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Yes, way too repetitive though.

If you focus on the main objectives it's great, if you try to roam and do side stuff it's a pain

I absolutely hated it at first, but after sticking with it and learning to play by the game's rules instead of bitching about them, it slowly turned into one of my favorite games of all time.

no is fucking shit

I tried to go back and play it after FC3 and I couldn't deal with the map system. Cool idea but just super tedious in action.

loved it, it's very immersive

I loved the setting.
What are some other games besides MGSV that take place in Africa?

Far Cry 1 > Far Cry 2 > literal shit

Is Sup Forums too young to remember Far Cry 1?

I loved it, it wasn't some generic shit where you're some nobody who just shows up and suddenly you're the most lethal combatant to ever exist. I'm sick of how Ubishit went in that direction with 3 and 4, I'm not even going to bother with 5 because it just looks like fedora bait garbage.

I also loved that in 2, you were encouraged to actually go offroad with your offroad vehicles. Instead of bitching that a guardpost had replenished, I could quickly look down at my map without pausing the game and navigating menus, orient myself with the GPS and use the topographical lines on the map to determine which direction I could go in to have defilade from the enemy and bypass them. It would have been awesome if stealth worked and if the gun merchant missions were more varied, but regardless, I liked having a sandbox and plenty of tools to "blow up an arms truck."

It definitely could have used some more work, but that atmosphere was phenomenal, I still occasionally load up, get a mission, and head out on a river boat looking for trouble.

>whoa, i can totally jump around and do some craycray shit nigga!

People bitch about FC2 being broken, FC1 was nearly unplayable and the special abilities were done better by the Crysis games.

Endlessly respawning checkpoint guards that chase you forever killed it

dropped the series about midway through 3 but 2 is my fav

It's a great game. Well-balanced difficulty and AI, sandbox-based missions that are homogeneous in structure but diverse in layout design offering varied tactical challenges, well-optimized engine. I just wish they actually put some effort in the faction system.

>special abilities were done better by the Crysis games.

>First release: Crysis; November 13, 2007
>Initial release date: Far Cry; March 23, 2004

wow what a revelation you fucking retard
they took inspiration from far cry 1

Yeah its not like it was literally the same deav team who made both games

>game comes along and does something better

Where was I wrong? You're just butthurt because you want to keep wearing nostalgia goggles.

Yeah, had great times with it. Collected all those blue gems or whatever they were too.

yes and still holds pretty well for a game that came out 9 years ago and also was multiplatform

I have mixed opinions, on one hand I found it quite enjoyable but there were some issues with it that prevented me from really enjoying it.

The enemy AI was retarded and it could get so repetitive. It had a good setting and I liked the buddy system but some times it was just a mess. Shame as it had a lot of potential.

I had my best sniping experiences on any game playing FC2.
I don't if was clunky bolt of the wooden sniper rifle, the shoot sounds or the niggers falling in the distant but sniping in this game with the basic sniper rifle was so damn fucking good.

I don't know*

DX10 was mistake.

I am like 30% through my first playthrough right now. I'm enjoying it, shooting people is fun and it has an unmatched (afaik) fire system

It was shit on consoles.

Yes and No, I think one of my biggest complaints is the size of the open world rather than it being full of hostiles.

It's the only Far Cry that didn't spawn any spinoffs or true sequels. I knew some guys that truly felt it was the shining jewel of the series, but it was just too slow and repetitive for me. The bus system is no replacement for fast travel, and the checkpoints respawn way too fast.

But it does have its good points - like the malaria, and the unique setting of mercenary-era Africa.

>Tfw no good African-themed games after FC 2

i don't get the respawns complaint. do people not want to shoot stuff in an fps? being able to permakill everything sucks


Not if it's the same enemies in the same area being killed over and over. It gets tedious having to stop and clear a guard post for the 10th time only to travel up the road and clear another one.

this is how casuals ruin a setting, by wanting safe spaces in their african civil wars, we'll never get another system shock because of them

Far Cry 1 and 2 are both shit.


I did, but the imfdb article on it is still a gold mine of comedy.

I actually like FC2's MP, but mainly just because how diverse the maps were. They were almost on par with CS:S maps.

I fucking loved the escape maps and would mainly play those.


I never got this malaria meme. It'd never bothered me that much in the game, all it did was open a new quest every hour and a half that was pretty quick and easy. Sure, it was a gimmicky mechanic and timed quests always suck, but everyone thinks it was the end of the world

No, it was a piece of shit; I didn't finish it.

3 improved on every area except for running over zebras.