"I wanna play Destiny but I don't want to be a filthy casual, fall for the EA jew and be in first person."

>"I wanna play Destiny but I don't want to be a filthy casual, fall for the EA jew and be in first person."

>"say no more"

Warframe requires a ton more money invested. Sure you can get everything in game but thats only if you sell your soul and dedicate to the game like its a job for hundreds of hours.

this game is like 99.8% grind

You forgot

>but I want to be bored as fuck


>shitty F2P model that takes years to unlock anything via grinding

no thanks

so it is no different than destiny

getting a good mod you'll be able to sell take a few hours top, even less if you decide to join a farm group

>I wanna play Destiny but without the good gunplay and I want to spend years doing it
>Say no more


>he thinks playing warframe will allow him to escape the jewry
You're in for a harsh awakening

I only have like 20 hours in Destiny 2 and I already have all legendaries and 260 light

Warframe does not have raids or proper dungeons. Very different experience to Destiny.

Destiny also has more solid and weighty shooting, where as Warframe it's rare for any weapon to feel very good when shooting since enemies hardly react to bullet impacts.

How to scratch the destiny icth:
>a) play warframe for free
>b) get extorted for a full game price in DLCs every few months for years otherwise old content will get blocked

Pick one

>better than EA

why is that boy dressed in lingerie?

They don't call it Grindframe for no reason nigga

Destiny isn't made by EA you fucking retard.

actually yeah warframe has 8 player raid missions now.
i think 4 in total.

>destiny and warframe fags fighting over whose shitpile smells better

>Implying destiny isn't grindfest

>Oh man I cant wait to make this weapon I got the rank for
>Have to farm out the low droprate parts
>Then spend 24 hours crafting required mats
>Then 24 hours for the weapon itself
>3 days if its a frame and then 24 more hours for each forma to upgrade it

Patrician way to play Warframe:
>Install it and login every few days until you eventually get 75% off coupon even if it takes months
>Proceed to then actually play the game and pretend it was $50 when you load up on 4300 plat

Game is unplayable without buying plat unless you wanna commit a lifetime to it

not even close to the level of Warframe

>Warframe does not have raids

Neither does destiny

It will post-timegate, which is when I will be buying it (if ever)

I do this with any F2P game I have put more than a few hours into, I "buy" the game and consider this my purchase, Ive paid more for games I didnt like that werent F2P. It seriously alleviates alot of the bullshit these games have, and makes me wonder if they would actually be successful if they were simply retain games without the bullshit and just had the cosmetics and shortcuts be monetized.

Destiny had 4 raids, D2 will have it's first raid unlock in like a week

This is about right. But even then plat doesn't really save you from the grind because prime frames/weapons are way overpriced

Warframe has worse enemy variety and gameplay though.

>Sup Forums when destiny came out
>holy shit this is so fucking bad why would anyone wanna play this
>Sup Forums when destiny had some patches and dlc
>holy shit this is so bad why would anyone play this when warframe exists
>Sup Forums on warframe
>its a shitshow but atleast its better than other kinds of crap
>Sup Forums now
>destiny 2 is the best game evar preoder now you goys

how can you preorder a game that's already out?

definitive edition (PC) isn't out yet

It doesn't take that much effort to get things in the game. The real issue is the timegating (though it is understandable, they have to offer some sort of incentive for the player to monetarily invest in the game).

Then again, even that ceases to be a problem once you've made some plat by selling prime parts.

PS4 has more content and is therefore the definitive edition

Warframes marketplace system is the worst thing I've seen in years

>can't hold 30fps
>frequent crashes on PS4 Pro
And if the extra content is anything like in D1, it was worthless (aside from the extra strike)

>actually using that shit

use the trade channel and meet up in dojos. ask for invites to other people's if youre new and don't have one

The bazaar is indeed pretty poor for trading. You should always just post your WTB/WTS into the trade chat instead. That way it reaches way more people and you will get whispers pretty much instantaneously.

