All memes aside. Does anyone remember a time when Call of Duty was THEE game to play and people looked at you like you were crazy if you said other wise? Modern Warfare, World at War, Modern Warfare 2, Black Ops, Modern Warfare 3. These were CoDs golden years. Almost all video game related commentary on youtube was done with Call of Duty. People became millionaires off youtube from Call of Duty. I haven't bought a new CoD since 2013, and I won't ever buy one again because of what the franchise has become. But you gotta admit while it lasted it was pretty damn special. Call of Duty basically defines 2007 - 2011 gaming for me.

Also. CoD thread I suppose.

Other urls found in this thread:


>played maybe 2 hours of the first MW
>didnt particularily enjoy it

the only "true" FPS i ever finished was HL2 because I wanted to know what people saw in it

No. The golden years end at blops 1.

I'd throw BO2 in there. Personally I wasn't a big fan but it's one of the most active ones. Lot of people loved it and is considered the most competitive one.

I was a console kid. Metroid Prime was my first "first person shooter". And after that it was Turok Evolution, and then I got into Halo and CoD.


OP here. I'd throw BO2 in there as well, however it seems most people disregard the Black Ops series when talking about CoD. I don't know why, personally, I had the greatest time with Blops 1, and Blops 2 and Modern Warfare 1 and 2 all are equally nostalgic too me.

Black Ops 2 had really good multiplayer

BO3 was one of the best CODs ever...

not even shitposting

agreed. mw3 was the beginning of the end.

>grew up a patrician through and through

now i have refined taste and my opinion is more valid than others on Sup Forums!

on a side note, i was playing korean mmos since 2004 and havent stopped

CoD hasn't been great since UO. Everything since then has been aimed squarely at casuals who are growing up and finding better games to play.

i was a Battlefield chad myself.

the kids just couldnt grasp the fact your had to lead your shots so you didnt have to worry about them

Is this thread one big troll or have we really hit an era where Call of Battlefield games are considered "classics"

>lists games post mw1 and waw as golden
>complains about what the franchise has become
>people getting rich on youtube makes a game good

I agree. While it's still consistently one of the best selling series every year, CoD doesn't feel like the gaming juggernaut it was a few years ago. my favorite is still World at War for the original zombies mode

Considering people think bc2 was good, we arrived at the point a long time ago.

>The golden years end at blops 1.

Blops 1 wasn't the end of the golden years. It was the interrum where CoD started really going to shit. MW2 ended the golden years.

i agree. felt good to play, possibly the best balance, the mp characters actually had personality, and the sp campaign was so good that the average codbabby got confused and angry at it.

it just sucks about the millions of dlc knife reskins and weapons that most people will never own.

at least infinite warfare did dlc weapons perfectly.

>People actually think MW2 was part of the golden years of COD nowadays

What the fuck went wrong?

It's hard to trust the opinions of anons who play these games. You never know if they're just a normalfag kid with shit taste in games. Personally i think blops 1 was the last great cod. I only played blops 2, mw3 and ghost after that. Blops 2 was just too futuristic for my taste, mw3 i just rarely played, ghost was utter shit.
I would buy the new cod and try to get back into the series but i doubt it has that WaW feel.

Well meme'd

Maybe you should have carefully researched each game instead of buying them yearly and getting burned out before really good entries such as BO2 came out

>does anyone remember events from not even ten years ago

12 year olds who got that as their first shooter are 20 now.

This desu
MW2 was the start of the downfall
World at War was the last good CoD

>play MW2
>ini mods to make sure I'm always host
>wait for game to fill up
>throttle my upload speed
>still around the map collecting kills while everyone else lags like shit
>end round with a nuke
>listen to all the crying babies on voice chat

Kids whose first consoles were the 360 are now adults.

>UCP blouse
>OCP trousers
>That dinky fucking tactical cap
>That gay peach fuzz

Fucking civilians

people that think waw was the last good one are just as bad as the ones that think mw2 was.

CoD was only good for it's single player campaigns. 1, 2, modern warfare 1.

World at war, mw2 and everything after that was shit.

Multiplayer literally anything is better.

This. I got my first Xbox 360 in 2006, I was in grade 6. I am now 23 years old

you're a shitter if you didnt enjoy WaW

My fps history went

Doom, doom 2, Duke 3d, blood/shadow warrior, unreal tournament which literally everyone with a pulse played, medal of Honor then CoD 1.

i did enjoy it. but then much better cods came out.

And was wasn't even that good. It was just memorable because it had loljaps in it.

