Good looking previous generation games

>Playing Alan Wake on the Xbox 360 because I have nothing better to do
>It actually looks quite nice
What are in your opinion the best looking PS3-XBOX360-WII games? the ones you think will endure the passing of time.

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The only thing about alan wake that hasn't aged well is the facial animation, which wouldn't have been as big of a deal if the game wasn't so story heavy where character faces are a big part of what sells the narrative. Other than that though, ya, it looks great.

Still looks great
Also the Riddick games from the same dev

That sand tech is still bonkers

>Alan Wake
>good looking


Halo 3 has a very clean and pleasant art style.
It definitely looks dated, but not a ghastly dated.

Why did they have to go with that fugly artstyle in 2

Uncharted 2 and 3 is pretty great looking.

I like it, it looks like the comics would.

man this game was something. hope there's still a torrent somewhere cuz they removed it from steam already

Based purely on art direction and atmosphere

Different dev unfortunately

i remember getting this game on the 360 and i was in awe of the graphics and then i got it again for free on the ps3 and my god was it fucking trash on the ps3. don't know how that managed to fuck it up so bad.


Halo 3 looks incredibly dated, ODST looks like total dogshit, Halo 4 however is still pretty outstanding.

Killzone 2/3 are also pretty fucking good.

there's something about GTA IV that makes it feel different. Sure GTA V looks nice but IV just felt a bit more comfy

user what is this image

>Killzone 2/3
I will never, ever, stop being mad at Rico.

My nigga
Also pic related.
Just in terms of interactivity, physics, animation, and art direction. Still impresses me and makes me wish other rpgs had this much attention paid to monsters with hair physics or jiggling bellies

Battlefield 3 looks better than 4 and 1

I played killzone 2 for the first time a few years ago and I was blown away at the graphics

Yeah, the levels are mostly brown and gray but the actual game in motion is something to behold

Also euphoria was master class in that game. As was deformation on vehicles.
Nerfed as fuck in 5. :/

I recently played through this too, and I was amazed at how shitty the player models looked but how nice all the scenery was. And if you don't know the DLC is free on the xbox website.

Viva Pinata holds up pretty well

Halo 3 and ODST just have such a huge level of physical interactivity though which puts them miles ahead of halo 4 and killzone. Plus, while in no way realistic, the materials and lighting in halo 3 are just oddly appealing.
Killzone 2 and 3 look great, but only because you're so confined

probably to make it less annoying for online idk

GTAV, Dead Space 3, MGSV.


God of War 3 is hands down the best looking last gen game ever.

>Halo 3 and ODST just have such a huge level of physical interactivity though

And? That isn't what this thread is about you faggot, not to mention neither of those games have a "huge level of physical interactivity" compared to shit like Just Cause 2, GTA IV etc

I totally forgot that this also got released on PS3 and Xbox 360

Yeah I loved it

Uncharted 3

Fucking gta online is general depresses me beyond words, and rockstar's total neglect of the SP post launch.
Idk, I'm just not their target consumer anymore I guess

Resistance 3 at a higher resolution could still look very good today.

It's part of the reason why MGSV is fucked.

The struts on Mother Base are placed so far apart solely as loading times for 360/PS3.


The thread is about games that will "endure the passage of time".
I believe halo 3 is one of those games because of what it prioritized (physics, style)
I'm sorry you don't agree

But the struts were empty...

me too user, I thought I was gonna have a fucking blast. then I realized it's a never ending grindfest

>The thread is about games that will "endure the passage of time".

yeah in terms of visuals, not physix

And i'm sorry you can't even fucking read.

>Good looking previous generation games

Always play it every summer since its come it.

with 2 coming to the PC, I hope this one does too. just because this is Ghibli

The facial animation was horrible even at the time of release. I remember the countless threads bitching how the characters were barely lipsycned.

Well this is just becoming a semantic difference between us then.
I believe physics lend themselves to visuals substantially, and are therefore in the same ballpark. You do not think this.

