Does Sup Forums like Fatal Frame? What's your favorite one? Next game on Switch when?

Does Sup Forums like Fatal Frame? What's your favorite one? Next game on Switch when?

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V is my favorite overall but 2 has the GOAT story

3 is easily the worst, unless we're counting Spirit Cam

Anything past III is shit desu senpai
At least the girls and fapservice is alright


i only own the first project Zero and its okay.
was gonna get the wiiU one but i missed the boat and it was expensive by the time i was ready to buy it.

Did wiiU one sell well?

I've only ever finished 1 and 2 but they're both fantastic. Might like 1 more because the one location and the story.

I found a copy of 5 in Gamespot last year but still haven't played past the prologue. I heard it was kinda ass.

Funny I consider 3 to be one of the best, I loved that the protagonist is not a damn teenager and having a safe space at the house. It does recycle a lot of levels from 1 though, if I recall correctly.

Gameplay wise 5 was the most fun for me. If only you didn't have to play collectathon to get the most points in every level.

I wanna play fatal frame 2, I have an original xbox console the problem is the game is insanely overpriced by people selling it on ebay and amazon. Idk if its worth paying 80-160 dollars for one game

Just fucking emulate it retarded
>being this much of a 1st world faggot to be able to spend 180 on a fucking ancient vidoegames while african kids starve

>spend money on a rare videogame
>play it
>sell it 5 years later for at least the same price, probably more
it's like buying gold, or stocks that always go up.

I'm in the middle of 5 and having a great time. I'll work my way down with the rest of the series when i'm done

On a side note i've also watched the movie, it was nice although i found the ending to be kinda disappointing

Does Fatal Frame 2 have an end of level scoring or grading system, does this system punish the player for not getting high scores or high grades. I still wanna play Fatal Frane 2 I just suck at survival horror games

I find it interesting how these threads are not immediately deleted.
Not only do you perpetuate this cancerous trend of creating a thread about something when the picture you use will undoubtedly lead the discussion but in this particular case you used pedo bait shit out of all things.

I enjoyed 5 and I hope it's not too long until the next title hits Switch.


2 > 1 > 3

Everything after 3 is garbage and doesn't exist.

You need to finish the game to unlock the costumes, right?

gentleman with an exquisite taste on Sup Forums

America has been sending money to Africa for decades and nothing good has ever come from it.

Go back to your liberal soapbox and stay there.

It's fanart from the game you clueless moron. It's clearly to attract attention to the thread but who fucking cares when the thread is on topic? Just fuck right off, retard.

Yes, through 6-8 different endings.

prove it
How much money were sent in 2017
links to valid sources


back to Sup Forumsthen


>6-8 different endings

Are the levels actually open-ended, how do you get so many endings?

I still think 1/2 is my favorite. Probably 1 because that managed to spook me harder. I enjoyed 3 though anons are right in that it's the worst out of the initial trilogy. I think V may have the best gameplay so far but certain aspects of the story turn me off enough to not consider it my favorite. Still, if they annouce a Switch game I'd buy it day one no questions asked. Still my favorite horror series of all time.

Yes, you replay the last chapter, which is also the longest, and get all the possible endings. It's quite annoying. But the Samus costume is worth it, and better than bikini shit.

>sub-Saharan Africa receives $134bn each year in loans

>it's fanart depicting a semi-naked clearly underaged female but it's fine because it's related to the discussion at hand and is in no way sexual.
Pedos such as yourself should be euthanized.

>received once

Why is 3 getting shat on ITT?

it does not just some faggets being faggets.

3 was great, just like first 2

the rest are shit

Here's an in-game screenshot if that suits you better, you imbecile.

As well as you'd expect the series to sell

Dunno. It wasn't as good as the previous two, but it's nowhere near as bad as everything that came after it.

It's the Silent Hill 4 of the FF series.

any more with nice angles or other characters?

It's just some dialog choices in the end IIRC.

Bogpill me on Spirit Camera.

Best sells in the series. Biggest budget too, probably.

>uhhh it has nothing to do with iq, we need to send africa more money so their birthrate can continue to sky rocket
>ooh whoopsie all that birthrate now, lets let them into europe :)
>good liberal goyim, none of this was planned
>think of the poor brown people

Yuri and Mui have a couple each. Ren gets four though I think. But like said you don't have to replay the whole game each time.

The other character gets that Zelda costume, it's prettier but not that interesting for pictures

You have to play in broad daylight for the 3DS camera to work

>Clearly underage
She's got niptoon sameface syndrome, nigger. Besides she's got tits, so it's not pedo. You're probably one of those fuckers who thinks girls who are 17 years and 364/365 days are pedobait, but magically ok to fuck the next day. 16 is prime age, and legal where I live. Suck it.

Story wasn't as tight overall, the characters weren't all that compelling, and the dude's gameplay really dragged the experience down. I think the overall themes, music, and atmosphere make up for it. It's not a shitty game IMO, just isn't as great after following two GOAT games.

What's the appeal of these games? I've never enjoyed any form of horror in media
get spooked too easily

No. Every time a chapter end you just get your health back.

There's mutliple ending tho.

I was going to buy the one on WiiU before they censored it. I wish it was a physical release so that I could at least buy it used.

>You have to play in broad daylight for the 3DS camera to work
You can upload Purple Diary scans into your tablet, silly.

>What's the appeal of these games?
>get spooked too easily

The spookiness is the appeal. You have to fend off ghost attacks with a camera, so you have to face spooky shit head on. The location and story are usually pretty good too.

Ghosts. Abandoned Japanese locations (shrines, etc), good music, and overall just a fun and spooky experience.

>What's the appeal of these games?
Thick japanese atmosphere.

