What's your favorite starter pokemon?

What's your favorite starter pokemon?

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Treeko or rowlett

Chikorita or Totodile

Treecko obviously.
Make way for the best Pokémon. Let's stop the memes, Sceptile was bro-tier even before the mega.

>Not bropig

No love for Emboar so someone has to get in here and defend his honour.


>has high attack stat, low special attack
>all water moves were special in gen 2

c'mon man


Or else what? You gonna call the mods? I'm so scared faggot.

_ ____ __ ____ ____ _______



It's literally a fucking video game you ass faggot.


>mega actually improves on original


He's running late.

First pokemon. Best pokemon.

Charmander is charmingly cute

>Bringing stats into starter arguments

That's a cute green owl.

Where my Treecko lads at?

Gen 2 and 5 starters are goddamn terrible lmao

That chikarita has a butthole

I like mudkip, and so should you. Dead memes aside, swampert was a beast.


>johto trash
>better than anything


The first three generations had some good designed starter Pokemon.
Then it went all to shit.

7 > 1 > 2 > 3 > 5 > 6 > 4
7 really pulled it back for me honestly. Prima my favourite starter ever.

pic related

I just love them all. So I catch'em all like a true master.

You meme but I kind of feel the same way. I'm probably just a fanboy though.

Too bad that's pepperoni and not cp

1 > 3 > 4 > 6 = 7 > 2 >>> 5

and it's a miracle 2 isn't lower, but totodile is pretty cool.


I was being serious too. I like all pokemon because they're unique and I like different teams. But starter-wise I'd usually always go with water and when I got older I'd change things up.

Cyndaquil is and will forever be the best starter.

This, water faggots can go fuck themselves.

This artist clearly wants to fuck Chikorita and Mudkip

Yes, and?

Kill yourself ban-evading Argentinian (Barneyfag)

>pick up ORAS because i liked the gen 3 games on the gba
>use pokémon bank
>get far enough into the game where i can use pokémon bank
>transfer starter pokémon to bank
>start new game
>do the same until i have one file with all three starters available from the start of the game
>the starters that acquired from other game are treated as if they are treated and receive boosted experience
>breeze through game without really trying or catch something other than HM slaves and all i did was spend maybe 20 extra minutes doing something completely legitimate
It's like borrowing a Pokémon from a friend except that friend is you.


Your favorite starter is shit.

Where are my fire chicken bros?


But what if my favourite was your favourite.


>no pikachu

What is this.

I only played the first 3. Should I go further?


Primarina is a CUTE

Play at least Platinum and one of the gen 5 games.

The series doesn't go directly to shit until Gen 6.

Gen 4: Platinum or Heartgold/Soulsilver for nostalgia
Gen 5: Any version you want to play
Gen 6: Too easy and you can skip them
Gen 7: Still too new to judge

Mudkip cos he's sassy.
2nd would be squirtle

Bulby for grass, Cyndaquil for fire, and Oshawatt for water.

I guess Bulbasaur would be my above all favorite.

ma niggas

>grass starts shit becomes mediocre and ends awesome
>water starts awesome becomes mediocre and ends shit
>fire starts shit becomes awesome and ends mediocre
why is it always like that in every gen Sup Forums?

Grass > Water >>>>Fire

Grass starters are all winners, the only one that doesn't stand out is Chikorita which I always thought was underrated

Water is pretty solid all around but has a few stinkers

Fire is pretty much all bland trash. I appreciate sorceress fox and heel wrestler cat breaking the abysmal fire/fighting mold, it gives me faith for fire starters in the future


Cyndaquil. It looks very cuddly.

The game is easy enough to beat without the boosted experience.

Gen 1: Charizard
Gen 2: Feraligator
Gen 3: all three
Gen 4: all three
Gen 5: Emboar
Gen 6: Greninja and Chestnaught
Gen 7: all three

I'd choose Cyndaquil in GSC and Totodile in HGSS

This is the best Pokemon.


Chikorita because of Meganium's delicious donut I just always like the aesthetic of grass types and Chikorita's the only 'beautiful' one instead of cool or elegant.

Fennekin because Delphox is genuinely, unironically my favourite pokemon

Piplup because Empoleon is the best

gen 1 - bulbasaur line
gen 2 - all three of them are good and I can't pick
gen 3 - treeko line
gen 4 - shit
gen 5 - shit
gen 6 - shit
gen 7 - shit

>Like cats
>Like wrestling
>Incineroar's Z-Move is a FUCKING MOONSAULT

where my Torterra bros at

Lil Cindy


Rowlett basically gets dunked on by everything for the whole game. This game for babies made my starter look like hard mode. The three most useless, most easily replaced starters are Chikorita, Snivy, and Rowlett. Not great for grassbros.

i WILL fug the stage3 hot chicken
try to stop me


Followed a fair distance by Totodile.

Most of the others are lame.

Your mom. I use her all the time.

Literally none of them are bad.


#1 overall: Totodile

>Meganium's delicious donut
Does anyone here have that picture of the CIA scene from Batman where Meganium, Scolipede and a third Pokemon's head are photoshopped onto the people, and the briefcase being handed over is labeled "delicious donuts?"

I dont think Ive ever met someone that picked chikorita. Grass in general just sucks ass, and everything from torchic/mudkip onward was a mistake

This one
How can you hate a chinese fire monkey it's so great

Patrician taste

My dude

Turtwig of course


Nothing can ever replace my main man

>using starters

nice autism

my nigga!

Indisputable starter gen ranking
3=>1>4>2>6 >5>7
You can not prove me wrong.

Bulbasaur, followed by Mudkip and then Totodile.

We all agree that Ivysaur is the best middle evolution, right?

since day 1



step at me bois

I have this
