What are some games about God?

what are some games about God?

Fight of Gods

God isn't real.

Fuck off heathen.

Why is this thread posted every day with the same image.

Fuck you, you just want a religious debate thread, not a vidya thread.

All this will be is single digit IQ christfag zealots flinging shit at their edgelord atheist counterparts while others who don't give a shit play devil's advocate whilst pretending to be mentally disabled.


Neither are wizards and magic n shieeet but we have games about those you chuckle fuck.

This. The game is stale at this point, let's find a new one to play.

The god of religions doesn't exist, but I don't believe the universe made itself alone.

Monster Girl Quest

Prove it.

hey faggots

Read Spinoza

> "Haha, plebs, I neither believe NOR not-believe in God."

Asuras wrath has the hindu model. you play a demigod who punches other demigods then punches the actual god just to save his daughter.


what is real


>Why is this thread posted every day with the same image.

How do you check every post the uses the same image?

Are you retarded?

The Talos Principle


I can show you some games about God, cutie

>Didn't even know how to do basic addition until maybe 15 years ago.
>Thinks he's going to be the supreme authority on the nature of reality now.

Yep, Xenogears

Also Breath of Fire 2

>if you're not a you're z
kill yourself unironically, preferably by grenade in toilet

Most SMT games deal with God one way or another, and if you dig through the SoL parts, even Persona tackles some nice themes like innate yearning for being controlled.

Just like your waifu

you have zero (0) proof that He isn't

>the mighty demon lord lucifer is reduced to a fucking japanese high school girl

Chaosfags, everyone.

You can have an opinion without wanting a fedora-tier debate.

>you are le fedora if you don't believe in le godjesus


I never noticed that he's holding a gun until now, thought it was a bottle of beer or something.

Why must my fellow atheists be such fedoras
Like fucking hell I agree with you and you annoy me anyway


It's simply the most aesthetic and manipulative form he could take, literally nothing wrong with it
Even God's judge bares all six of his titties like it's nothing

Especially Paradox.
How many other games let you pick the depowered creator god of humanity as your starter?

> believe in God
> not believe God
> niether believe in God nor not believe in God
> believe in God as well as not believe in God
> have no awareness of God

> be God

well you either believe in god or dont theres no inbetween

I like to start religious wars in Total War
Especially converting Japan to the word of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

>haha, guys, if you dont adhere to one extreme or the other you're a FUCKING RETARD

go back to Sup Forums with your underage butt buddies.

>Realize God is just a petty lower case g god despite its claims of omnipotence and omniscience, and understand that all the gods are a blight upon this world
Get on my level.

Yeah sure.

>" "Pillar" " Zelenin

spoken like a true dichotomy biased underage american.

yes you are

I'm so worried about how shitty Awake Jimenez is going to look with the DSJ artstyle

you have zero (0) proof that He is

you can reverse image search the archive to query every post that has used that image

The final boss of Rock of Ages II is Atlas playing against God in a game of cosmic Foosball.

Please play our game. It's a great game and no one plays it, the multiplayer is super fun and only has a playerbase of like 300 people.

Give me proof

>Hurricanes devastating Southern USA
>Wildfires devastating Western Coastal USA
>Massive Earthquake slams Mexico killing several dozen people
>Nuclear War looms along the Pacific
>White Supremacists are uniting under the misguided belief that the US President supports them
>Chinese are still slant-eyed chingchongs with no signs of stopping
>Anime, E-Celebs and absurd memes are poisoning the youth
>The Nintendo Switch didn't flop
>Twin Peaks and Samurai Jack ended weakly
>Guts is off the fucking boat
God is real and he is watching

This game is an acid trip and the Tower of Babel at the same time.

Just another year.

For proof spamming christcucks

Agreed, it's fucking fun.

And now, for the final stretch...!

>not being an apatheist

Okay, keep worrying about metaphysical and philosophical concepts that have no bearing on your life.

who /sawthelight/ here

>if the very laws of the universe were different to even the tiniest degree, carbon based lifeform such as we know them could not exist and we'd never get any elements more complicated than lithium

>in three words he was able to get more (You)s then I can with a whole essay
Is this the power of eternally butthurt christfags?


If the Earth were 10 feet closer to the sun we'd all burn up

honestly god is a cool dude if we got an ending to samurai jack and twin peaks

By that logic then you are a terrorist.

>no catechumen

Y'all niggas need jaysus.

burden of proof would be on those claiming a man lives in the sky

>>Chinese are still slant-eyed chingchongs with no signs of stopping
>>Anime, E-Celebs and absurd memes are poisoning the youth
>>The Nintendo Switch didn't flop
>>Twin Peaks and Samurai Jack ended weakly
>>Guts is off the fucking boat

Except that's not really refuting user.
They aren't asking for philosophy they're asking for proof.

I'll never understand how religious folk can go onto Sup Forums and still espouse that they're religious. There's no way God would allow you into heaven with how you act and talk on here, you'd go straight to hell.

Yeah, the Punished Jack and TP S3E8 justified all of it.

What are some good games about nuns and the covent life?

Typical idiot atheist. Keep thinking you are enlightened despite all your cognitive dissonance from not having a biblical world view.


Spread the gospel to every corner.

>"Waaaaaaah! Why doesn't G*d stop bad things from happening to me?!"
*He does*
>"WTF?! I want free-will now. G*d shouldn't infere with my life!"

Meant for

the talos principle

>Tfw borderline fedoratipping Atheist
>Tfw fucking love to roleplay as religious fanatics
I also fucking love religious clothing.

nuns make a vow of celibacy and are not allowed to have sex



This. Sup Forums is, always has been, and always will be a den of degeneracy. It's the internet equivalent of Sodom and Gomorrah. It's hilarious that Christfags think they can sit here all day fapping to traps and screaming nigger every 5 seconds yet still get into Heaven.

same (but men)


There's nothing more hot then seducing a young 19 year old nun virgin who's been raised in the church her whole life and is discovered to be a huge sexual pervert due to the repression and you blow your load in her and you knock her up while she still serves the church

but of course
tips fedora


s-source pls...

Are people just triggered because he says that out of nowhere or even not believing in God is considered being a fedora now?

Able to prevent evil but not willing (e.g.: interferes with a Greater Plan) doesn't make him malevolent.

Sorry user, I don't believe in God nor do I espouse that God is an impossibility and there's literally nothing you can do about it.

well you got based smite if you want to play gods... not THE god, but the gods.


yeah too bad its not a real thing

They're just giving him the (You)s for his bait, come on.

If you literally say anything even remotely atheistic on here and you'll get over a dozen (You)s of fedora pictures. Prove me wrong pro tip you can't

BASED hi-rez always giving us high quality content

I mean, Exodus tells us that God is the big boss, but the others do exist.
Or why would he murder the Egyptian pantheon?

this one is legitimately a nice skin thought, really nice hommage to the late Bob Ross.

>he doesn't know how popular Sup Forums is now

ah yes, this one triggered tons of SJW and Sup Forums shitters at the same time, good shit. Meymey and gay skin are the best because they're insulting. He look a lot like chad don't you think?

>Or why would he murder the Egyptian pantheon?
Why does a man put down a rabid dog?

Alternatively, it was common on egyptian mythos for the 'story' to change based on which cult of which god was in control, once Big G was on the scene the story came that he won, since he technically did

>image for ants.
Come on user.