Will Sup Forums show Capcom and Marvel what we really want by purchasing UMvC3 instead of the upcoming heaping shitpile that is MvC:I when the latter comes out? If enough people do this, there is no way they can ignore that we want a game with the X-Men and FF reps, assists, and overall larger cast.
Vote with your wallet
I guess this is why we get shitty video games, no one wants actually fix the problem.
Worked really well for DMC:HDC :^)
Fuck no, I'm sick to death of 3. I already bought it three fucking times, I'm not buying it again.
Nah. I'll buy none and keep playing marvel vs capcom 2.
Buy Darkstalkers Resurrection.
i want something new an im not poor
I want to play as Sigma, X, Venom and Jedah in a retarded story mode that looks like fun so I'll go ahead and buy this and you can go ahead and fuck off.
>tfw don't give a fuck about anything but the gameplay, which looks slick af
I preordered the Deluxe Edition
>Vote with your wallet
This has never worked in the history of ever
Yeh just remaster MVC2. I'll buy it.
Is there an online version of this game right now?
Fanboyfags ladies and gentlemen.
>mad over a fan buying a game he wants
Retards, ladies and gentlemen.
>tfw Capcom will sell popular UMvC3 veterans like Vergil and Wesker as DLC
I don't know how people will tolerate getting fucked like that.
Don't come back crying when you're done getting fucked by Capcom. We warned you.
Unfortunately the FGC and people like are huge faggots who will buy the game anyway, there's literally nothing that can be done about this
I think the game looks awful, and I still dropped 90 on the steel book edition
>Implying Capcom are worse than any other bigger publishers around.
You haven't really been keeping up with Destiny 2 and Shadow of War have you?
Hating Capcom is a meme, if you play Netherrealm fighters you have it way worse.
Not implying that at all. Them being worse than Capcom doesn't mean it's fine to still get fucked in the ass. Capcom being shit is not just a meme.
Why are you doing this to yourself? After that you're going to make threads on here about how the game's shit and how you wasted money? Come on, now. Be smart.
fairly sure that the PS3/360 release still has a working online but you can't but it anymore
As a long time vs series fan, I'm excited for new Marvel. I don't like how the classic characters will inevitably be resold as dlc, but at the same time I'm better with buying the characters I DO want rather than paying for a revision in a complete standalone package and instead getting the balance updates for free. I don't use the majority of the cast in most fgs so as long as I have access to the characters I want and the latest game mechanics, I think it balances out fairly well.
Shouldn't it be vanilla mvc3 in that picture and not umvc3?
>You haven't really been keeping up with Destiny 2 and Shadow of War have you?
What desperate fucking attempt to defend supporting such a shit company. Hey newsflash user, you can just not support any of them. I don't anymore.
>lets show capcom wuts up by giving them more money
nigga and you bought UMVC3 to begin with? how do u think capcom got to where it is today
Been playing the VS series since PS1 days OP. I'm buying it day one, day zero if I can. It'll be the 200.00 collectors edition too. Get fucked.
Should've been on the switch. It's not like it can't run it when infinite looks worse than 3 and that was a ps3 game
I already own UMvC3 on 360 but I was thinking to sell it and buy the Steam version.
Don't worry OP, either way, I won't buy that Infinite turd. Not even in sale. Hell, as pointless as it could be, I wouldn't pirate it either.
I dont care about xmen or ff characters, also bigger cast does not make it a better game.
>do what faggot OP does
>Capcom "welp. we hear you loud and clear; the Marvel vs. Capcom series is an unloved franchise. don't say we never listened to our fans, clearly this franchise is not what you all wanted. so I guess we'll never have to make another MvC, and waste your time, and our money, on a franchise nobody wants. Like Okami, Viewtiful Joe, Mega Man, Darkstalker, Onimusha, DMC, & various other franchise you lost your love for through the years & found to be useless, we'll throw it away in the trash bin. No more MvC, period. we hope we have made our fans proud of our decision, because we clearly listened to what their wallets have to say. here's Resident Evil 8"
This saddly.
Capcom will twist feedback they get into the stupidest decisions.
First MvC game where I have no desire to play a Marvel character but that Capcom side looking pretty good.
same, except not the collector's edition because i'm poor
>give capcom money instead of giving money to camcomp
MvC3's gameplay is shit, having more characters with x-men in it won't save it
MvC:I on the other hand really looks like it's going to have the best gameplay from all VS games. They fixed everything that was wrong with MvC3.
I have to admit this is one of the most unique ways I've seen someone try to beg others to buy a game that died ridiculously quick on steam
Already preordered. Can't wait to play Cap as an actual defensive character this time.
>Implying voting with your fucking wallet works with the japanese.
They'll just never make another game again because thats how the japanese think.
>Make great game
>X-factor mechanic works too
>Team doesn't take the time to test some characters/teams properly before implementation
>Game doesn't receive a game play patch
I'm sick of Vergil and Doom: The Fighting Game.
>From a potential perfect to reverse OCV
The only thing DBFZ got right was how incoming is handled in that game.
UMVC3 is gay and MVCI looks better than that.
I'm buying MVCI and I've never played another MVC game. X-Men are fucking shit and I want Mega Man X characters in fucking everything.
You losers are pathetic and should get fucked. Go play your "superior" games which are already out if you're so upset.