Other urls found in this thread:
i dont care and neither should you
I wasn't gonna reply to this shit thread but
Have it
Ying is the worse new operator tho
why are you giving them clocks? and didn't hulk hogan bankrupt them?
>Women belong on the battlefield.
On the one hand, it's just a vidya gaem. On the other hand, people really do believe this bullshit.
But Lesion is the single strongest operator of the three released, Ying is a fucking liability that gets her own team killed with her shitty flashbangs and Ela is just a roamer with a mediocre pseudo-Yokai grenade who's still outclassed by Jaeger and Bandit.
>Women added as DLC
>Have to pay to be a woman
Yeah, people are eating this up so they can feel powaphul
My thoughts are that you should never link kotaku again you cumchugger
you probably don't play this game
I honestly don't care about it and wouldn't mind more women playing vidya.
Why do you niggers always bring kotaku shit back here? I wouldn't know any of the dumb shit that's said there or on twitter if you cock monglers didn't bring it here just so you can make some shitty thread.
All the new operators exist to dis empower another female operator named Ash. Typical female crab mentality.
>women memeing themselves into the frontlines of real life wars
Loving every laugh
>powerful women
was that necessary to add?
what exactly makes them powerful compared to just regular women?
The next update will have 2 male operators and one female. They just split up one country among two updates.
It's clickbait genius
Well can regular women deploy timer-detonated 6-blast flashbangs that only they can see through?
Are you surprised people on here are jumping at the chance to be offended?
They are basically as obnoxious as the tumblr they hate at this point in that regard.
They tend to have reasons for there being female operators (note: not military. Counter-terrorist). Ash is actually from Israel, and Caveira is a street urchin that BOPE recruited instead of sending her to prison. They're kind of special snowflake, but so are all the characters in the game.
Ela takes it to new heights though, I'll admit.
they hardly wear any gear and they use personal defense weapons, it's not a stretch in this context. Except girl in OP's image, i dont even know who that is
>obviously never played the game
Here you go dude.
That sounds kinda OP as hell actually.
Is that really what one of them got?
My man.
Most gun owners I know under 30 got into them from playing battlefield and cod
If this memes feminiggers into it too, whatever
I couldn't give a flying fuck about Rainbow SEASON PASS EVERY FUCKING YEAR six.
Or Cuckaku for that matter.
It's not all that strong, two new "trapper" operators were added to the other side with them. And she's the only character who can see through it, so her team can't rush in with her.
ah yes, the boogiememe
Here you go
not really
Kill yourself, SJW cuck.
Preach it my guy
Lol I'm pretty sure the author of this article is a tranny with video game tattoos.
>everythings fine if I dont see it
Meanwhile for every Sup Forums post you get 5 losers virtue signalling "ree Sup Forums"
Thanks for proving me right
Has that artist never seen a pencil?
reeeeeee delet pol it hurts my feefees and is killing muh vidya
>powerful women on the battlefield
sure why not, gaming is about escapist fantasy. skinny nerds can pretend to be fictionalized versions of themselves so can women
that said Kotaku is still clickbait garbage
Stop promoting kotaku shit, you're literally getting baited into sharing their content with people who do not like/want to see their content.
all of them are fucking ugly, they arent doing the girls with guns thing right.
Sup Forums has earned every bit of the hate that Sup Forums feels for them
>female special forces
and that is why I did´t buy it in the first place
Do you really think the OP is from Sup Forums and is telling us what to think about it?
"Thoughts?" is trolling?
Those are cartoon characters, and poorly drawn ones at that. Please don't post as if you're the expert
Mira is cute
No one wants Sup Forums deleted. People just want Sup Forums to stay on Sup Forums
>muh Sup Forums boogeyman
Oh definitely, however, Sup Forums didnt deserve the fucking retards that cant just ignore it and have to constantly reply to ever possible Sup Forums post
>still not realizing it's not always Sup Forums
99% of normies in the street won't see half the shit /pol users do
Have you been in the Dishonored threads? There are 1-2 people who post 3x as much as everybody else, spamming those retarded we wuz quotes. Literally half the replies are like that because the mods are lazu as fuck
yas queen
I mean from the article alone, he truly makes it sound like the dude with the poison grenades sucks ass and is boring to use. Though I don't know why that's better than the one that just stuns people.