Then it's just a matter of inviting them to your dojo or vice versa if you are not in a clan.

Not to mention
>fps on console

I had a lot of fun playing Halo 2 on my Xbox when I was 12 but eventually you have to wake up and notice you're playing on an inferior system for that genre.

>can't hold 30fps

I dare you to find a single clip of frame drops on the PS4 version,
Destiny 1 and 2 have had some of the most consistent framerates I've ever seen even if it is 30

Meanwhile the PC beta didn't even have 1920x1080 resolution available for myself and plenty others.

What? Sounds like a personal problem. I was playing at 1920x1080 with 140+ fps.

I looked it up at the time and I was far from the only person with the issue.

S-S-Sauce user

it was a windows 10 issue

I love warframe to bits, but I think the damage system is hugely flawed, in terms of flavor.

There is almost never a reason to not include elemental mods in a build to get the combined damage types, which leads to every weapon having super speshul elemental effects when sometimes you just want a plain beatstick or gun that shoots regular boolits

There are exceptions, of course, but they are so few and far between that they do not alleviate the "problem".

And a bunch of people had an issue where they couldn't turn left or right in Warframe it turned out that having a controller plugged in while using m + k fucked it up.

Again, seems like something on your end. I couldn't even come up with a half-assed reason how it could be a developer's fault that some people can play at 1080 and some couldn't.

That's not THAT bad.

I have played a lot of f2p games which were worse. In Combat arms you farmed currency so you can lend a new gun for a three days. In PlanetSide 2 you spend weeks farming for a weapon that is just reskin an is class-limited.

In warframe, you farm to have permanent different weapons for every character.

3, but actually 2 because one of those is a harder variation of the first raid.

both raids are buggy, no fun pieces of shit doe.

Watch the digital foundry review, they found them. It's not massive, but it wasn't 30fps all of the time

I don't use Windows 10, and that doesn't excuse such an obvious issue either way.
Yes, we've already established that you're willing to blame the user without any knowledge. I'll just pretend that I didn't find page after page of google results on day one of the beta with people finding that they were inexplicably limited to 1680x1050 on their 1080 monitors.

Are you being intentionally retarded? I know it's a running gag to pretend to be stupid here but you're doing it at the wrong time.

I wasn't implying it was only on your end, but on the end of everyone who was having the problem.

Well it does, because Windows 10 is a piece of shit and was overriding the scaling of the game - there's no way for a dev to block that. Aside from that the only evidence I could find of people still having 1080p resolution issues was if they had a capture card and a graphics card.

there's nothing to fucking do after i have all the weapons and frames that interest me.

I can't imagine what user-end issue would cause only this one game to not recognize native resolutions.

>shooting gallery
>good gunplay

I could only find two google results for your issue and both of them had solutions in the thread. I don't think the issue is nearly as massive as you seem to think.

Never Forget how shitty of a company DE is.

>Driver conflicting issues
>OS conflicting issues
>Native monitor settings

Dozens of things can cause issues like that. Have you owned a computer for more than a few months?

How much single player content is in Destiny 2? Waiting to see if the PC version is any good, but would like to know if the game is better than the first one in that regard. Liked the gunplay and art style of the first game, but the story was shit and there really wasn't much to do unless you did strikes/raids.

So basically:
>Sup Forums when Destiny was not on PC
>Sup Forums when Destiny is coming to PC

Warframe was fun 3 years ago before the melee combat revamp.

>destiny 2 has more solid gunplay?

>shoot enemy
>numbers appear, they dont even flinch or react
>exact same happens

>Actually enjoy playing the game
>It doesn't feel like grinding

wow, so hard to fix the """grinding""" in Warframe. But I guess if you don't like the game, it would feel like grinding so to each their own.

it's going to be exactly the same in that regard. Only plus side for people who don't want to be in a normal group is there's matchmaking for raids now (but not the high level ones)

>>numbers appear, they dont even flinch or react
>>exact same happens
>t.someone who's never used tigris prime

>shoot enemy
>numbers appear, they dont even flinch or react
that's not true though - you can stagger people in D2 easily. It's only true for the bulletsponge bosses

Trade chat is only there to get rivens and scam newbies, you should get all the shit on warframe.market

it's the grineer

aaah yes good goyms, buy more plat.

