Let's talk about XIV

Let's talk about XIV.

Favorite class?
Favorite EX Primal?
Favorite Dungeon/Raid?

Susan EX
Steps of faith. That music.

NIN, nothing else feels remotely as good to me
I like Ravana

>Favorite class?
>Favorite EX Primal?
Susano / Sophia
>Favorite Dungeon/Raid?
A8. gotta love them super-robot-friends and that fucking remix. Also Syrcus Tower's aesthetic.

Haven't done one but I'll get around to it maybe.
Void ark was pretty cool

>Favorite class?
MCH until they fucked it up
>Favorite EX Primal?
Ravana all day every day
>Favorite Dungeon/Raid?
A4S is pretty fun. No particular dungeon I would enjoy running many times.

What's the healslut game like?

WHM/SCH/DRK/BLM/MCH but not necessarily to play as them.
Ravana but Susano is a close second. I like the "chill god of war" vibe from them. Ramuh being a close third. For actual EX content Sophia because I like making bets on whos going to die during tilts
Lost City hard/Anti tower due to music and being able to shut off my brain.

>Nidhogg EX
>Probably T13 and Syrus Tower

>recruiting last dps slot for static thats currently on v4s
>can never get those to show up who show interest or even let me know they wont be there or changed their mind about joining

why is this community so trash? it should not be this hard to raid before you even enter the instance

Great Gubal Hard and Anti tower. Also A3.

Because raiding sucks dude. Play another game.

main tank rams your boypussy after a dungeon/raid, maybe the offtank joins for a threesome.

SCH until they made it the most unsatistying job ever
>Ex Primal
Alexander (I love the summon and the aesthetic ended up nice)

>using the bright red SB logo for OP image
I'm sure this won't be noticed.

MCH/BRD - Both are great, but enjoying BRD a lot right now.
Hard to choose favorite dungeon, there's a lot of good ones.


Well that kind of the point, user. Aside from certain powertripping mods, I would like people to actually see the thread.

How does it suck? Retainers boy! Its not meant to be super easy.

Just finished the last of the SB crafting quests, what did we all think? I think the theme of becoming more of a teacher is pretty nice. It keeps up with the general progression of apprentice-journeyman-master. The execution of that theme was very hit and miss though.

>How to do the teaching an apprentice storyline wrong. That dumb fucking cat had one thing to learn, and only managed it in the last quest. And even then she was still fairly incompetent. And every single time she puts on puppy dog eyes and makes me feel guilty because my character is crafting god and everything she makes is absolute dogshit in comparison.
>How to do the storyline right. The student learns a lesson in the first quest, is a bit confrontational, her father provides a greater source of tension, with a solid payoff in the last quest. Brithael remains top-tier.
>I just felt bad that Blanstyr had to get shit on for the third series in a row. At least by the end he's portrayed as having developed enough to be satisfied. Jesus christ that armour looked like dogshit though.
>Pretty dull and repetitive. Not quite as bad as CRP, as at least you have a series of problems rather than just one you need to solve over and over, but nothing fucking happened the whole time. Also, more overplayed dicksucking of the WoL's mad crafting skills. I think one of them actually called me a god at one point.
>Liked the concept and characters well enough, I just think that starting off with "we are making an exhibit of lots of animals", and then ending with a single piece for the exhibit kind of took the wind out of it. Could have done with 1 or 2 extra quests, I think. Still, Atelloune is pretty cool, and I'm betting she'll come back, possibly in non-crafter content.

don't complain about the Sup Forums mods user, they will ban you for 3 days like they did for me.

Is Palace really the only good way to level DPS to 70? I did it for Red Mage already on release and if I go in there again for SAM I think I'll kill myself.

T9 forever

>But honestly it was nice to have the big variety of things to craft. I just kind of wish that after being sent back to level 1 prostitute the slut hadn't recovered by the next quest. It was also a nice break from teaching apprentices.
>Combat-only faggots will never see the lore we see, craftbros. Actually really nice, even if the plot was slightly absent-minded. That last conversation with best boy Severian was true kino. Natural order plebs get out.
>Tolerable. Going out to research dishes gave a nice sense of development, but we have the similar problem to CRP of an incompetent apprentice being contrasted with the WoL who crafts edible orgasm daily. At least the Mhigan had cool gear.

Also worth noting that the switch to non-standard crafts for which you don't need to gather mats is highly appreciated. Not so much the drop to 4 proper quests for the entire expansion, but the cutting of content is pretty much endemic at this point.

I'm not on my home IP, and since I'm at uni I can still get on other places at campus. I don't care if that jackass bans me for liking something he doesn't.

Palace is only good up to 60. Daily roulettes and fates while waiting for dungeons are the fastest.

Infinity, also Spiral from coil

you stop doing potd at 60

>Skip Cutscene?

Also when the fuck are they gonna rid of pentamelding meme? It's not fun or engaging, it's just bullshit. Wanna flush a stack of shit you worked on for hours down the 7% chance wall? Step right up!

That's about what I expected, leveling a DPS class blows.