I agree the guy's sections were a drag. FF3 is pretty long for a survival horror game; cutting out his sections entirely would have made for a fine length of a game. It's really the atmosphere of 3 that does it for me though. I've never personally had an experience in a game quite like walking around your home outside of dreams. Especially when it's raining, holy shit. It's also pretty difficult compared to the prior games, especially 2.

Well I don't remember it clearly but it's not just the diary thing, didn't you need natural light during combat sequences too?
I do remember that the girl was a qt

If you have a modded Wii, you can get the Project Zero 2 remake on that which is better than the PS2/XBox version.

Oh ok, that's reasonable enough i guess. Although some times while playing i did have the impression that the characters' survival was up to you. Fuyuhi left us too soon

I fucked around with it for a while. It's pretty much a tech demo, a small book is required to play which means you need a well lit room and the space to move around and scan shit. The idea is kind cool but also limited, for example at some point i had to fight ghost hands coming out of the book and it took me ages because their angle made it really hard to aim at their weak spot, and the fight is interrupted if the camera can't detect the book

I think i'll finish it but i pirated it, i can't see myself buying such a thing. The book must be 10 pages total which means the total game is probably kinda short. And having pirated it i have to use a PDF scan of the book on my laptop, which makes things kinda clunkier

>didn't you need natural light during combat sequences too?
Your 3ds is only need the 2d plane in which diary is lie for correct positioning of the ghosts.

>which is better than the PS2/XBox version.
Better in some aspects sure but replacing the cleverly placed fixed camera angles for generic over-the-shoulder camera angle is a bad decision.
Fixed camera angles are a lost art in horror games

I liked it but there was too much backtracking.

Or maybe I didn't like it as much because I played 3 ff one after the other.


i remember renting the original ff from blockbuster just because the cover seemed cool. then i got to that part in the game and got so fucking scared that i shut it off and never touched it again until years later.

skip to 7:53 of the video for "that part"

Went downhill with 3 and at this point is nothing but a lesbian anime waifu sim where the ghosts are completely incidental.

I agree. The dream-homes sections were great, especially when it becomes more corrupted. The Mansion of Dreams was a great area as well, especially when it's snowing, and I found the underground cave at the end to be really interesting. Personally I think the first is the most difficult just because you can actually run out of camera rolls and then you're fucked. FF3 was just needlessly complicated with all the lenses and shit.

Did anyone else play 4?

>3 was great, just like first 2
>the rest are shit
Typical sonybro.

My man. I discovered the first at a Hollywood video. Being a kid the tagline that it was based off a true story spooked me even more

Pretty spooky, but what happened to that guy? Was he ripped apart or something?

I only played 2-3 hours of it but quit because I was burnt out from marathoning the series, but I didn't hate it.

Of course.
4 is still the best in the series. 5 is very close though.

I've got the English patched version ready to go for Halloween this year.

2 was a lesbian incest sims. I don't remember yuri shit in 5 except for that one ending.

>hidden incest, the game
Loved how a lot of the stories revolved around brother/sister having too much fun together.

yeah exactly that. pretty sure that out of all the crew members who died he had the worst death.

It's my kind of game, even though I didn't play it.
Port it to PC.

Pretty good. The controls on Dolphin are kind of shit though.

Well, there's Dreadout. It's pretty jank at times but it's got good atmosphere and spirit design.

The first game didn't just excel at horror but actually had an insane attention to detail in really portraying an old Japanese mansion, for years afterwards I could never look at another old Jap house and not be reminded of the game. There was an incredible sense of authenticity. By the time of 3 though you could see they were trying to ape the success of stuff like The Grudge and Ringu, the fucking house is almost identical to the Grudge house even. The whole game feels cheap, especially the really generic scares like the Freddy Krueger ghost raking his claws on the shower door. The latest one is a fucking joke and just an excuse to look at girls drenched in water which on the Wiiu just made them look like they were covered in grease.

What ghost spooked you the most, Sup Forums?

Do you even need to ask, user?

all of them

the bitch that comes falling from the sky every now and then in 1. Fucking hell.

I agree. Maybe it's because so much of the series is involved with local religions and gates to the afterlife, they do feel a little derivative. I think the ghost designs since 2 haven't been as memorable either.

Though this was the spookiest ghost in 5

I've had the Wii U game since launch and still havent touched it.

Thanks for reminding me.

None of the ghosts after 2 have scared me.

Being an American FF fan is suffering.

Long Arms is probably the biggest dick out of all the ghosts in the series. The picture of him dragging that screaming girl into the well still spooks me just from remembering it

>will have to buy a Switch for a sequel if it's ever made
>it'll probably suck because neo KT has no talent left

he wants his daughter back

Already finished it.
It was ok, for a budget game it was. It was interesting to learn about Indonesian folklore.

I enjoyed V enough to support a possible VI if we get one, I just hope they leave the first three games alone for fucks sake. The twist involving Miku was dumb.

Yeah, I know what he wanted, but he's still a dick for killing all those kids in really awful ways

Does anyone know if the translation in 5 has any difference between the american and european version?

Best ending theme

I thought it was the least scary of the series but quite fun. Framerate was fucking ass though.

Cute, but really fucking scary too

Probably not, the localization was done by Nintendo of Europe

I like the setting and story, but I fucking hate the combat

What don't you like about it?

The controls, the HUD, how hectic the whole thing feels.

Really? That's good then. Because for some reason whoever uploads Wii U games online forgot the full version of 5 (i can only get the trial) so i was forced to rely on the american version. I knew the localization was only one across the board, but i wanted to be sure

m-maybe 5 will finally go on sale this October on eshop.