Candela however sounds fun though here's my question. Why are her glasses only flash proof to her own weapon? Why not also regular flash grenades?
>still haven't got cute anime girls in grimy western shooter game
I don't care if it plays like CoD (i don't enjoy CoD), i want to stab a cute anime girl in the neck as an even cuter anime girl.
Keep Sup Forums on Sup Forums.
Yea and people fucking reply to it
Remember when Sup Forums used to hate women?
>It's not a stretch for women to get through some of the toughest training in the world.
>linking clickbait articles
nobody cares, post frost
R6:S has always had great female ops
Ash has been in the game since the very beginning, Habana is an Ash side grade and both are great picks. Valkyrie is an amazing Defender and Frost Mira, and Cav are fun too.
like, why is this news now
I literally would not have cared if they didn't make article after article about this stupid shit.
I don't appreciate you using my cute anime boys to push politics. Moe' is free of conflicts and is only for pure escapism.
We forgetting IQ?
Lesion is fine, he's a more passive Smoke. Ela is just MUCH more passive Echo, who can actually use her stuns herself rather than have her team deal with it.
Yings goggles aren't "always on" are how they work. If you look, they come in effect while she's priming a Candela. Why that means someone can't flashbang WITH your Candela, and have it not affect you, I don't know.
This isnt even Sup Forums and kys stupid whores
No. I remember a time when /r9k/ hated women and I remember a time when Sup Forums hated tuff girl femenazi sorts being shoved in their face. But I can't say I ever remember a time (other than now) in which simply having a woman in a game is cause for a category 5 triggering
But then, its not really Sup Forums thats getting triggered now is it?
doesn't mattter
lesion is the only operator worth buying this dlc
sounds about right
Too bad they don't rule in real world special forces
Yes, user, everything you don't like is the big bad Sup Forums boogieman.
I only even know what kotaku is because of this stupid website
find something else to do with your lives
The irony of that comic is the author doesnt realise theyre both as bad as each other
.hmmmmm....yes quite..... BBBBBBRRRRRRRRPPPPPPFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFTTTTTTTTTTT Oh I was not expecting that…that little gust my dear….you caught me off guard…yes…so gentle it was though…hmmmm…let me taste this little one…just one small sniff…..sniff…ah….ssssssnnnnnniiiiiffffffffffff…and yet…so strong…yes…the odor….sniff sniff…hmmm….is that….sniff….hmmm….I can almost taste it my dear…..yes….just…sniff….a little whiff more if you please…..ssssssnnnnnniiiiiffffffffff…ah yes I have it now….yes quite….hhhhmmmm…delectable my dear…..quite exquisite yes…..I dare say…sniff….the most pungent one yet my dear….ssssnnnnniiiifffffffffffffffffffffff….yes….
Her guns aren't great and her gadget is... well can it see the Lesion mines? If so she got a LOT better
Always wondered with copypastas. Do you save notepads of this shit?
I just had the same thought. You must be right.
they look like shit, like men. none of them has long hair wtf its all dykes. Why cant we have black lagoon looking female operators
I have a notepad file with pastas dating as far back as ya boi ramiro and the one with the triple backflip into my masserati
pencils can looks like that, what the fuck are you talking about?
Indeed she can. And you can hate on my purple sneak wearing German bae, I'm still picking her. And her Aug feels really good after I got used to it.
But yea, not the strongest ability our there. I just wished they had an inhame feature where she can call out specific detected thins to the team instead of just a waypoint. The number of times I spot a mine and think "well that was close" and then my teammate jumps ahead and kills himself before I can do something about the mine myself.
No normal pencil has lead sticking out like a fucking lance edge
When you sharpen a pencil with a knife it tends to look like that
Post the masserati one please, I haven't read it in a while.
Only crazies do that
So it makes sense
Here (You) go. Don't waste it!
when was the last time someone unironically sharped a pencil with a knife
>said the stupid nigger Sup Forumsack