Someone good at paint make one for the gamer/streamer gf

someone good at paint make one for the gamer/streamer gf


Template GF is my waifu, she's perfect as is


I was gonna post this, Template GF deserves to be loved without any changes.

Already did.

9/11 would rape

>it's hip

is that a vinesauce reference?


ffs that teehee, meanwhile I lost my uncle and cousins to famine

Anyone have a folder of these?

The best one has already been made go home


so just the donkey got hit?

Dang. That is pretty good.
The artifacting is killing me, however.

sadly no
i saved just a couple here and there

i posted a shitload last time on Sup Forums and im not doing it again if there is a place i can upload my folder into real quick i would do that

It hurts to know that this girl doesn't exist.


They do though, user-chan. Never give up.

What makes this one so great, anons?

Smug otherworldly girl who is completely infatuated with you and will never leave you

This kind of girl does exist, and is really fucking boring in reality.

Everything except this. She is blunt and honest, and wants you to have your way with her with no qualms about what you might desire.

Bee GF is best GF

Isn't this just Saya though?

Awwww. In evil, she finds purity.

>tfw I drew that and now have to see it be ruined by jpeg rape

make one for the streamer GF pls :3

I guess so. But due to my work I live abroad and here there's only boring asians and uninteresting club sluts. You always want what you can't get.

Then make sure to always upload pngs.

I'm also really fucking boring, so it works out

Even when you do that, if it gets posted in EPIC GF MEMES on facebook and reposted from there, the jpeg monster gets it
You can't escape from it

I refuse to believe girls that pure and cute still exist in this society

>no chad gf

Kinda need some R34 with your QT goddess, that would be hot

>it's hip!

Why isn't there more porn of Tomie?

streamers are worthless attention whores
no, do it yourself



this is literally me, but I'm a boy is that the point?

>b-but I'm j-just a worker

i have bad news for you user
you'r gay

>me and all my sisters are dying from neurottoxin pesitcides

Honey, i'm home!

I love women though

I don't know about you all, but I'd definitely fuck the bee.
Am I funny yet?

Fuck you for giving me memories back
>had someone sort of like this at some point
>break-up due to stuff that was probably fixable
It was online so it probably didn't count, but those were really comfy times. We only lived about a city away from each other too.

>ywn have an extraterrestrial deity gf who can make you eternally young and defend you from the horrors of reality to love you and cherish you till the end of time
>ywn feel the cold, yet soothing, embrace of your loving protector, never having to feel mortal fears again
>ywn drift through the expanse of cold, dark space, clutching your shadowed lover and holding her close, waiting for the universe to die so you can rest together forever
no reason to get out of bed desu senpai

I know a girl like that but I'm not into her at all

whoa I wonder why

Yeah me too, I'd stick my dick in anything at this point I'm 33 and still a rivgin please send hjelp.

Use your magic spells to trick a girl into fucking you

I dunno, I'm all over that shadow-spawn from beyond the stars girl I know though.
Make no mistake, I did try to fuck her.

they are good for fucking, but as a gf it's not as good as some might imagine

Where's the genki gf

Right here

Never forget


I have one of these
ask me anything

How much do you bully her for being blind

Does she touch your butt and pretend she didn't mean to?


not at all, unless you count me saying shit like "Ah, I see" and then apologizing afterward


she actually sometimes rubs my thigh when we're eating at a table or some shit and her hand moves to my crotch. Insists it's an accident but I can see her smiling



I'd like this, but at the same time I would honestly just feel bad being in a relationship with her, because I feel like I'd be preventing her from you know... living

Is she cute?
What do her eyes look like?
What are the problems she faces in being blind?

typical bitch that leaves you when she starts getting used to attention

Well if you help her out yourself and make her open up and talk about it I'm pretty sure she can do her own thing while still loving you the way she wants too. But what do I know.

if you ever break up with her make sure to say "I'm seeing someone else"

>"Ah, I see"

Enjoy your literal carpet

>you do know much about constellations...

I shouldn't have laughed, but I definitely did

>and then apologizing afterward
Don't be such a twat. Nobody liikes an overapologetic wuss. 'I see' is a part of everyday speech and seriously what kind of soft cunt is going to get offended by that?

Holy fuck this


I would let her explore my body

Itt: """people""" who just want an onahole for a gf
Stay off the porn manchildren, you might have some spine left in you

she has beautiful blue eyes, they look normal
Fuck you I laughed
She thinks it's funny when I apologize
Ozen best girl

Stfu roastie


This is literally my gf.
Ideal gf right here.


you're a liar with no blind gf or any gf at all

blind people say see all the time as a figure of speech, they're not upset if others use it unless it's part of a shitty joke on their expense, dumbass virgin shitposter

Last gf was like that, it's really tiresome.

Not him but I had a blind gf for a few months and I did almost that exact thing. I never noticed when she said "I see" or "look's like", but whenever I said it I'd flinch. I only apologized for it during like the first week though, afterwards I just kinda mentally called myself stupid, even though I knew she didn't care.

If that user says they've been dating their blind gf for more than a month or two, I'd probably say they're a liar, but if it's still new I'd believe it.



god i hate that


>Roast rage

basically me if u replace the dogs with cats and omit all that desperate stuff


and if u add a feminine penis