That's fine, but I still think I'm posting on theme

Environments are trash but the character/weapon models are still good. I was disappointed that Halo 3 wasn't all that significant of an update compared to CE to 2.

I wish the AI in this game wasn't garbage so I could bare to play through it.

the PS3 had the power of the cell which ended up being a massive hindrance for multiplats

If you're going to insist on being angry at other people simply posting a non aggressive opinion which at the very least falls within the general theme of the thread, then there's not much anyone can do to improve your spirits. Hope you feel better in time

>Idk, I'm just not their target consumer anymore I guess
I don't enjoy this feeling.

>That's fine, but I still think I'm posting on theme

Get the fuck out already, you were wrong.

>but the character/weapon models are still good.

By good you mean fucking terrible, right?

Hell i'd go as far to nominate ODST as having THE worst hand models in an FPS ever.

>this is acceptable to nu-Sup Forums

Simplistic, but still very well done

Viva Pinata is one of the single most underrated games ever made. A borderline masterpiece.

Most of Capcom's Mt Framework games looked pretty nice

And they ran like a dream on a fucking toaster for some reason


Bioshock is certainly showing it's age in some arenas, but it's still being carried by it's design and art direction


Gears of War 3 still looks amazing.

Fable 2

God Of War 3 and Ascension.

Incredibly inconsistent, but at times phenomenal

I just finished Yakuza 3 and the faces were pretty fucking impressive, I'm sure it's even better in the next games.
I don't have a good picture at hand though



Yeah, Capcom got some serious fucking mileage out of that engine. wiki says at least 20 or so different games were made on it.

>mfw playing SMG

I'm mostly talking about the facial expressions like when Majima bursts through the door with the truck, you can clearly see on Kiryu's face that he's wondering what the fuck is going on but he's still happy to see him. I was pretty funny.

Geurilla are wizards when it comes to PS development. I know they're first party so they probably get a lot of access to low level code, but god damn. Even as an avid pc player, Shadowfall (despite being kind of shit ) blew me away graphically.


I know that there are SOME PEOPLE in this thread that are going to froth with anger because I'm mentioning physics again, but you can't NOT mention this lil gem.
Still never been surpassed. What a sad world we live in

>can't even buy all the vehicles from GTA:O in SP
utterly ridiculous

You know that being totally incapable of reading social situations and inserting your favourite things into conversations even when they're completely unrelated is a text book sign of autism, right?



>calling anything dogshit

This is always a red flag for shitty opinions

Vanquish looks pretty good in my eyes

I still think that Soul Calibur 4 looks really good

Silky smooth 60fps too

The FOV and controls makee me sick
RFOm plays so much better

Fighting games really shouldn't age that poorly considering they're two characters and a pretty small environment.


I'm sorry you're struggling with anger issues my dude. I hope things improve for you.

>first person weapon model
>texture resolution is 256x256

oh bungie


>god of war 3
>bought it on release
>invited a few friends
>we played the whole game on a beamer and a big surround sound system
holy fuck that shit was awesome

He's not wrong though.

I mean define previous cause Doom 3 still looks pretty good even when you use the flashlight addon

He is being a child about it though, which is really the only issue

This is Unreal Engine 2.

So good that PS4 version doesn't look much different.

>someone hurt my fees fees therefore he's being an angry child

Yeah no, you're just an autistic retard.

>Halo 3 has great graphics!
>No it doesn't, here's proof
>But it has great physics!
>This thread is about graphics, not physics
>But physics are graphics!
>No, they're not.
>Speaking of games with great physics, here's another one!


GTA 4 & 5 still look fucking fantastic on last gen.

Sure dude, you've really shown a level of maturity conviction based on your use of "retard, autist, dogshit"
Maybe people would take you more seriously if you didn't resort to buzzwords and shitposting. Also, post some games please


>Brown - The Video Game

Halo 4, depite butchering Halo's visual design in a number of ways, has really impressive lighting and in general looks like an xbone game when running on MCC aside from it's low texture resolution

Also this