Start up STALKER SoC for the first time
>ADS is fucky, whatever get used to it
>Overencumbered after a big gunfight
wtf is that shit about man
Start up STALKER SoC for the first time
>ADS is fucky, whatever get used to it
>Overencumbered after a big gunfight
wtf is that shit about man
>vanilla ShoC
Just how much fucking shit did you pick up ? You can literally play this game without ever breaking a sweat on a lot of kilos, it's actually broken
>Start up STALKER SoC for the first time
you have to be over 13yo to post on this board.
got into a big fight in the second zone at the scrap yard looking place. got like 500 pistol rounds, 10 handguns, about 10 submachine guns and an assortment of other shit.
i tried CoP way back when. desu im a bit of a graphic whore at times, and stalker definitely doesnt fit that bill
I was like that one my first run too, just drop it all
The guns aren't worth shit and you won't use them either so just toss them.
Think bigger, all of that pretty much grow on trees in slavland, bigger guns and artifacts is where the money is at. Then you got the everyday needs like vodka and bread that is always in high demand.
>stalker definitely doesnt fit that bill
Then you are definitely underaged, because SoC was amazingly good looking when it came out and CoP, especialy with graphical overhauls, still look good.
1) Don't pick up guns unless you intend on using them, they are modded, they are in better condition than your guns, or they are an expensive gun on good condition
2) There are stashes on the big merchants
3) Want to make money? Don't grind. You will get all you need anyways. Your biggest source are quests and artifacts, don't bother picking every weapon everywhere like any shitty RPG
4) Only carry what's necessary before heading out. Sell excess ammo from shitty guns, accumulate good one from NATO weapons until you have enough and switch weapons. Plan ahead.
my nigga im 27
>because SoC was amazingly good looking when it came out
>when it came out
so doesnt look good today then does it?
okay i see what the general consensus is here. one thing, where can i get some armor with atleast +10 rad soonish? i have all these artifacts that give me 5 rads so cant use them yet.
There's stashes fucking everywhere, same with traders. But most importantly, DO NOT HOARD TONS OF SHIT, goddammit.
>so doesnt look good today then does it?
It looks better than many more modern games today. Especially the lighting and textures are superb.
>where can i get some armor with atleast +10 rad soonish?
Search or buy one.
>i have all these artifacts that give me 5 rads so cant use them yet.
Get antirad artifacts. I recall suits not helping you against radiating gems, but it's been a while.
>hey lemme just pick up every worthless piece of trash
What's the fucking point of overencumberence when you have ALWAYS ACCESS to your stash you cum guzzler. This has to be a "troll" post, no way people are this retarded.
because i want to sell it to get some cash to buy better armor from the first dude. its like 24k RU
SoC does have stashes though? I remember there being a couple spread out in the hubs. Anyone OP you can just drag a body and stash shit in there. Just don't stick it near AI.
>so doesnt look good today then does it?
>and CoP, especialy with graphical overhauls, still look good.
SoC can also look good with some graphics mods. Still has amazing atmosphere.
But a stupid little shit like you wouldn't care about that.
>from the first dude
you'll never want to go back to Sid after the first hour or two, mate. Plus there's tons of free shit lying around.
Seriously, stop whining on the internet, and go actually PLAY THE GAME. You've not even left what's practically the game's version of "tutorial section".
STALKER is a meme game. I installed it hoping for a good experience, instead I got a trash broken game
>sneak up behind guy with a shotgun
>pointblank him in the back of the head
>he turns around and shoots me once with a pistol and I die
Sure, I was playing on the hardest difficulty, but common sense dictates that a direct shotgun blast to the back of the head would immediately kill someone.
You won't. But certain artifacts counter radiation and are found fairly early.
In general, you will get jack of all trades armors for the most part, because strong anti rad armors have no protection against damage till the end of the game. Also, exo-squeletons have almost zero rad protection and you can't sprint, so don't bother with them
>not picking up every gun you find so you can unload the bullets
You're either absolutely awful shot, or just trolling.
Even 1 shot out of Mak takes out an Army thug instantly.
The first shotguns are unreliable, they have extremely high spread.
