Right: is what women should like in video games

Right: is what women should like in video games
>muh realism
In fact what you call realism is nothing but a mockery of a middle class white trash that spent her youth on alcohol and pills. It's not realistic, it's degenerate. You do go to a art gallery to see pics of slums. You don't play video games for that garbage (ME:A tier btw)


>You do go to a art gallery to see pics of slums.

Then why do people go to see Mona Lisa

I wonder if this breaks the rule 2 and 3

>I have no arguments but I support western devs so I'll just pretend you are a obsessed weeb to avoid looking at reality
Typical. As always.

if you think the one on the right looks better than you actually have autism

>a whore faking anger
never work

Could've put more work into your image, OP.

You are legitimately insane if you think the face on the top left looks like the faces on the bottom left.
It literally has more in common with the face on the bottom right than the face on the top right does.


It's very similar. A destroyed middle age whore with cheap make up and very cheap blonde die on hair


Again, that character model in the OP does not look a day over 30 at the very oldest. Her face doesn't even have wrinkles.
You are faceblind.

so she is ugly because she is making a face?

I don't even understand the complaint
Is it just that the woman on the left has lines on her face like literally every human does while porcelain statue tier thing on the right does not?

The top left is pretty face and does not at all resemble the creatures on the bottom left.

sad part is that the top left looks far better than most of naughty dog's females. 99% of them are hideous. Or other gross females like aloy who looks like he has literal downs.

Photogrammetry still had tiny problems on facial features, making faces uglies, human brain is really good training to read human face(sorry autist),minimum error making seen weird, japs begins wise and use semi realist faces, west Muh photogrammetry.

That's how weebs tell that western girls look bad. Pause at the worst timing and screenshot it.

>japs begins wise and use semi realist faces
That's the whole point. Why go for ugliness? Not that there aren't beautiful cinematic western games with good women but it's rare. And even when the girl/woman is cute they destroy it in the sequel.

That's how Sup Forums tell that videogames look bad. Pause at the worst timing and screenshot it.


Why are you using an image of a facial expression that's inherintly bad.

It's not like she holds that expression.


sometimes I wonder if this was due to feminists' butthurt over attractive women, shitty modeler(s), or a feminist modeler who made them ugly on purpose (more doubtful on that since feminists really can't do much of anything besides whine).

I mean... I actually find the chick in the upper left attractive. Especially that southern accent. She's my belle-waifu.

nice try retard

You'd be extremely lucky to even be able to be in the same room as either of them so I don't know why you're making a big deal out of it

West mindset just use expensive machine avoid human touch, if goes wrong just wait new version machine.

Game studios just want make everything photogrammetry, Using cheap 3D people and produce like factories games.

I had a bunch of pics of women that designed western AAA games (from sweden and canada) but Sup Forums start to freak out calling me Sup Forums and usually the thread end up deleted.

fuck she looks amazing