>Something goes wrong
>People go apeshit and start flinging shit on forums
>DE is trying to fix things while being bombarded by said shit
>One of them snaps and starts suspending people who keep on spamming their vitriol

And this somehow shows that DE is the unreasonable party?

After your hundredth derelict run without the corrupted mod you want, you too will know the grind.

>DE fuck up #4590
>DE tells people to riot
>DE fucks up even WORSE
>DE starts banning people for something they were the responsable for.

go back to the forums, shill.

Nah, warframe is still trash.
Trust me, I've spent almost 800h in that shit game.

Goddamnit, still super short campaign and then no single player endgame? Fuck sakes. At least since this is on PC, my friends might pick it up and we could actually do strikes. But seriously, how hard is it to have actual single player content in these games. Or just a longer fucking single player mode, shit to do.

Warframes has actually interesting weapons though. Considering the total amount of weapons it's quite surprising how few of them actually have same mechanics when it comes to shooting. The game has an issue with balancing, sure, but Warframe is not about balancing and never will be, hopefully, because that's what would kill the game, not powercreep.

the community of shitting on DE is honestly way more fun than the game itself at this point

>Jokingly saying RIOT once in redtext means that the players should be able to literally fill the general chat and the forums with that shit

>it takes dedication and selling your soul

No it doesn't, you obviously haven't played the game

the community shitting on each other and on DE and actually having the balls to say they are "the best f2p community in the WORLD11!!!1" is honestly baffling.

>not expecting that to happen, knowing how retarded the community is.

its their own fault.

4000 hours here, yes it does.

>It's their fault that people cannot behave

You can't make this shit up

They don't exactly have too much of a competition. Biggest in their little pond along the Korean shooters that require even more grind? Big deal.

ikr, Warframe players are fucking retards, i mean hell the only reason why DE is still afloat is because they pay 129.99 every 3 months for Prime Access.

you can't make that shit up.

if destiny is anything like warframe then it's god awful

you should see the warbros discords.
no one actually plays warframe except if theres an event or an OP new weapon.
the rest of the time is spent shitting on DE and posting screencaps of harrasing steven and rebecca.

It's worse

I tried this out after reading about a couple of games to shorten the wait for Destiny 2 on PC.

I've played about 3 missions before I uninstalled it again. The game is absolutely brainless and feels like a mobile game because of it. Enemies are no threat at all, there's loot to collect everywhere, paddening the length of each level unneccesarily and of course there's the microtransaction bullshit. How this game gets overwhelmingly positive reviews on Steam I'll never understand

lel? I play this game casually and I can make 50-200 plat daily by casually opening void relics. The whales have funded the game so hard the economy is bitcoin tier. Literally everything has value.

but its a FUN grind. Working for something you want isnt inherently bad you NEET

>when you sell your Galatine Prime for 70 USD

>like grinding samy as fuck content
>call others a neet

thats the best part, the veterans know the game is so boring, the only way they have fun with anything DE related is shitting on em.

its hilarious.

There's nothing like it on the market, a F2P Musou-like Sci-fi TPS?, it brings a lot of suckers in, Destiny is the closest thing to actual competition it has.

>It's a FUN grind.

jesus stockholm syndrome is real.

Is that major rework in place yet?

>but it's a FUN grind.
choose one, and only one.

>Shoot an corpus index bot a few minutes into game with max modded tigrisprime
>what I just described happens

Fuck you for ruining video games with your adhd attention span. People like you who need everything right now is what turned video games into what they are. So go on back to whatever weeb hand-holding titty simulator is currently hot.

Hema has a funny sound