I enjoyed mw2, just disliked the noobtubing especially on afghan starts where there was a good chance you get sky tubed while trying to cap the flag for your team

are there any mw2 private servers for free

People who never grew up playing CoD multiplayer on the Xbox 360 really didn't get the full CoD experience. PC players had their own experiences like with TF2, Half Life and CS. And Xbox 360 got Call of Duty and Halo. There was really only a CoD community on Xbox Live. PS3 online was barren in terms of chatting with people or meeting friends.

But those of us who grew up playing MW, MW2, Blops 1 and Blops 2 on Xbox Live knew how great it was. Almost everyone in your game at any given time had their microphone in. It made for amazing and fun search and destroy matches. People would make custom games like Michael Myers or Zombies, and you would get random invites from them to join, and before you knew it, you were in a lobby with 16 people all laughing and having a good time. I miss Xbox 360 live. It was there for my entire coming of age.

>grew up playing console FPS
I'm sorry

Shut the fuck up,the last good CoD black ops,mw3 was fucking Garbage

The last good CoD was 4 or the first MW.

Don't be mean, user. Most gamers grew up with console FPSs. I wouldn't take any of it back.

I don't know whether to cringe or laugh at this

This, W@W was the last great COD. MW2 had a retarded story and was far too blatant about trying to one-up everything that COD4 did.

Combination of newfriends flooding Sup Forums and some older posters leaving, so shit taste is now the majority of people, has been this way for a while now
10 years ago Halo was babbys first fps, now theres many nostalgic posts about Halo 3 even. Call of Duty UO was the last good call of duty 10 years ago, around 2010 people started saying it was actually COD2, then MW around 2012, then 5, then MW2 most recently
Also there's newer games in those series which are even worse so by comparing the new one to the previous entry it looks like the previous game is great
In 2-3 years people who were 12 when Fallout 4 was released will start posting saying how great it is, and slightly less underage posters will start praising 3 as the better one

Omg where to begin with.

You're too young to remember the glory days of calling people niggers and issuing death threats to their parents on SOCOM 2's online.

>Friday afternoon
>Come home from school with 3 of your best friends
>Play Halo 3 for hours, order a pizza, friends sleep over

I'd never go back to console gaming now, but some of my comfiest childhood memories were in front of an Xbox with my friends and 4 janky controllers I got from Goodwill.

Lol I had totally forgotten about how COD2 was hated on back in the day. People on the Gamespot forums swore up and down that COD1 had superior online play. Hell, remember when MOH vs COD was a serious debate? Too bad there will never be another game like Allied Assault.

Never understood the love for Halo 3 though, not back then and not now. The single player felt like it was an online mode that got nigger-rigged for solo/co-op play.

I fucking LOVE Black Ops 3. It’s so fucking insane I can’t help but be completely enraptured all the way through. I’ve actually replayed it a few times. Much more than any Call of Duty besides 4. So many memorable moments.

ASMR therapy

Life after death


Only filtered plebs who got L Y N C H E D this Sunday can disagree.

>tfw nobody seems to have anything good to say about IW
>Probably the best game since BO1 Overall, BO3 has better moments in SP though.

>Most fun designed Zombies since WaW

I'd say they ended at MW3 if only because it was the conclusion to the game that started the craze.

>tfw nobody seems to have anything good to say about IW
>at least infinite warfare did dlc weapons perfectly.

literally the only good thing to come out of iw

Doom 1 & 2 were my first
Duke 3D was the next big jump all the other kids were talking about
Then GoldenEye and Perfect Dark
Then COD I guess (just the Infinity Ward games up to MW2
Now I don't know what will fill the void

Nah man Infinite Warfare is the shit. Like second or third best.

B-but its... i-in... s-space... I hear the boiclitties stammer.

I could have sworn that the CoD crowd felt like the series lost its touch after Blops 1/MW2, since MW3 was kind of panned for being a lesser MP experience, and the future tech thing that kicked off in Blops 2 didn't really hit the right notes with the entrenched modern war shooter fanbase.

Except for the campaign being one of the better ones since MW2, the MP being much better than BO3 Nothing like being locked to a specialist for a whole game., the QoL changes from BO3 to IW being so much better if you prefer one mode over the other and at least in my opinion the best Zombies design for a long time. Eldritch Horrors are one thing, but there's something about campy horror movies that suits it so much better.

>Misreading posts
Man I should stop shitposting at like 3AM.

I played the SP all the way through and thought it was pretty fun, although the MP was a bit too fast for me. I'm showing my age in online shooters now; I can't keep up with younger players anymore.

>Except for the campaign being one of the better ones since MW2
stopped reading there.

if the campaign is so good, answer one question: why does mars hate earth so much?

CoD being shit isn't a meme, it has only maybe one or two alright games and a load of popular stinkers.

