Boss has an ultimate form

>boss has an ultimate form

Is it normal for hurricanes to be that massive? Irma is like 10 times the size of Andrew

Climate changed over a few years.

Oh fug I remember Andrew. This is gonna blow

it just a big pile of wind whats it gonna do huh

Irma is 400 miles across

The biggest hurricane ever was 1300 miles across

Oh no better not say that the republicans will say is China

it's gonna huff and buff and blow all your shit away, then drown it under 10 feet of rain

it's just the eclipse
the moon fuck up with the tides
bad luck for usa

the belly of the dragon will drip water

Any florida bros just going to accept their death? I know a few people in Broward who aren't going to leave.

This. I'm ready for it. Ain't no dumb ads hurricane gonna stop me.

Especially one that has a WOMAN'S name.
We all know feminine hurricanes are all smoke and mirrors.

Treasure coast here, I'm riding it out and so are the majority of my neighbors. I'm hoping my roof doesn't get ripped off.

but katrina and sandy both fucked shit up real bad


Florida's actually pretty well protected for the purpose of this kind of shit. Most people I know don't even really care about Irma beyond doing obvious home securing shit.

enjoy ur storm surge

Fuck Trump, he should be impeached for this.

>americans afraid of wind because their house are still made with clay and wood

>even weather guy in burgerland is a fatty
It's the first time i see this.

Key Largo here. I ignored the evacuation order and am starting to regret it. The bridges are closed so I'm stuck regardless. I walked around to see if anyone else stayed but I haven't seen a single person although some may be inside their barricaded homes

irene fucked up my entire state

Why refuse to leave though?

So how bad can it be compared to Katrina ?

Fuck off nigger, I'm already tired of you fags shitting on /x/

>brits afraid of the sun because they've never seen it

Reminder - climate change is a Chinese hoax.

Why are Floridians so stupid?
>Get everyone in Flordia a Stihl magnum blower
>Wait till hurricane shows up
>Fire up blowers and start blowing the opposite direction of the storm
>Hurricane slows and eventually dissipates

It's not that hard, idiots.

Palmettobro reporting in. I always ride it out. Been living here since 1999.

Watch out for looters.

Katrina just happen to hit a bunch of pussies in Louisiana.
Sandy was a pussy storm and should just fuck off to the bikini bottom.

Listen guys just cause it's gonna be a little windy and water may get up to your knees. Isn t that bad. Feminine hurricanes are just overhyped by the media to make woman look powerful. But I'M A MAN. Just go and your regular business I promise you I won't come down and flood your house underwater.

Belief that nothing bad could possibly happen to them.