>working on materia for hours
>being this poor


BSM and ALC were god tier.

WVR last cutscene was actually spot on, knowing the history of the two characters.

ARM felt kinda nice, seeing his progression.

It was nice seeing the LTW ending mentioned in BSM ending, amused me. Looking forward to more.

Working on GSM and CUL now.

get some friends and do SB dungeons
Should take a week at a casual pace

Used to be SCH, but SCH is pain so I'm levelling AST.
Either Shiva for that music, or Titan for the rage.
The Crystal Tower raid line is baller as fuck. Queue up on Suday if you ever wanna run it, it's great.

World of Darkness


W-what is Sephirot-kun doing to Titan?



you don't even need friends, just ask people in novice network if they want to do X dungeon. chances are people will join because they're new or want to do WT.

I'm not in NN, think a party finder might work? Otherwise I might just do it with my friends, but there always busy gearing shit.

Why don't you never wrestle with me brother?!

how possible is a8s in pf with unsync now? Id like to get those weapons somehow


party finder will take forever, just better to do it with friends or ask novice network if you can.

I'll see what I can do, actually pretty close to earning mentor status, maybe if I can get that in the middle of leveling, I'll try that.

Thordan EX
Crystal Tower


I wanna pollute a Lalafell's womb with lewd fluids

Is 3.4k on i312 BLM good on Lak ex?

I don't know what I'm doing but these ex primals are easy.

What do you think about Miqo'te?


good pet, desu.

i hope SCH was included when they said they'd be reworking SMN

Did they say that in the most recent liveletter? I missed that one.

Why the fuck is everyone in this game french? I swear to god if I have to the gay frenchman npcs name one more time i gonna kill myself

salut ^^

>in EU server

Elves have french name conventions

>Pay for 4 months of sub after Falcon campaign goes live
>Account doesn't list mount in additional items
Fuck you SE and ripping me off.

tfw no smol lizard gf

>I believe we need to make several changes to summoner's system, but it will take some time and it will not be ready by Patch 4.06. Therefore, we'll make adjustments that can be done through data first.

not really a rework but some significant changes are gonna happen



>finally get geared up enough to start on normal Deltascape as a WAR
>mostly seems easier than shinryu, only die once on exdeath out of all four fights
>guaranteed that roughly half of the DPS players will spend most of the fight dead because they didn't pay attention to mechanics
It's not gonna get any better once I get into savage, is it?

The bridge between the main Aetheryte and the market in Kugane triggers my OCD

Just teleport lazyfuck

I'm talking about the design fuckup the bridge has


Because everyone that cares already has it on farm.

MNK is best.

Is it true that the BiS for tanks on the right side is fully meld crafting accessories with DH?

So you're saying if the raid tier was more like Gordias then it would be easier to find people?

Yeah, didn't think so.

>crafting accessories
Nah, you want gathering accessories, helps you collect aggro.

Accessories provide no defense and vitality loss is irrelevantly small. The difference between 340 and 320 crafted is like ~1% though.

No I actually said nothing about Gordias. What I'm telling you is that you're two months into the raid cycle. he people that are really committed to raiding in this game have found groups by now and a lot percentage of them have already cleared the fight.

You didnt get it. The raid is super easy, so there are more people doing it, and as such there should be more people to choose from. The committed raider example would only make sense if the raids were actually hard(during Gordias) which would lead to a much smaller pool of players to choose from.

That larger pool of raiders are made up of the casual player base that decided they wanted to try raiding since this tier is easy. Obviously the majority of these people aren't committed raiders and are more likely to flake out on your group. The hard core player base that raid every tier doesn't fluctuate that much outside of when the scene almost died during Gordias. Those are the players you would really want to recruit for your static, and by now they are probably in groups.

NIN is more fun, as well as more desired, if you can get over being called a weeb

>Lalafell are quick to recognize lewdness.

>not sure what class to play so I bot pvp to level them up so I can get a proper feel
>check up on game every few hours or after waking up
>I get tons of commendations and friend requests due to how well the bot was performing

This is your healer for tonight, say something nice.

I don't believe the friend requests part. the chance of getting matched with someone on your server in pvp is slim

Very cute Midlander


>have 100m
What should I spend it on? On Mateus.

There's been a bunch of Yotsuyu cosplays but still no one that has perfected it or had a great face.
I'm hopeful.

slut glamour



Are you going to just stand there and cast cure the entire dungeon?

Of course, netflix ain't gonna watch itself

We're pulling wall to wall faggot, no excuses

ok, I slightly exaggerated that part, but I DID receive a friend request once

Any ones in particular?

Any and all you can find

>running Shisui last night
>pull both first groups, Hallowed, follow it with rampart
>healer: did you seriously just use HG on trash? and rampart??
>he's at 0 dps
>proceeds to tell me I should be wearing fending accessories
>tells me I have the wrong oath when I sword oath
that was a good run, love this game

Emperor's new gear and nude mod

nude mod looks like ass last i saw

Lalas are for brutal mating-presses