Why are modders such raging autists with over inflated egos?

Seriously, what's this guy's deal. He acts like his a fucking game designer, he's some dork who works on a mod.
He went in asking for opinions, but at the end of the day, his response to every concern is "REEEEE, it's my mod! I can do what I want!"


Other urls found in this thread:


he does it for free so sees it as his own labor of love

Sad to see my favorite mod turned to shit like that.

He makes it for free and he has a large group of people that like it, as such he has every right to be an asshole.

If they don't like it stop using his shit

modding is game design though

Believe me. I'm done with his shit.
RtCW didn't fucking work and it was fucking integrated. TTW is able to work with other mods because it's considered a mod. Now this retard wants to put it BACK to the way it was in RFTCW.

Plus look at the shit he's doing to energy weapons. When he's done, the only energy weapons in the game are going to be the RCW, Plasma pistol, rifle, scattergun and the laser rifle/pistol.

Same issue with people doing fangames.
They think they are superior to everyone else, especially the devs that created the actual game. In reality, they are just parasites modifying the work of others.

Really? So he ISNT taking assets from games that other people made? Wow. So talented. I can see how he can claim to have a fucking "vision" here. Designing those areas...just wow.

Except the only areas that are unique to that mod are so poorly designed and optimized that it's a slideshow.

i guess fallout new vegas wasn't designed then

Oh yeah? Show me where all the content in New Vegas exists within Fallout 3.
Go ahead. I'll wait.

>So he ISNT taking assets from games that other people made? Wow. So talented.
Fuck off Pete.

Because they are better than you Todd

I wish Bethesda would issue them a fucking cease and desist. Show those fuckers exactly how important they and their "vision" are.

so your idea of mods are the vanilla game?


its literally shorthand for modifications, they aren't in the vanilla game and are therefore designed

Oh gee, I only made a topic with the word in the title, I guess I sure need a definition from some dumb twat.

the "argument" implies you don't even know what mod means

Wasn't there one modder who took down his really popular mod because he was salty over the election?

I'm not interested in the guy or the mod but artists/content creators don't have a duty to take feedback into account

Then he should claim that he would.
He just wanted affirmation that he's god's gift to modding, which he isn't. I'd take the Morroblivion team over this putz anyday.

yes, skyrim civil war mod

he hid the mod and had this reason when you tried to visit the mod's page

"In a time where hatred screams loud from the dark recesses of the internet and my country, I will use my soapbox for something. For more information on what you can do to help, I suggest you visit Amnesty International."

he deleted his mod to prevent nazis from downloading it

asset design is only a small piece of game design

it's like you were saying that programmers aren't really designers of their programs because they use languages and libraries made by other people or that fashion designers aren't really designers because they use sewing patterns and materials they didn't make themselves

Is there any way to download it? I kinda want to get it just to spite him

I'm still not convinced these people are real. I still think they're some sort of virtual AIs gone bad and they're stuck in the interweb


here are all the mods he made (and then hid permanently once trump won)

he had a big rant on reddit about how nazis voted for trump, therefore nazis could be downloading his mods. its deleted now but it was a fucking mess.