Until mid game most weapons are shit, unreliable, and you die a lot. Part of the charm is to git gud
I mant to not stash guns, lmao. This user is right, unload those fuckers and THEN throw them out.
>Being a hoard-fag
if you got over 35kg of shit in your pocket at any point when traversing to new areas, you're doing it very wrong.
play with mods if you can't stand the graphics or weapons
arsenal overhaul, atmosfear 3, absolute structures and absolute nature is all you need for a first playtrough
just put stuff somewhere. maybe it stays, maybe not. there ar eother stalkers in the zone you know
if i'm honest I seem to recall that selling gear and ammo to other stalkers, rather than in shops, renders a great abundance of ryoubles.
>complaining about hoardfags
>he didnt go straight to the border camp, kill 1 army guy, take his gun, kill rest army guy and then do another 3 trips to sell every AK found there
>arsenal overhaul, atmosfear 3, absolute structures and absolute nature is all you need for a first playtrough
you don't need jack shit for the first playthrough, besides latest patch.
if you despise the weapons and graphics so much you can't play trough the game, you do
playing with arsenal is also a better experience
quick question. when an artifact says Rad+5 thats bad right?
Anything in red color is bad, yes. As told in this rookie guide.
You don't wanna increase your rad percentage.
>playing with arsenal is also a better experience
turning every single gun into OP hit-scan laser isn't exactly my idea of "better experience".
The graphics are still great too.
wait is arsenal weapons really that strong compared to vanilla weapons?
I never noticed
are the weapons from the autumn aurora mod fine?
>wait is arsenal weapons really that strong compared to vanilla weapons?
They're literally cranked to 11.
>are the weapons from the autumn aurora mod fine?
mate, that thing is literally based on AMK1.4
That should give you some idea.
Vanilla had its very own gear-centric progression system and pacing, that just about all major overhauls totally butcher.
i never realized
but admittedly i haven't played too much around with vanilla weapons, but i did all of my first playtroughs without mods.
though i think i enjoy playing with mods more since guns feels amazing to shoot and makes the gunplay even better
don't get me wrong, I love stuff like AMK1.4, and even MISERY, that do crank the damage values sky-high. However, while doing so, a part of the feeling of progression you have in vanilla is lost, because why would you even think about replacing the shitty AKs and Makarovs, when they can 1-2 shot practically anyone, any time, and ammo is dirt-cheap? It's even more of a cakewalk if the mod adds gear-repair function, as then you can just stick to your 1337 rare guns and mow down the Zone with them.
Not him but even in SoC I would spend well over half the game using an AK, naturally upgraded with a grenade launcher and a scope. Been so long since I played Vanilla but i'd usually use a VSS Vintorez or the AS VAL that's in AMK only (I think) towards the end.
It's hard to part with an AK desu
yeah i get that now
now i understand why people recommend you to go completely vanilla for your first playtrough
>or the AS VAL that's in AMK only (I think)
it is in vanilla too, and is more common than the VSS.
Glad you got it.
Besides the mentioned technicalities, all these hundreds of Stalker generals in the past decade has also shown the vanilla games to already provide a lot of challenge to first-timers. Literally to the point of not being able to beat the very first mission at the Cordon's Car Park, where you're meant to take out bandits and rescue Nimble.
Just imagine throwing these poor souls into the deeper, boiling end of the pool with mods like AMK or SOUP; they'd probably get annihilated the moment they step out of Sid's bunker, and uninstall.exe the game. And it only gets worse towards the end.
Pic related is one of the many examples of locations made 10x more difficult with some bigger mods. Anyone familiar with AMK1.4 knows what I'm talking about.
>after playing through SoC and CS and put 10 hours in CoP I just discovered that I can put a rifle in my first weapon slot instead of always keeping a pistol on hand
I'm going to keep with it, though
pump-shotgun + buckshot is a way better secondary than any pistol though.
Shotgun for muties and rifle for people.
>got all stalkers on GOG
which one should i install first? i got low amount of space
SoC > CoP > CS
Shadow of Chernobyl then Clear Sky then Call of Pripyat. If you play CoP first you'll get spoiled on the repair/upgrade mechanic and other improvements that make the first ones seem inferior or less polished.