>unironical cod nostalgia thread

What is that fag on the right doing?
>Two different camos
>No trigger discipline
>punchable chubby fuzz face
>that hat
>those glasses
>that everything

2/13 please see me after class


It's going to piss me off forever that zombies mode is always a side thing to every CoD release and they never just made a standalone game out of it.

anyone else play the shit out of the first call of duty and never play the modern ones and feel awkward when people talk about it

>Revolutionary megalomaniac who has a chance to start afresh by severing ties with Earth

Gee user, you tell me. It's not a complex story but it's an effective one for wanting to shoot some dudes.

Activision have outright said they never will either.
Because they know it'd be the best selling game in the series.

>including utter trash MW3 in with the last good COD games

>In school
>Halo 3
Am I really that old that these kind of people appear underage to me?

>trash plot is ok because you can shoot people
>literally every other cod has an at least passable plot where you can shoot people
>iw still has one of the best campaigns

it was only a matter of time

Yes I remember it followed the huge influx of shit taste faggots now on the internet due to social media and smart phones becoming more widespread.
There is not a single person I have ever met who hailed those games as anything glorious with remotely decent opinions

I'd rather not be Big Boss in a simulation, just being a guy in a military squadron is good enough for me.

we're getting on a bit user, it's time for us to leave

i have no idea what youre implying

you guys aren't young, i'm just getting old

lol nothing wrong with that, friend-o

>spending my senior year as a highschooler, and the time between before being a college freshman, playing mw2 late at night with the bros on xbox 360 was the probably one of the funnest times I had in my life.

BO3 to IW is probably why I like IW so much. Some of the stuff with BO3 rubbed me the wrong way. I should really actually play more of it, see how it fleshes out.

>people are talking about COD positively

kill yourselves, you normalfag trash


It's been hip and sexy to shit all over CoD since 2008. When you faggots realize that it's just a genre game, like FIFA? People who play it already know that they're going to buy it every year, and if you don't find it fun this year, you won't find it fun next year.


>Not playing games all over the spectrum
user, if you can't jump between Neptunia, CoD and Splatoon, I don't know what to tell you.

dude remember whe ncod was like good and stuff???!?!? now it sucks@!!@@!

it was never good you were just a kid when it came out

CoD 3 (not blops) was enjoyable, it was also the last CoD I played. Everything else afterwards seemed boring as fuck.

>Modern Warfare, World at War, Modern Warfare 2, Black Ops, Modern Warfare 3. These were CoDs golden years.
Go fuck yourself.
CoD's golden years were 2, TBRO, MW1, WaW, MW2, and BO1.
Everything afterwards quickly declined in quality, and even MW2 had some glaring issues.
Fuck CoD 3 though, that game will remain my most-hated CoD game.

Holy fucking shit this post is so retarded.
Consolefags are terrible, hearing you faggots talk about custom games when you never experienced mods is fucking hilarious.

>CoD 3 (not blops) was enjoyable
Yea, I sure loved the whole "WAGGLE THE CONTROLLER TO NOT DIE" bullshit.
Fuck that game for introducing those shitty action movie QTEs, forever set the tone for the rest of the series.

There's your problem

CoD 3 was only on consoles m8, come on.
At least PRETEND you actually played it.

>nostalgia about cod


Who said anything about not using consoles?

Yeah I remember, I remember being really pissed at my normie friends for playing cowadooty instead of halo 3. Fucking plebs

Trying too hard user, let's not sit here and pretend that you used an XI3 or whatever that stupid KB+M for PS360 was to play CoD 3.
If you didn't play it, that's fine, it was fucking trash and the only redeemable part was the War game mode that they brought back for CoD WW2 (which will also be trash).

>didnt use a KB&M
Why would you play an FPS with anything else? CoD3 was fun, deal with it.

CoD 3 was shit and the XIM or whatever wasn't even released until like 2010, years after CoD 3 released.
Sorry user, but CoD 3 was the genuine beginning of the end, it signaled the action movie campaigns with shitty QTEs, console focus, and horribly unbalanced multiplayer that still exists in the series today.

>implying the game was played at release
CoD3 was solid fun, QTEs were good and not overdone and multiplayer experience is irrelevant

I miss when treyarch and infinity ward had two different approaches to making CoD. Infinity ward made more realistic games while Treyarch didn't take itself too seriously. Now Sledgehammer and Infinity ward are trying to do what treyarch does and now I feel like they're releasing the same game every year, more so then usual. Especially since they all have a Zombies mode instead of doing their own thing like Extinction mode.

Please continue being bitter that other people had different childhood experiences from you.

>Modern Warfare 3
>Trying to start a serious Cod thread in the first place