities and 2 castles for that cunt, and he gave all he one of them away.
Better believe I rebelled

Castles cost money, not make it. You want a town.

I'm pretty sure they don't cost money.

Viking Conquest is fun.

Pretty sure they ain't free either and you'll HAVE to garrison them if only to keep looter-tier horsefuckers from trying to siege it with three donkeys and a rat on a stick.

Keeping your army there reduces their costs.


They are an opportunity cost since every castle or village you own reduces your chance of being granted a town


If you want money get a town!

You can always rebel.
It doesn't cost money.

You don't, it's fucking garbage made for autists.

Games for autists are almost always patrician

>You can always rebel.
Or you can get a bunch of towns without having to rebel
>It doesn't cost money.
Paying upkeep for garrisoned troops literally costs money even if it's a reduced rate compared to keeping them in your party.

Welcome to freedom user, isnt it nice?

>play game with free code someone posted online
>play every day, download metric fuckton of mods
>get a new gaming PC that doesn't take 5 hours to load every area
>actually buy it now
>never play

Sup Forums, how do I get back into this shit? Do good mods exist yet?

>Or you can get a bunch of towns without having to rebel
But what's the point of that? I want power not just money.
>Paying upkeep for garrisoned troops literally costs money even if it's a reduced rate compared to keeping them in your party.
I would have to pay for those troops either way. Might as well make it cheaper.

> Do good mods exist yet?

clash of kings if you're into Game of Thrones.

1257 AD for medieval Europe

Last Days if you like LoTR

I hear Prophesy of Pendor is good, never played tho

Brytenwalda and Viking conquest are good too.

>But what's the point of that? I want power not just money.
Money is power, but towns also represent more power in that 3 villages are tied to a town, while a castle just has 1. While also housing actually useful things like taverns, enterprises and shops while really the only functions of a castle are to store troops or hide.
>I would have to pay for those troops either way. Might as well make it cheaper.
You can put them in a town just as well as a castle for that purpose.

Diplomacy if you want to start off with what is basically an improved vanilla experience

Lots of people still playing Napoopan wars?

I just want to fuck shit up with my musket.

>Money is power
Not in Warband. I'm rich as fuck but that doesn't help me at all.

Start roaming, attack weak bandits (avoid Sea Raiders) after you get a small warband together. Take shit, sell shit, get money, travel around the land grinding levels, getting cash and winning tournamentss. If you get enough cash and the local lord likes you enough you can invest in industry is cities, which will solve any economic problems you might have.

Up until you hit the cap money is the limiting factor to your army's size. If you can afford to pay for 150 Swadian knights you're better off than someone who can't.

Shit like lordly plate armor and running around with 160 Swadian knights costs quite a bit. But yeah once you get past a point it does lose its value, though honestly the game loses its appeal when you reach a certain power level.

>Unit banners
Haven't enabled those for years, ugly little shits, turn them off already gosh.

>work up from being a lowly peasant in the tournaments to a rich warlord who constantly raids the Saranids

Learn to spam block on the entire enemy army aggro on you and have your entire army of archers behind the enemy shooting them. 10/10 strats

>playing singleplayer
>not slaying pussies in multiplayer

Pleb swerve

Leadership skill and renown are the limiting factors. Hard limits to your army's size. Money should never be an issue other than in the very early game when you're running around with 20 guys fighting bandits.

As soon as you're offered a mercenary contract you take it and start raiding the enemy faction's towns. Sell your loot and start a dyeworks. Repeat and re-invest until you've got one in every city and you're taking in ten thousand denars a week from passive income.

This is something that you should have accomplished by the time you're big enough to start fighting lords in the mid-game. Your income will take a hit when you're at war and you can't get paid from enemy-held towns but that's why you spread them out.

Grinding renown is the real kicker. When you're having battles JUST for the sake of renown to raise your party limit it gets annoying. Even with max leadership it takes forever to grind up enough for a real king-sized party.

What are the differences between clash of kings and a world of ice and fire?

Anyone like the mod Native Expansion?
I like how it rebalances the soldiers without changing it too much and making it complicated. And if you're in a faction, you can recruit stronger 'noble' units from towns, not just villages. However, these units cost renown. Apparently if you're a ruler, you can recruit even stronger royal units from your capital. But I've never actually started a kingdom.

I dislike how it changes the names of certain NPCs and makes Harlaus a woman. I'm pretty sure some of the companions from Native are gone, too, and replaced with some of the creator's OCdonutsteels. Ymira is suddenly a gladiator and Xerina is suddenly recruitable. Is editing mods easy? And if so, how easy would it be to just change all the NPCs back to Native style?

i'd go hard for a run in conquering calradia but i don't get much the in game politics
am i better off making my companions vassals or some lords? lords can always rebel, and that's bad, but i dunno

>try and armor up with sword and board
>get fucked up constantly

>go naked with a fancy two-hander
>one shot sillies


Only recruit good-natured lords.

Some companions make good lords, some don't. The ones with noble ancestry or claims are fine. If you make a dirty horse-thief like Borcha a lord however, all the actual nobles will disapprove and you'll find it difficult to recruit them into your player faction.

It's a good idea to pick out some lords that you like and try to grind relationship from the early game on. Do missions for them, help them out in battle etc. If you talk to a friendly lord after you're in a fight you'll automatically earn a point, like "lookin good out there boi keep up the hustle +1!" Then when you start your own player faction and you've got like a +12 relationship you'll actually have a chance for them to join you.

It's important to have other lords in your faction to protect the territory, otherwise you'll be running around constantly trading fiefs with enemy factions because you can't be everywhere to defend them all at once.

>Hey dude, lend me your companion pls, I need him because I'm a worthless sack of shit
>Yeah I wanna marry your daughter so I'll do whatever you want, take him

Lord proceeds to get captured and then a couple weeks later, the quest was marked as "failed" and travelers won't even give me the option of asking for my companion.

>Or you can get a bunch of towns without having to rebel
t. cuck

clash of kings is a real mod and that other one is some laughable horse shit

I make myself take half damage then all the other stuff is maximum difficulty.