Which Nep are you going to main?

Which Nep are you going to main?

What a silly question.

NepNowa all day nigga.

any answer that isn’t noire is a wrong answer

But the better question is: Is it going to be good?

Vert is a pretty answer as well, honestly.

>asking if a game with noire in it is going to be good

once again, the correct answer is Noire, and there is only one correct answer.

Red haired Noire is cute too.

Aryn and Noire are nothing alike.

you're right. Eryn is much cuter

The molester

Nepgear is better

>Compile Heart game
Pick one

all of the rebirth games are good


Because I want to ram my dick in her

Why is this couple so great?

Good answer

>Noire use spear and Vert use rapier now
Are we going to just ignore this?

The worst is Blanc being the healer

i'd love to hear why

So is this a moc MMO? Or is it a 4 player co-op?

Oh wait.

PS4 or PC? The collector's edition looks fucking neato but I also don't really feel like paying for PS+ just to fuck around with some anons for a bit.

PC if you want to wait